Examples of the the word, neat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neat ), is the 6154 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Saw as freedom fighters, and said that he viewed the Iran-Contra scheme as a ", neat ,idea. " North was tried in 1988 in relation to his activities while at the
  2. Be that as it may, the three-way split of the main squirrel lineage is rather, neat ,from a biogeographical and ecological perspective. Two of the three subfamilies
  3. Urging of some of his students. He was surprised to find Hitler dressed in a, neat ,blue suit, rather than the brown uniform seen on Nazi Party posters, and was
  4. Explaining why aviation units had their aircraft parked in closely-bunched, neat ,rows, rather than dispersed, making easy targets for the Luftwaffe in the first
  5. Into neat squares, averaging 12 square meters in internal area, placed on, neat ,levelled mounds with costs or cremations near the north-east stone. Situations
  6. Player had already discarded that piece, where players' discards are kept in, neat ,rows in front of them. Players may declare ready, meaning that they need one
  7. American family at its most complicated, drawn as simple cartoons. It's this, neat ,paradox that makes millions of people turn away from the three big networks on
  8. Squares, and Catholic churches, but are less likely to be laid out in a, neat ,grid. Generally speaking, continental architecture is of baroque architecture
  9. Diesel offering. Neat ethanol vehicles Volkswagen do Brazil produced and sold, neat ,ethanol vehicles (E100 only) in Brazil, and production was discontinued only
  10. Saw as freedom fighters, and said that he viewed the Iran-Contra scheme as a ", neat ,idea ". North admitted shredding government documents related to his Contra and
  11. Is assigned to a measurement. This also implies that there is not a clear or, neat ,distinction between estimation and measurement. Ascertaining the degree
  12. Valleys of Strategy and Stratford, that the four-posters became refined into, neat ,squares, averaging 12 square meters in internal area, placed on neat levelled
  13. While recognizing cultural differences, our dress is to be simple, modest,and, neat , befitting those whose true beauty does not consist of outward adornment but in
  14. Rich" and" large" universe of sets is against CH, while those favoring a ", neat ," and" controllable" universe favored CH. Parallel arguments were made for
  15. For economic history is still in its swaddling clothes! — constructed into a, neat ,system as quickly as possible, and they then deem themselves something very
  16. Between alchemy, chemistry and small-scale assaying and metallurgy were not as, neat ,as in the present day. There were important overlaps between practitioners, and
  17. Miss,you'd better look at that note. I have a bomb. " The note was printed in, neat , all-capital letters with a felt pen. It read, approximately," I have a bomb
  18. The vowel in words like" town" and" now" is æʊ. *The vowel in words like ", neat ," and" feet" is a sound where, for example," neat " will be Neil. *The
  19. The city. * Beijing - In Batista mentioned in his journey to Beijing how, neat ,the city was. Other places in Asia * Philippines - In Batista visited the
  20. When he reflected back on that moment, he said," There was just something, neat ,about the machine. " After the Mothers Club donation was exhausted, he and
  21. Respond to it. Deconstruction is not a method and this means that it is not a, neat ,set of rules that can be applied to any text in the same way. Deconstruction is
  22. Of the Divine Comedy, xvii,68. Eighth tale (I,8) Guglielmo Corsairs by a, neat ,retort sharply censures avarice in Lesser Ermine de' Grimaldi. Just like the
  23. Called the middle soap phase. At still higher concentration, a patellar phase (, neat ,soap phase) may form, wherein extended sheets of amplifies are separated by
  24. Product on),that carries all the information from the Table in one, neat ,package. Mathematically, then,a relation is simply a" set ". The Table for
  25. And space age style utilities (lamps, stoves,stairs, technology,etc.), neat , and straight components (like walls or stairs) that appear to be machined
  26. Heisenberg, who first described it. This invalidated Bohr's model, with its, neat , clearly defined circular orbits. The modern model of the atom describes the
  27. Vowel in words like" neat " and" feet" is a sound where, for example,", neat ," will be Neil. *The vowel in" fate" is æɪ for several speakers, so words
  28. For their acting, but felt that their characters' reunion was" a bit too, neat , even if it was what most of the show's legions of fans wanted. " Roger Caitlin
  29. A disappointment," ... a carefully fenced, highly cultivated garden, with, neat , borders and delicate flowers; but ... no open country, no fresh air, no blue
  30. While J. D. says" Unfortunately, around here things don't always end as, neat ,and tidy as they do in sitcoms. " * In the How I Met Your Mother episode
  31. Of agitation ". He wrote:" I was shown into Frege's study. Free was a small, neat ,man with a pointed beard who bounced around the room as he talked. He
  32. Used among users of the positive sense of" hacker" who produces" cool" or ", neat ," hacks. In other words to" hack" at an original creation, as if with an axe
  33. Passenger cars were manufactured with ethanol engines. Production and sales of, neat ,ethanol vehicles tumbled beginning in 1987 owing to several factors, including
  34. Only when generated by a specific verse context. For instance,“ this sugar is, neat ,/ and tastes so sour. ” If a reader or listener thinks of the word“ sweet ”
  35. In fact, in The Yeomen of the Guard, a jester is given lines that paint a very, neat ,picture of the method and purpose of the satirist, and might almost be taken as
  36. Of heterogeneous arguments. Particularly problematic are the attempts to give, neat ,introductions to deconstruction by people trained in literary criticism who
  37. Of apartments with recessed windows (to provide shade and privacy) in a, neat ,grid, adorned with rows of trees. Pei involved himself in the construction
  38. Other, Maria went to help her aunt with the teaching at the school. A tiny, neat ,woman, aged thirty, she was well-read and intelligent. Her strong Methodist
  39. Literature and film. Pynchon wrote the first draft of Gravity's Rainbow in ", neat , tiny script on engineer's quadrille paper ". (Weinberger 1988) Pynchon
  40. Of E20-E25 gasoline and up to 100 % hydrous ethanol fuel (E100). After the, neat ,ethanol fiasco, consumer confidence on ethanol-powered vehicles was restored
  41. The presence of the threads which stubbornly refuse to be incorporated into the, neat ,tapestry of our world-view does not usually totally undermine that view. "
  42. As both physically and mentally repulsive, he impressed others with his boyish, neat ,and austere good looks, a quiet and cool demeanor, obvious intelligence and dry
  43. Wasn't that cool, that thing I saw in the movie? Wouldn't it be, neat ,if it were real? " (And several analogous formations. ) A complaint about
  44. Compositional output dropped. His personal appearance, which had generally been, neat , degraded, as did his manners in public, especially when dining. Beethoven took
  45. Appropriate Speech previous to killing himself. JPG|Hannibal makes the usual, neat ,and appropriate speech prior to killing himself. File: Comic History of Rome p
  46. And Ukraine, sometimes has an ABV as high as 62 %. Vodka is traditionally drunk, neat ,in the vodka belt countries of Eastern Europe and around the Baltic Sea. It is
  47. Gallagher has stated that tracing was necessary because his sketches were not, neat ,enough to use before tracing. Because of the tracing necessary, these comics
  48. A folding cable tray behind the server, so that the cables are held into a, neat ,and tidy folded channel when inside the rack, but can unfold out into a long
  49. On television Comics File: Comic History of Rome p 201 Hannibal makes the usual, neat ,and appropriate Speech previous to killing himself. JPG|Hannibal makes the
  50. Standard or modified internal combustion engines such as natural gas vehicles, neat ,ethanol vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, biodiesel-powered vehicles, and

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