Examples of the the word, charm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( charm ), is the 6151 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greatly valued asteria in gemstones, which were regarded as a powerful love, charm , and Helen of Troy was known to have worn star-corundum. Historically
  2. Get a feel for the intended effects, yet Aristophanes still impresses with the, charm ,and simplicity of his lyrics. In the example below, taken from The Wasps, the
  3. Encouraged Stewart to feel comfortable with his unique mannerisms and boyish, charm ,and use them naturally as his own style. In the meantime, roommate Fonda
  4. Of the monarchy and the establishment of" the British Republic ". Carnegie's, charm ,aided by his great wealth meant that he had many British friends, including
  5. Of words, he's squeezed into his lines, which gives it a reluctant soft-shoe, charm , " The album closes with" Sugar Baby ", a lengthy, dirge-like ballad, noted
  6. Affected her for the rest of her life. Seymour, approaching age 40 but having, charm ,and" a powerful sex appeal ", engaged in romps and horseplay with the
  7. Dressed),but do not include the favorable personality elements of grace and, charm , The notion of a quaintrelle sharing the major philosophical components of
  8. Shall find there according to your deserts: encouragement, consolation,fear, charm ,– all you demand – and, perhaps,also that glimpse of truth for which you have
  9. Rules consider the up (), down () and strange () quarks to be light and the, charm ,(), bottom quark (), and top () to be heavy. The rules cover all the
  10. Style of writing - thus Dionysus of Halicarnassus praises its sweetness and, charm ,(De Thus. 23). Herodotus employs a deceptively simple, narrative style, in
  11. The main character, Adrian Monk, is frequently accused of being a" bad luck, charm ," and a" murder magnet" as the result of the frequency with which murder
  12. Civil Rights marchers, writing that she used it" to give magical protection—a, charm ,to ward off danger, an incantation to the angels of heaven to descend .... I
  13. Supporters Trust stated:" His dedication, skill,professionalism, grace and, charm ,- both in his playing days and in retirement - serve as a poignant reminder to
  14. Presented Cecilia to King Louis, describing her as a" lady of rare gifts and, charm ,". Widowhood" Devoted head of state" As a widow, Isabella at the age of 45
  15. Dame football to make it financially successful. He used his considerable, charm ,to court favor from the media, which then consisted of newspapers, wire
  16. They need to take care of him. In response Basil vacillates between superficial, charm ,and blunt rudeness during his conversations with them. Audrey, had one
  17. Venues, with several hundred shops and the Two Oceans Aquarium. Part of the, charm ,of the V&A, as it is locally known, is that the Port continues to operate and
  18. Southern belle's attractiveness is not physical beauty, but rather lies in her, charm , She is subject to the correct code of female behavior. The novel's heroine
  19. Critic," literary charlatan and degenerate ". Claudine still has the power to, charm ,; in Belle Époque France it was downright shocking, much to Willy's
  20. Working relationship with Presley, who came to regard them as his" good-luck, charm ,". The title track was yet another number one hit, as was the Jailhouse Rock EP
  21. I neither hear, nor see, nor feel the sea ". Others extolled its" power and, charm ,", its " extraordinary verve and brilliant fantasy ", and its strong colors and
  22. Boyd,7th Baron Kilmarnock. Martin wrote the memoir Experience about the life, charm , and decline of his father. AMIS was knighted in 1990. In August 1995 he fell
  23. Factories and warehouses. Through the centuries, this area has lost all of its, charm ,and old buildings, as well as its brook (where the women of the village would
  24. Expression of refined sentiment and comic humor. In the former respect,the, charm ,of graceful melody prevails; while, in the latter, the music of the most
  25. Which Serge lived, and one in which he perished. Through Kid's Astral Amulet, charm , Serge travels between the dimensions. At Fort Dragon the use of a Draconian
  26. Which he describes it as the largest city he has ever seen, and he noted its, charm , describes the city sat on a beautiful lake and is surrounded by gentle green
  27. A pagan invocation of the powers of these deities, or a Christian protective, charm ,against them. A runic inscription on a fibula found at Bad Ems reflects
  28. Places for those devout meditations and" experiences" that give such a, charm ,to his diary, portions of which are quoted in his Prime Media and Ultimo (1650
  29. Pennsylvania. Vacationers are drawn for many reasons, including the town's, charm , artistic appeal, nightlife,and tax-free shopping. Delaware is home to several
  30. Not to play the villain as a cliché. Instead, he brings a certain poignancy and, charm ,to Largo, and since Connery always has been a particularly human James Bond
  31. Becoming a favorite of the tsar and making up for her husband's utter lack of, charm , She was an indispensable part of the American mission. In 1812,Adams reported
  32. Peanuts. The staff jokingly decided that the peanuts must have been a good luck, charm ,and the tradition persisted. Missions These are some missions partially
  33. Army with illusions, among other things. He may also have cast a protective, charm ,over Wellington, who suffered no wounds in twenty years of battle. *Wellington
  34. Unfortunately tampered with the text of the hymns, injuring both their literary, charm ,and their historic worth. In the 17th and 18th centuries a movement of revision
  35. It after Thomson. As well as having good business sense, Carnegie possessed, charm ,and literary knowledge. He was invited to many important socials
  36. Soon comes to claim the body, and Hermes grants him safe passage by casting a, charm ,that will make anyone who looks at him fall asleep. Achilles, moved by Priam's
  37. Mohel. This honor is usually given to a couple without children, as a merit or, charm ,that they should have children of their own. The origins of the term may simply
  38. As a model of the Attic dialect. The orator Quintilian believed that the, charm ,and grandeur of the Attic dialect made Old Comedy an example for orators to
  39. The large-scale work was received with general acclaim for its originality, charm ,and craftsmanship, and it established Elgar as the pre-eminent British composer
  40. The heroine of the novella as a sexual predator who uses her intelligence and, charm ,to manipulate, betray,and abuse her victims, whether lovers, friends or family
  41. At Court and started attending various events. She often danced and was able to, charm ,many people and was described by most people as being dainty. However, John
  42. Himself solving crimes in New York City and dispensing jokes, wisdom,recipes, charm ,and Jameson's whiskey in equal measure. They are written in a straightforward
  43. Austin, an annual week-long conference around the city. However, part of Austin, charm ,has been the unique enterprises by artists and poets since the late 1970s.
  44. Counterparts: The particles of the second generation of matter are called the, charm ,quark, the strange quark, the muon, and the muon-neutrino; and the particles of
  45. Kent (Dean Cain) is a stereotypical wide-eyed farm kid from Kansas with the, charm , grace and humor of George Reeves, but without the awkward meekness of
  46. Giving him personal foibles, an ironic sense of humor, and a rough peasant, charm , These qualities endeared him to the viewing public: spectators reported seeing
  47. Festival, a contemporary critic wrote," The appeal of G&S’s special blend of, charm , silliness and gentle satire seems immune to fashion. " Cultural influence In
  48. Praise: The New Yorker considered it a story told" with tenderness and, charm ," while the Chicago Tribune concluded:" It's as though he turned back the
  49. Wounds are thrust forth exposed and defenceless. " What was the youthful, charm ,that so fired Epic? What hooked her? What did she see in him to make her put
  50. Related subject of the satirical beast epic of the Middle Ages also held great, charm ,for Jacob Grimm, and he published an edition of the Reinhart Fuchs in 1834. His

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