Examples of the the word, envision , in a Sentence Context

The word ( envision ), is the 6157 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dependencies removed and all the PRO features enabled for free. Design To, envision ,how Nutella originally worked, imagine a large circle of users (called nodes
  2. Skilled than himself. Being a committed monarchist himself, Bismarck could not, envision ,any effective constitutional check to the power of the Emperor, thus placing a
  3. Plaza and nearby Brookside. Architecture The city's skyline is what one might, envision ,for a major Midwest city, with some notable exceptions. The Nelson-Atkins
  4. Imaging system, as well as a spectrometer and magnetometer. Current plans, envision ,a follow-on to MASTER as a much more sophisticated robot named MGA, for "
  5. Industries, Ophir Options and PCI Telecom. Expansion plans for the park, envision ,one hundred businesses, a fire station, and a school, covering an area of
  6. Joins in the game, and says that to complete the picture, you need to, envision ,pieces of ignorance flying around in there with the birds. But if this is the
  7. Sequence AGG could be GATT, and a grandchild could be AGG again. Thus, we can, envision ,a cloud of related genotypes that are rapidly mutating, with sequences going
  8. For the City of Kana, codifying the definition of a" natural family "::" We, envision ,a local culture that upholds the marriage of a man to a woman, and a woman to a
  9. In 1937 which explained that he was in favor of partition because he didn't, envision ,a partial Jewish state as the end of the process. Ben Guion wrote" What we
  10. He had not previously been cast in those roles — Carter had been unable to, envision ,Pile as any of those characters, because the actor had been shaving his head
  11. We Feel (Not What We Ought to Say). Büchner answered the question" Do you, envision ,a particular audience when you write? " By saying" I always hope to reach
  12. In theory produce a chain reaction at the level of the nucleus. He did not, envision ,nuclear fission as one of these neutron-producing reactions, since this
  13. 2,500-year-old Western Wall was constructed as part of a mosque. Palestinians, envision ,East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state, and the city's
  14. PNA),along with the United States, the European Union, and the Arab League, envision ,the establishment of a State of Palestine to include all or part of the West
  15. Named MGA, for " Mars Geoscience Robot ". Current design concepts for MGA, envision ,a super pressure balloon system very much like that of MASTER, but much larger.
  16. In place of the static perfection of a utopia, libertarian transhumanists, envision ,an" entropic ", an open, evolving society allowing individuals and voluntary
  17. Guard," it's that he stayed. " The popular idea that he was first person to, envision ,a rounded earth is false. The rounded shape of the earth has already been known
  18. Small particles, or quanta. This is quite different from how we usually, envision ,empty space, as being simply empty,i.e. full of nothing: LQG and LQC says
  19. To avoid self-contradiction, it is necessary when discussing truth values to, envision ,levels of languages, each of which can predicate truth (or falsehood) only of
  20. Can be reasonably designated as their modern homeland, and Tlingit people today, envision ,the land from around Yakut at south through the Alaskan Panhandle and including
  21. It into another bowl that suited best. This is how God wanted Jeremiah to, envision ,the reshaping of Israel. () The Recites In order to contrast the people’s
  22. Area of Memphis, while keeping intact the historic home. Graceland officials, envision ,a strip of Elvis Presley Boulevard transformed into a beautiful entertainment
  23. 2006–2008,was committed to operating a national rail network, and he did not, envision ,separating the Northeast Corridor (the rail line from Washington, DC, too
  24. Are currently held by a majority of scholars, but they vary in how they, envision ,this development. Those who see language as being mostly innate, for example
  25. Central Asia),signed 2006,entered into force 2008 Other treaties also, envision ,the creation of NWFZ, among other objectives. These are the following: *
  26. Had been encountering; just by hearing the name of an item, he would be able to, envision ,it in realistic detail. Modern-day synesthetes report similar symptoms. Tesla
  27. Design speeds without necessarily compromising safety ". Vision Zero, which, envision , reducing road fatalities and serious injuries to zero by 2020,suggests the
  28. S Student Government Association sponsored a design charette in April 2006 to, envision ,the future of College Park. In July 2006,a group of students created
  29. Six years after the Wright brothers' historic flight, the 1909 plan did not, envision ,any airports for Chicago. The airport was a familiar sight on the downtown
  30. In tour mode, but we’re starting to discuss our game plan for next year, and I, envision ,next year we’ll be recording a new record. " Later that month, Roadrunner
  31. Old bulletin board systems. For those readers not familiar with this concept, envision ,an electronic version of the corkboard in the entrance of your local grocery
  32. Full quiver of children, the source of family continuity and social growth. We, envision ,young women growing into wives, homemakers,and mothers; and we see young men
  33. The different decimal numeral systems of the world use a larger base to better, envision ,the size of the number, and have created names for the powers of this larger
  34. Authentic than Rococo chinoiserie, harnessing the power of the imagination to, envision ,and to escape. The modern sense of a romantic character may be expressed in
  35. Weight was the same as the S-IVB. Following that line of reasoning, we can, envision ,a replacement S-IVB stage that weighs 119,900 kg fully fueled, which would
  36. Silver Line into Tyson's Corner will ease access for residents as well. Planners, envision ,up to 200,000 jobs and 100,000 residents in coming decades. As recently as the
  37. Pakistan, Iraq or Sudan, but not taken any pledge. Al-Qaeda's ideologues, envision ,a complete break from all foreign influences in Muslim countries, and the
  38. Inventing can also be an obsession. To invent is to see anew. Inventors often, envision ,a new idea, seeing it in their mind's eye. New ideas can arise when the
  39. Neither plan to integrate as tightly with ESA institutions as Canada, nor, envision , future membership of ESA: Argentina, Brazil,China, India (for the Chandrakant
  40. The creator of both. The question of the Divine nature prompted Kabbalists to, envision ,two aspects of God: (a) God Himself, who is ultimately unknowable, and (b)
  41. As the quotation below from The City of God indicates. Augustine also does not, envision ,original sin as originating structural changes in the universe, and even
  42. Ambitious concept, the Venus Geoscience Robot (VGA). Designs for the VGA, envision ,a relatively large reversible-fluid balloon, filled with helium and water, that
  43. And execute the right move at the right time. One commentator said,“ He could, envision ,the whole rink in his mind and how players were moving within it. ” Because of
  44. On issues such as central banking, and welfare. It is also possible to, envision ,an economic system based on independent producers, cooperative,democratic
  45. In March 2011,with completion anticipated in November 2011. Town planners, envision ,a transit village style redevelopment centered around the Somerville train
  46. Piper's novels, largely set in the 27th century" Atomic Era" ( circa 2600), envision ,antigravity drives and super-luminal travel, but still depict analog
  47. Tether to" dodge" any space debris large enough to track. Current proposals, envision ,payload prices starting as low as $100 per pound ($220 per kilogram),similar
  48. Senate. In the early 1920s,the guild socialism of G. D. H. Cole attempted to, envision ,a socialist alternative to Soviet-style authoritarianism, while council
  49. Tissue regeneration will be necessary. Hypothetical revival scenarios generally, envision ,repairs being performed by vast numbers of microscopic organisms or devices.
  50. On snapshots of axioms about our own immediate present and the ways we plan and, envision ,an uncertain and collective future. By contrast, theology does assert high

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