Examples of the the word, astronaut , in a Sentence Context

The word ( astronaut ), is the 6141 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would communicate directly with the in-flight crew; this was to be another, astronaut , who would be best able to understand the situation in the spacecraft and
  2. Attached flotation collars to stabilize the module and position rafts for, astronaut ,extraction. Though the chance of bringing back pathogens from the lunar surface
  3. Member of the crew. This was also the first case of the rarity of an, astronaut ,who had flown as commander subsequently flying as a non-commander, as Lovell
  4. Island is named for Theodore Freeman, an Air Force test pilot chosen as an, astronaut ,in 1963 but who was killed while piloting a T-38 jet when it crashed at
  5. Cricketer (d. 1981) *1931 – John Leonard" Jack" Swinger, Jr., American, astronaut , ( d. 1982) *1934 – Ba loo Gupta, Indian cricketer (d. 2005) *1935 – John
  6. Prince Sultan Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Aloud became the first Arab Muslim, astronaut ,in space. In 1988,Abdul Had Command became the first Afghan to reach space
  7. Tony Robert, American former tennis player * 1933 – Stuart Rosa, American, astronaut , ( d. 1994) *1934 – Diana Wynne Jones, British author (d. 2011) *1935 –
  8. By Langley Research Center director Dr. Floyd L. Thompson, which included, astronaut ,Frank Borman, spacecraft designer Maxime Facet, and six others. To avoid the
  9. Missions. A total of twenty-four Apollo-era astronaut s (as well as pre-Apollo, astronaut ,John Glenn) flew the space shuttle. Capsule Communicator Mission rules
  10. William Andes who was born in Hong Kong, making him the first Asian-born, astronaut ,in 1968. In April 1985,Taylor Wang became the first ethnic Chinese person in
  11. Be done in-flight. Flight controller John Aaron, with the support of grounded, astronaut ,Mat tingly and many engineers and designers, had to invent a new protocol to do
  12. Texts issued by the government of the People's Republic of China use, astronaut ,while texts in Russian use космонавт (cosmonaut). In China, the terms "
  13. And engineering training were often cited as prerequisites for selection as an, astronaut ,at NASA, although neither John Glenn nor Scott Carpenter (of the Mercury Seven
  14. To join its Astronaut Corps. The European Space Agency similarly uses the term, astronaut ,for members of its Astronaut Corps. Russian By convention, an astronaut
  15. Tanks and said the line" Houston,we've had a problem ". This 'replacement ', astronaut ,was a nod to Jack Swinger, who replaced Ken Mat tingly shortly before the actual
  16. All-Air Force backup crew, the Apollo 12 backup crew managed to insert into the, astronaut ,'s lunar checklist (attached to the wrists of Conrad's and Bean's spacesuits
  17. Members became part of the storyline. The show also featured a 'guest ', astronaut ,each night–a member of the public who suited up and amongst other duties
  18. And Nantes (ναύτης),meaning" sailor ". The first known use of the term ", astronaut ," in the modern sense was by Neil R. Jones in his short story" The Death's
  19. To America's Mercury program. While the Mercury capsule could only support one, astronaut ,on a limited earth orbital mission, the Apollo spacecraft was to be able to
  20. Symbolic of the eventual program goal. A yellow border carries the mission and, astronaut ,names with another border set with Stars and Stripes, trimmed in gold. The
  21. Sailor) "; the term became more common in 2003 when China sent its first, astronaut ,Yang Lisa into space aboard the Zhengzhou 5 spacecraft. This is the term used
  22. Controlled a galactic empire. In the Twilight Zone episode" The Parallel," an, astronaut ,is transported to an alternate Earth where history plays out differently, but
  23. Ricky Villa, Argentine former footballer * 1954 – Umberto Guiding, Italian NASA, astronaut ,* 1956 – Jon" Bermuda" Schwartz, American musician * 1957 – Ron Stryker
  24. 7 Mercury astronaut s, who trained in the area. *Three trees (one for each, astronaut ,) were planted on NASA grounds at Johnson Space Center in Houston, not far from
  25. Of movement, contributing to symptoms of space sickness for Borman and, later, astronaut , Russell Schweickart during Apollo 9. The cruise phase was a relatively
