Examples of the the word, sperm , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sperm ), is the 6153 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cosmic Trigger Volume One),interpreted the child as a reference to genes in, sperm , Crowley added in a footnote to the text on sacrifice," the intelligence and
- Of any organism on Earth, including one species, Drosophila bifurcate, that has, sperm ,long. The cells are mostly tail, and are delivered to the females in tangled
- Semen samples from collection condoms have higher total sperm counts, sperm ,motility, and percentage of sperm with normal morphology. For this reason, they
- Sperm donor restrictions In the U. S., the FDA has banned import of any donor, sperm , motivated by a risk of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, inhibiting the once popular
- That the male partner urinate between ejaculations, to clear the urethra of, sperm , and wash any ejaculate from objects that might come near the woman's vulva (
- Include cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, pygmy sperm whale, dwarf, sperm , whale,risso's dolphin, common dolphin, humpback whale and Bryde's whale.
- Two potential explanations are the known increase in mutation burden in older, sperm , and the hypothesis that men marry later if they carry genetic liability and
- 1970s,including the United States, because its precursor originates from the, sperm ,whale, which is an endangered species. However, it has been legal since 2005
- A method of measuring hearing loss * Artificial insemination, the insertion of, sperm ,into the female reproductive tract using artificial means Business * Action
- Of the method. However, several small studies have failed to find any viable, sperm ,in the fluid. While no large conclusive studies have been done, it is now
- Fertility treatments or sperm analysis. These condoms are designed to maximize, sperm ,life. Some condom-like devices are intended for entertainment only, such
- Of fertile types of cervical mucus, support the survival and movement of, sperm , Function During menstruation the cervix stretches open slightly to allow the
- Condoms have higher total sperm counts, sperm motility, and percentage of, sperm ,with normal morphology. For this reason, they are believed to give more
- To use electroreception to sense prey. Feeding The toothed whales such as the, sperm ,whale, beluga,dolphins and porpoises, have teeth that they use for catching
- To the next generation. In contrast, in germ line gene therapy, the egg and, sperm ,cells of the parents are changed for the purpose of passing on the changes to
- Mass of primordial mucus (" Urschleim" ). Therefore, the necessity of the, sperm ,nucleus for fertilization was discussed for quite some time. However, Hertwig
- Known as Maria Ska which is Sioux for White Cloud, in Jamestown, ND. And the, sperm ,whale Mocha Dick, the inspiration for Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick. In
- Target somatic cells (i.e., those of the body) or gametes (i.e., egg and, sperm ,) cells. In somatic gene therapy, the genome of the recipient is changed, but
- Or microbial invaders. *Reproduction - Made possible by the combination of, sperm ,made in the testicle (contained in some male cells' nucleus' ) and the egg
- Cause of method (correct-use) failure is the pre-ejaculate fluid picking up, sperm ,from a previous ejaculation. For this reason, it is recommended that the male
- On the fertilization of sea urchin eggs, showing that the nucleus of the, sperm ,enters the oocyte and fuses with its nucleus. This was the first time it was
- Commonly seen animals include cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, pygmy, sperm , whale,dwarf sperm whale,risso's dolphin, common dolphin, humpback whale and
- Source Ambergris occurs as a biliary secretion of the intestines of the, sperm ,whale and can be found floating upon the sea, or in the sand near the coast. It
- Of zoo ids that are in their male and female stages. All species emit, sperm ,into the water. Some also release ova into the water, while others capture
- Organisms, chemotaxis is critical to early development (e.g. movement of, sperm ,towards the egg during fertilization) and subsequent phases of development (
- Meant that they were rarely pursued by early whalers, who instead targeted, sperm ,and right whales. In 1864,the Norwegian Send For equipped a steamboat with
- Transports. Reproduction Males of this genus are known to have the longest, sperm ,cells of any organism on Earth, including one species, Drosophila bifurcate, that
- Egg made in the ovary (contained in the nucleus of a female cell). When the, sperm ,breaks through the hard outer shell of the egg a new cell embryo is formed
- Color produced in the digestive system of and regurgitated or secreted by, sperm ,whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor. However, as it
- Their two weeks on a small boat in the mid-Atlantic. * The Essex was sunk by a, sperm ,whale in the Pacific Ocean in 1820. The survivors of Captain Pollard's boat
- The island of Dominica is home to many cetaceans. Most notably a small group of, sperm ,whales live in this area year round. These are shy animals, but there is a good
- Ovulation (permanently enlarged breasts, lack of sexual swelling) and low, sperm ,competition (moderate sized testes, low sperm mid-piece volume) that argues
- A collection condom is used to collect semen for fertility treatments or, sperm ,analysis. These condoms are designed to maximize sperm life. Some condom-like
- Into the water. Some also release ova into the water, while others capture, sperm ,via their tentacles to fertilize their ova internally. In some species the
- Of Fukuyama, Kif is arrested after retrieving a watch from the vomit of a, sperm ,whale and being deemed a thief. He finds out later that what he in fact
- By a meiotic nondisjunction event. With nondisjunction, a gamete (i.e.,a, sperm ,or egg cell) is produced with an extra copy of chromosome 21; the gamete thus
- Coils. The other members of the genus Drosophila also make relatively few giant, sperm ,cells, with that of D. bifurcate being the longest. D. Melanogaster sperm cells
- Condoms are made from silicone or polyurethane, as latex is somewhat harmful to, sperm , Many men prefer collection condoms to masturbation, and some religions
- Emitted by the penis prior to ejaculation normally contains sperm atozoa (, sperm ,cells),which would compromise the effectiveness of the method. However
- From masturbation, semen samples from collection condoms have higher total, sperm ,counts, sperm motility, and percentage of sperm with normal morphology. For
- Of sexual swelling) and low sperm competition (moderate sized testes, low, sperm , mid-piece volume) that argues against recent adaptation to a polygamous
- Menopause. Lowered testosterone levels result in mood swings and a decline in, sperm ,count and speed of ejaculation and erection. Most men and women remain capable
- However, later expert testimony disputed this finding despite trace amounts of, sperm ,DNA found on a pair of pants recovered from the scene. Police believed the boys
- Disease, inhibiting the once popular import of, for example, Scandinavian, sperm , The risk, however,is not known, since artificial insemination has not been
- Drosophila Melanogaster embryos, with nine doublets, and Caenorhabditis elegant, sperm ,cells and early embryos, with nine singlets;. Crabs may also exhibit nine
- With vaginal intercourse, as anal intercourse cannot lead to pregnancy unless, sperm ,is somehow transported to the vaginal opening in the process; in some
- 186 miles (300 km) a week on their bikes have less than 4 % normal looking, sperm , Despite rumors to the contrary, there is no scientific evidence linking
- Is a trigger for ovulation. This act also occurs to clear the vagina of other, sperm ,in the context of a 2nd (or more) mating, thus giving the latter males a
- Break off their wings and begin to lay and care for eggs. The females store the, sperm ,they obtain during their nuptial flight to selectively fertilize future eggs.
- Giant sperm cells, with that of D. bifurcate being the longest. D. Melanogaster, sperm ,cells are a more modest 1.8 mm long, although this is still about 300 times
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