Examples of the the word, terrane , in a Sentence Context

The word ( terrane ), is the 6159 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the north by the Taiwan collision zone, and in the south by the Mindoro, terrane , ( Sulu-Palawan block colliding with SW Luzon). It is an area pervaded by
  2. Carolina (disambiguation),multiple places * The Carolina terrace, a geologic, terrane , in the southeastern United States Education Athletics * Carolina Panthers of
  3. Would later become the Penning Naples, but a large part of the Briançonnais, terrane , subducted further into the mantle and was lost. Meanwhile, at the surface the
  4. 488–444 Ma and early Silurian period, when the carton Baltic collided with the, terrane , Avalonia to form the mountains and hills in northern Britain and Ireland.
  5. Tectonics, the Mother Lode was found to coincide with the suture line of a, terrane , the Maryville Block. The zone contains hundreds of mines and prospects
  6. Southeastward off the Cincinnati Arch. A complexly thrust faulted and folded, terrane , ( Appalachian Fold and Thrust Belt or Eastern Overthrust Belt),formed at the
  7. Mount Saint Phil lack, Mount Erica and Mount Whiteley) of largely subalpine, terrane , outcrops of weathered granite boulders dot the plateau with alpine meadows
  8. Is different from that of the surrounding areas – hence the term" exotic ", terrane , The suture zone between a terrace and the crust it attaches to is usually
  9. Of Susan green schist, oceanic basalt that was metamorphosed when the Easton, terrane , collided with the west coast of North America, approximately 120 million years
  10. Over 200 km across Scotland entirely masking the geology of the previous, terrane , However, small windows, such as the Assent window and the Glen Achall
  11. Of a particular rock or rock groups. Overview A tectonostratigraphic, terrane , is not necessarily an independent microplate in origin, since it may not
  12. The mountains are the exposed portion of an extensive terrace (the Spavin aw, terrane , in part) of granitic and rhyolitic rocks dating from 1485 to 1350 MYA that
  13. Terraces may or may not have originated as independent microplates since a, terrane , may not contain the full thickness of the lithosphere. African plate * Congo
  14. Are made of schist, part of the Jason terrace. The original rock in the Jason, terrane , was laid down 210 MYR ago. The terrace then smashed into the western coastline
  15. Small part of the southeast slope of Glen Canyon. Subduction then squeezed the, terrane , against the continent, and it eventually became part of the Franciscan
  16. Or greenstone; these erupted from fissures in the deep ocean floor when the, terrane , was located hundreds of miles southwest of its present location. The upper
  17. When the plate of which it was a part subducted under another plate,the, terrane , failed to subduct, detached from its transporting plate, and accreted onto the
  18. Coast regions because of its mountainous nature, due to tectonic uplift and, terrane , accretion in ancient times. Much of the coastline in this region is made up of
  19. Through the Twin Peaks and Glen Canyon area, and on to the southeast. This, terrane , is from 100 to 200 million years old (i.e. the Cretaceous and Jurassic
  20. Snow grass Mountain at, too. The mountains are made of schist, part of the Jason, terrane , The original rock in the Jason terrace was laid down 210 MYR ago. The terrace
  21. Old island arcs formed at some distant subduction zone. A tectonostratigraphic, terrane , is a fault-bounded package of rocks of at least regional extent characterized
  22. Both island arc and oceanic) welding onto an adjacent continent as a new, terrane , When two continental plates collide, obduction of the oceanic crust between
  23. Therefore very important structures for unraveling the history of a specific, terrane , Starting at the Earth's surface, the following rock types are usually
  24. North American margin as the land masses converged forming a band of younger, terrane , between the older North American and Amazonian terraces. The majority of this
  25. An area of rough hill country which geologically forms part of the Murihiku, terrane , an accretion which extends inland through the Coconut Hills in the Southland
  26. A private school in Montgomery County, Maryland Places *Avalon or Avalon, terrane , an ancient microcontinent Australia Canada *Avalon, Ottawa,a neighborhood in
  27. Granitic photons intruded upon this part of the ocean crust, the Applegate, terrane , about 160 million years ago. The cave's creation took place long after the
  28. The winter. Geology The Costco River flows through the ancient Namath Mountain, terrane , which is between 400 and 100 million years old, the oldest rocks in Oregon.
  29. Lithofacies which could link the strata The concept of tectonostratigraphic, terrane , developed from studies in the 1970s of the complicated Pacific Cordillera ("
  30. Terrane. The original rock in the Jason terrace was laid down 210 MYR ago. The, terrane , then smashed into the western coastline of the continent, and the Mount Stuart
  31. Terranes. The parallel hill ranges of the Catkins form part of the Murihiku, terrane , which extends inland through the Coconut Hills as far west as Moss burn. This
  32. Crustal fragments may be abducted as ophiolites onto the continent during, terrane , accretion. The following features are recognized in a forearm. The steep inner
  33. On another plate, and zones are bands of similar rocks on a plate formed by, terrane , accretion or native rock formation. Terraces may or may not have originated as
  34. Areas – hence the term" exotic" terrace. The suture zone between a, terrane , and the crust it attaches to is usually identifiable as a fault. Older usage of
  35. Of sediments in the migrating foredeep due to the erosion of the Avalon, terrane , and the prevailing Acadian Mountains created an interesting combination of
  36. Subduction - 160 to 80 million years ago - and the subsequent uplift,the, terrane , was twisted, broken and disrupted, and the chert was deformed into the tight
  37. Carolina, North Carolina (disambiguation),multiple places * The Carolina, terrane , a geologic terrace in the southeastern United States Education Athletics *
  38. Layers. The bedrock of the canyon is made up of rocks of the Marin Headlands, terrane , which is a large packet of rock that extends diagonally from the Marin
  39. Early Mississippian time. In the late Devonian, the Antler volcanic island arc, terrane , collided with what was then the west coast of North America in the vicinity of
  40. And the crust it attaches to is usually identifiable as a fault. Older usage of, terrane , simply described a series of related rock formations or an area having a
  41. Phase in the Acadian orogeny. In the Permian, the new continent and another, terrane , Armorica which included Iberia, drifted in from Indiana, trapping Avalon
  42. Mountain range. The mountains are the exposed portion of an extensive, terrane , ( the Spavin aw terrace in part) of granitic and rhyolitic rocks dating from
  43. Of numerous unique landscapes of geological landforms. Glacial revolution, terrane , structure,stratum of carbonic acid rock, tufa water and climatic conditions
  44. As Mulder and Bryce, respectively in a sketch that spoofed The X-Files. A, terrane , in geology is shorthand term for a tectonostratigraphic terrace, which is a
  45. The X-Files. A terrace in geology is shorthand term for a tectonostratigraphic, terrane , which is a fragment of crustal material formed on, or broken off from, one
  46. Boston Fault The Boston Fault is the most important fault as it forms the, terrane , boundary between the Melanesian and Lachlan fold belts. These twofold belts
  47. Its transporting plate, and accreted onto the overriding plate. Therefore,the, terrane , transferred from one plate to the other. Typically, accreting terraces are
  48. As 500 million years ago, in the early Paleozoic era. Each accretion left a, terrane , of rock of a single age. After accretion, subduction of the plate caused
  49. Depth by the slightly younger (~100 my) widely distributed igneous Spavin aw, terrane , The Spavin aw rocks are intersected in drill core across southern Missouri
  50. Or metamorphic zones of temperature/pressure conditions throughout the orogenic, terrane , Contact (thermal) metamorphism Contact metamorphism occurs typically around

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