  26. Hops. The PLSS backpack created a tendency to tip backwards, but neither, astronaut ,had serious problems maintaining balance. Loping became the preferred method of
  27. Flight of the privately-funded Spaceship in 2004,a new category of, astronaut ,was created: the commercial astronaut . Definition The criteria for what
  28. Teacher to Christa McAuliffe in 1985,is considered to be the first Educator, astronaut ,by the media, but she trained as a mission specialist. The Educator Astronaut
  29. It while minimizing risk to human life, cost,and demands on technology and, astronaut ,skill. Four possible mission modes were considered: * Direct Ascent: A
  30. Hotel. President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew honored each, astronaut ,with a presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This celebration was
  31. Were unsuccessful. " * Alan Bean left a memento on the Moon: his silver, astronaut ,pin. The Lunar Module Intrepid impacted the Moon November 20, 1969 at
  32. Known earlier. For example, in Percy Greg's 1880 book Across the Zodiac,", astronaut ," referred to a spacecraft. In Les Navigators de l'Infant (1925) of J. -H.
  33. Many other English-speaking nations, a professional space traveler is called an, astronaut , The term derives from the Greek words Aston (ἄστρον),meaning" star ", and
  34. Astronautical Federation the following year. NASA applies the term, astronaut ,to any crew member aboard NASA spacecraft bound for Earth orbit or beyond. NASA
  35. 1 (March 1963) featured the first appearances of J. Jonah Jameson and his, astronaut ,son John Jameson, and the super villain the Chameleon. It also included the hero
  36. Term astronaut for members of its Astronaut Corps. Russian By convention,an, astronaut ,employed by the Russian Federal Space Agency (or its Soviet predecessor) is
  37. Chinese person in space. On 15 October 2003,Yang Lisa became China's first, astronaut ,on the Zhengzhou 5 spacecraft. The Soviet Union, through its Intercosmos program
  38. Space Council effective in August 1969 and announced his retirement as an, astronaut , At that point Ken Mat tingly was moved from the support crew into parallel
  39. Founder of League of Women Voters; ISU graduate * Laurel Blair Salton Clark, astronaut ,; died on STS-107 * John Danielle, musician from indie rock band The Mountain
  40. Canadian ice hockey player (d. 1996) * 1944 – Gregory Jarvis, American, astronaut , ( d. 1986) * 1944 – Rocky Johnson, Canadian professional wrestler *1945 –
  41. Military, and commercial astronaut s who travel above an altitude of are awarded, astronaut ,wings. As of June 20, 2011,a total of 523 people from 38 countries have
  42. Jill Clay burgh, American actress (d. 2010) * 1945 – Michael Smith, American, astronaut , ( d. 1986) *1946 – Lee Bollinger, American lawyer, educator and president of
  43. In Houston, not far from the Saturn V building, along with trees for each, astronaut ,from the Challenger and Columbia disasters. Tours of the Space Center pause
  44. One of these countries. Inspired partly by these missions, other synonyms for, astronaut ,have entered occasional English usage. For example, the term stationary (
  45. Spaceship in 2004,a new category of astronaut was created: the commercial, astronaut , Definition The criteria for what constitutes human spaceflight vary. The
  46. The ground crews. This time they gave a tour of the spacecraft, showing how an, astronaut ,lived in space. When they had finished broadcasting they found a small present
  47. As the location of an alien device in the 1970 UFO episode" Conflict ". An, astronaut ,or cosmonaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command
  48. American baseball player and manager *1956 – David McDowell Brown, American, astronaut , ( d. 2003) *1959 – Scott McKinsey, American television director * 1959 –
  49. The practice established in the Soviet Union. At NASA, those who complete, astronaut ,candidate training receive a silver lapel pin. Once they have flown in space
  50. Command Module had been extensively redesigned. Shirr, who would be the only, astronaut ,to fly Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions, commanded this Earth-orbital

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