Examples of the the word, falls , in a Sentence Context

The word ( falls ), is the 6147 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And one Family History Center. Culture Music and folklore Albanian folk music, falls ,into three stylistic groups, with other important music areas around Shooter
  2. Near which is the junction with the Sure, and Wild egg, where the Hallie AA, falls ,in on the right. A short distance further, below Bragg it receives first the
  3. In February or March, and begins to recede in June. The Madeira River rises and, falls ,two months earlier than most of the rest of the Amazon. The average depth of
  4. And the council gives him the armor. Ajax," Unconquered," and furious, falls ,upon his own sword," conquered by his own sorrow ". In Sophocles' play Ajax
  5. In the parcel is allowed to expand; as the volume increases, the temperature, falls ,and internal energy decreases. Rising magma also undergoes adiabatic cooling
  6. Showed by simple experiments that Aristotle's theory that a heavier object, falls ,faster than a lighter object is incorrect. On the other hand, Aristotle refuted
  7. Romantic tale in which Bachchan starred as a young poet named Amit Malta who, falls ,deeply in love with a beautiful young girl named Pooja played by actress Rather
  8. Who are doomed to die within the year will be seen to pass into the church, falls ,on the twenty-fourth. In China the symbolic sloughing of the earth by the
  9. The particle n, but in is used for adverbial and adjectival sentences. Stress, falls ,on the ultimate or penultimate syllable, which can be open (CV) or closed (
  10. Of Athens in recent times. Details The large City Center of the Greek capital, falls ,directly within the municipality of Athens, which is the largest in population
  11. Aircraft of the Recce Tricolor demonstration team collide and the wreckage, falls ,into the crowd. 75 are killed and 346 seriously injured. *1990 – Iraq declares
  12. S demise takes place - after the armor is awarded to Odysseus the hero Ajax, falls ,to the ground, exhausted. When he wakes up, he is under the influence of a
  13. Francis's claim to Milan. *1521 – Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City), falls , to conquistador Hernán Cortés. *1536 – Buddhist monks from Kyōto's Enryaku-ji
  14. 1453 – Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople (Istanbul),which, falls ,on May 29. *1580 – One of the largest earthquakes recorded in the history of
  15. Election victory in the United Kingdom. *2003 – 2003 invasion of Iraq: Baghdad, falls ,to American forces; Saddam Hussein statue topples as Iraqis turn on symbols of
  16. With a paler underside. They are herbivorous, often feeding on ripe fruit that, falls ,from trees. They live in burrows, and,like squirrels, will bury some of their
  17. 9 (for those churches which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, October 9, falls , on October 22 of the modern Gregorian Calendar),where he is commemorated
  18. For those churches which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, September 4, falls , on September 17 of the modern Gregorian Calendar). He is also commemorated
  19. Radical and unpalatable to conventional theologians,Weatherhead's agnosticism, falls ,far short of Huxley's, and short even of weak agnosticism: Criticism
  20. By the Roman poet Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD); in this late variant Hermes, falls ,in love with Here. Here, Aglaulus, and Androids go to the temple to offer
  21. Taxed in proportion to its capacity and output, and the disproportionate burden, falls ,on small and medium size businesses. Armenian banking assets are very low and
  22. C. B." Lansing is blown out of Aloha Airlines Flight 243,a Boeing 737,and, falls ,to her death when part of the plane's fuselage rips open in mid-flight. *1994
  23. In winter. There is usually no appreciable snowfall, except for very light, falls ,at Mount Lofty and some places in the Adelaide Hills. Governance Adelaide, as
  24. One in the direction of the tropics, where the sun is overhead but once. Snow, falls ,on all the higher mountain ranges, and on the highest the climate is thoroughly
  25. Then annually, with the higher levels in the north. Nearly 95 % of the rain, falls ,in the winter. Rainfall in the upland mountain ranges is heavier. Adequate
  26. Irrigation. Approximately of the land is irrigated. The greatest precipitation, falls ,in the highest elevations of the Caucasus but also in the Lankan Lowlands of
  27. Concert. The central stage in the acoustical process is wave propagation. This, falls ,within the domain of physical acoustics. In fluids, sound propagates primarily
  28. Poseidon, who normally favors the Greeks, comes to Aeneas' rescue after he, falls ,under the assault of Achilles, noting that Aeneas, though from a junior branch
  29. Odysseus' return home from the Trojan War. * 73 – Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls ,to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the Jewish Revolt. *1346 –
  30. Climate (Köppen climate classification CSA),where most of the rain, falls ,in the winter months. Of the Australian capital cities, Adelaide is the driest
  31. The plague was an act of God for the citizens' sinful nature. His diatribe, falls ,on the ears of many citizens of the town, who turned to religion in droves and
  32. At Fort Pillow, Tennessee. *1865 – American Civil War: Mobile, Alabama, falls , to the Union Army. *1877 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal. *1910 –
  33. Anglican Communion,All Souls' Day is instead transferred, whenever 2 November, falls ,on a Sunday, to the next day,3 November, as in 2008. The Eastern Orthodox
  34. They usually meet at the point where the terrain rises, the heaviest rain, falls ,in the central uplands. Vertical currents initiated when the Mediterranean air
  35. C),and there is an average of 35 days in each year in which the thermometer, falls ,below the freezing-point. At extremely rare intervals the thermometer has
  36. Divided into three sections: audio, ultrasonic,and infrasonic. The audio range, falls ,between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. This range is important because its frequencies
  37. Same number of occurrences as in the anagram med word or phrase; any result that, falls ,short is called an imperfect anagram. Diacritics are usually disregarded (this
  38. To secede from the Union. *1862 – American Civil War: New Orleans, Louisiana, falls , to Union forces under Admiral David Farragut. *1864 – Theta Xi fraternity is
  39. S average annual precipitation is. A large part of this precipitation, falls ,as light rain or brief showers. Cloudy and damp days are common during the
  40. Be interpreted in a similar corporate light. Theology Arminian theology usually, falls ,into one of two groups — Classical Arminianism, drawn from the teaching of
  41. Too late to save him and can only mourn over his body. Wherever Adonis' blood, falls , Aphrodite causes anemones to grow in his memory. She vows that on the
  42. Commemorates the departed who have attained the beatific vision. If 2 November, falls ,on a Sunday, the Mass is of All Souls, but the Office is that of the Sunday.
  43. Effect is best known in colder regions on Earth, because more snow, falls ,there, it is actually much stronger in tropical regions which receive
  44. Turks capture Bud, the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom. *1655 – Warsaw, falls ,without resistance to a small force under the command of Charles X Gustav of
  45. Example, in water, earthy bodies sink while air bubbles rise up; in air, rain, falls , and flame rises. Outside all the other spheres, the heavenly, fifth element
  46. France. In terms of the classifications used in constitutional law, its regime, falls ,now in the same category as the" Caesars" monarchy of Napoleon Bonaparte in
  47. A flash of lightning without thunder is a jolt of the air that disperses and, falls , allowing a less active fire to break free. Thunderbolts are the result of a
  48. Events *1111 – Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. *1204 – Constantinople, falls ,to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire
  49. But the state censor blocked the performance. The main character, Arsilda, falls ,in love with another woman, Lisea, who is pretending to be a man. Also in 1716
  50. His split from his" study partner ", Sartre,some still argue that Camus, falls ,into the existentialist camp. He specifically rejected that label in his essay

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