Examples of the the word, flier , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flier ), is the 6155 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Film starring Marlon Brando. It tells the story of an American Air Force, flier ,who was an" ace" fighter pilot during the Korean War. Sayonara won four
  2. With World Championships being held on alternate years. These are open for any, flier ,who makes his or her respective national team. Competition at the highest
  3. Merger with Continental Airlines, United retained Mileage Plus as the frequent, flier ,program of the new United and, subsequently,renamed the program Mileages.
  4. Situations well, and maintains his reputation in the Civil Service as a" high, flier ," (as opposed to a" low flier supported by occasional gusts of wind" ).
  5. Business Dirk IPSEN. Competition comes from an independent advertising, flier ,published since August 2008,the Express Wardresses. Since several months the "
  6. On April 10, 2008. EarlyReturns is Frontier Airlines’ frequent, flier ,program. It is a mileage-based program that contains three levels. Upon
  7. Any necessary corrections to the firing battery. The early method was for the, flier ,to write a note and drop it to the ground where it could be recovered. The RFC
  8. S. To test fly B-29 Super fortresses. " By reputation ", Tibbets was" the best, flier ,in the Army Air Force ". One of those who confirmed this reputation was Dwight
  9. A power kite for jumping above the ground * man lifting, where a harnessed kite, flier ,is moored to the ground or one or more people to provide tension and lift
  10. To rescue a man on Mercury and later dying in an attempt to save a distressed, flier ,.; Nikki: The daughter of Nadia and Art. Other characters; Arthur" Art "
  11. Captured in Kerry on November 15, 1987. Behavior The Bald Eagle is a powerful, flier , and soars on thermal convection currents. It reaches speeds of when gliding
  12. Cliff" by his friends) was a race car driver, speedboat enthusiast, amateur, flier , President of Durant Motors in Oakland, and son of General Motors founder
  13. Easier to pronounce word with one fewer syllable, or that the spelling on the, flier ,was a mistake. Hall's domination of production of the metal ensured that the
  14. Remaining frequent flyer program of the two airlines, and renamed the frequent, flier ,program to Mileages. Company affairs and identity Headquarters United
  15. c. Bromia in Muskox Lakes, Ontario Behavior The Blue Jay is a moderately slow, flier ,(roughly 32–40 km/h (20-25 mi/h) ) when unprovoked) and therefore, easy
  16. End Arthur goes to live on the planet Rikki where he becomes a more skillful, flier ,and learns bird language. Origins The creation of Rikki originally comes from
  17. And was a contributing editor to the science magazine OFNI. A passionate, flier , and former pilot in the RAF, he also edited a yearly pilot's diary of rural
  18. Was formed in March 1990; a few months later, an influential though anonymous, flier ,was distributed at the New York Gay Pride Parade in June 1990 entitled" Queers
  19. His reputation in the Civil Service as a" high- flier " ( as opposed to a" low, flier ,supported by occasional gusts of wind" ). Woolly is always quick to point out
  20. After the merger. From its inception until June 29, 2011,United's frequent, flier ,program was known as Mileage Plus. Following United's merger with Continental
  21. S first Afro RJ70 was delivered; and Air Baltic joined the SAS frequent, flier ,club as a partner. 1997 saw the opening of a cargo department and, in 1998,the
  22. The Skyway (1920),released just over a month after daredevil stunt, flier ,and actor Former Locklear's death on the last day of filming; while shooting
  23. Research at NACA On January 29, 1920,President Wilson appointed pioneering, flier ,and aviation engineer Orville Wright to NACA's board. By the early 1920s,it
  24. 9 to 10 months),and serves as an example of one of the most inefficient, flier ,among fauna. Generally, this bird avoids flying at all costs and reserves
  25. Climates (Southern Europe, North Africa, and points east). It is a strong, flier , dispersing widely and can be found virtually anywhere in the hemisphere in the
  26. When projected or printed on a flat surface. Quirks Fuller was a frequent, flier , often crossing time zones. He famously wore three watches; one for the current
  27. Lines, causing power blackouts and running the risk of electrocuting the kite, flier , Wet kite lines or wire can act as a conductor for static electricity and
  28. Of their earlier work. Guilt Show, which was titled after a misreading of a, flier ,saying" Quilt show ", was very well-received both critically and commercially.
  29. Gave the film a positive review and wrote," Playing a discharged naval, flier ,returning home from the Pacific first to find his wife unfaithful, then to find
  30. And Europe were flown in Airbus A330s. (Northwest became the largest owner and, flier ,of A330s in the world. ) Northwest Airlines also possessed the youngest
  31. Game. Also, in a Strong Bad e-mail cartoon from the Home star Runner website,a, flier ,advertising this particular game washes up in a bottle on a deserted island
  32. Over land en route to their southern European wintering grounds. It is a strong, flier , and has been clocked at speeds between. Like all members of its family, the
  33. Publicization of the" Manifesto Against Past-Loving Venice" in Venice. In the, flier , Marietta demands" fill (ing) the small, stinking canals with the rubble
  34. States in 1981 by Avalon Hill. The early versions of the game even included a, flier ,of information and ordering materials for the board game. There is now a based
  35. Enterprise in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas. McCain began as a sub-par, flier ,His aviation skills improved over time, McCain adopted her two young children
  36. Their connection through Canada. Aeroplan is Air Canada's frequent, flier ,program. Miles are awarded to members and can be redeemed for rewards on
  37. Repair and Overhaul operations at SFO. *Spinning off the Mileage Plus frequent, flier ,program. These spin-offs and divestitures have not come to fruition. On
  38. Flew with her. General Leigh Wade flew with Earhart in 1929:" She was a born, flier , with a delicate touch on the stick. " Earhart subsequently made her first
  39. Programs and shared lounges. This scheme allowed members of either frequent, flier ,program to earn miles on both carriers and utilize both carriers' lounges. The
  40. Aspect of McCarthyist literature took on an anti-Jewish tone. (See, flier ,at right: Rabbi Spitz in the American Hebrew, March 1,1946:" American Jews
  41. A thousand different rewards. European began in 1984 as Air Canada’s frequent, flier ,program, but since 2008 has been owned by Group European Inc. and operates as
  42. Impressed by his research, and Goddard was similarly impressed by the, flier ,'s interest. He discussed his work openly with Lindbergh, forming an alliance
  43. For items without it is to create loyalty schemes. Examples include frequent, flier ,miles or points systems associated with credit card offers that can be used
  44. September 1929,the first airmail service to Guyana began. The famous American, flier , Colonel Charles Lindbergh, arrived in the Demerara River with his flying boat
  45. Decade or more in the future—she would need to become a" barnstorming" stunt, flier , and perform for paying audiences. But to succeed in this highly competitive
  46. Fare difference is charged. Passengers earn 100 % of the EarlyReturns frequent, flier ,miles. This is the lowest cost ticket available for purchase and is
  47. Is the Hirschfelder Dating (founded in 1763) and the twice-weekly advertising, flier ,Kreisanzeiger has been distributed free since 1980. Both papers have belonged
  48. Example of" dead getting. " Dead getting has also been carried out by, flier ,campaigns against some critics—using so-called" DA flier s. " Bonnie Woods, an
  49. The order Performed. The type genus is Centrarchus (consisting solely of the, flier , C. macropterus). The family's 27 species includes many fishes familiar to
  50. Rose bushes, grapes,hops, canna, crape myrtles, and others. It is a clumsy, flier , dropping several centimeters when it hits a wall. Japanese beetle traps

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