Examples of the the word, distract , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distract ), is the 6145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contract in return for her affection. Figaro enters and explains his plan to, distract ,the Count with anonymous letters warning him of adulterers. He has already sent
  2. The time to have been motivated by a desire to avoid correspondence that would, distract ,him from writing. An anecdote often recited in intercultural enclaves and
  3. Rashida is successful with his invention and uses the bird call device to, distract ,him. Godzilla leaves Tokyo and swims across the Japanese sea to volcanic Mt.
  4. That installed the lights, their placement and design can even be intended to, distract ,drivers, and can contribute to accidents. Clutter may also present a hazard in
  5. Rooters ", who traveled to Pittsburgh and sang their theme song" Tessie" to, distract ,the opposing players (especially Bonus Wagner). Boston would end up winning
  6. Of midnight, the Columbia University Marching Band occupies Butler Library to, distract ,diligent students from studying. After forty-five minutes or so of jokes and
  7. In 1915,Enrico was distraught, and immersed himself in scientific study to, distract ,himself. According to his own account, each day he would walk in front of the
  8. some other children were more forgiving. Has Wittgenstein In part to, distract ,him from the Handballer incident Wittgenstein's sister Margaret invited him to
  9. Dark. The" Holocene" device projects a hologram of Duke that can be used to, distract ,enemies. Protective boots allow Duke to cross dangerously hot or toxic terrain.
  10. Her life—a massive money-making venture designed to play up her talents and, distract ,from her shortcomings with a mix of techno-tinged sex appeal and disco-flavored
  11. And enjoy the beautiful weather. Maybelline also begs him, and Rocco agrees to, distract ,Pizarro while the prisoners are set free. The prisoners, overjoyed at their
  12. Beare him. 1604 — Both. I. iii. 326 Supplies it with one gender of Hearses, or, distract , it with many. 1643 and so on. According to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher
  13. S policy of making use of aggressive wars to settle its border disputes and to, distract ,from its internal issues. According to James Calvin from the United States
  14. And so beautiful, that she had to read behind a curtain lest her face should, distract ,the attention of the students. He was also the father of Bettina d'Andrea. He
  15. The United States in the coming months. Critics said this was an attempt to, distract ,attention from a drop in the approval ratings of President Bush, who was
  16. Did not allow toys or amusements into the household, claiming that they would, distract ,the soul from the" inner light. " Her mother, Lucy,was a student in Daniel's
  17. That threatened national unity. The party spirit, he lamented: always serves to, distract ,the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the
  18. Unfaithful wife who pays a gigolo to make a pretense of courting her to, distract ,her husband from her real lover, but the gigolo manages to act his character
  19. To excessive groupings of lights. Groupings of lights may generate confusion, distract ,from obstacles (including those that they may be intended to illuminate),and
  20. And Algarve rebels The continued expeditions against the Ghassanids did not, distract ,ABD ad-Rahman III from the situation of other regions in landaus, which
  21. Many web surfers regard these advertisements as highly annoying because they, distract ,from a web page's actual content or waste bandwidth. Without attracting
  22. Hysteria! Depicts the Boston Tea Party, in which a fake tea shop is set up to, distract ,a British guard. Each time the guard asks for a type of tea, there is a splash
  23. And death, and others. One explanation for this silence is that such questions, distract ,from activity that is practical to realizing enlightenment and bring about the
  24. Bit was received),your transmitter will mysteriously fail. Or your dog will, distract ,you for fifteen seconds. Or your transmitter will appear to work, but as it
  25. It was thought a 'hail of fire' from quick-firing secondary weapons could, distract ,enemy gun crews by inflicting damage to the superstructure, and they would be
  26. An implant in her brain, stated that Hale–Bop was a fiction designed to, distract ,the population from the coming arrival of" Bird" or" Planet X ", a giant
  27. Personifies skillfulness, the " death" of the spiritual life. He tries to, distract ,humans from practicing the spiritual life by making the mundane alluring or the
  28. However, argued that political efforts to reduce the causes of climate change, distract ,from other global problems that should take priority: Since originally taking
  29. Correctness movement” in the US, and that many who use the term do so to, distract ,attention from substantive debate about racial, class and gender discrimination
  30. Upper houses and the British House of Lords. They feared federation would, distract ,attention from the need of social and industrial reform, and further entrench
  31. Of Black Island it is used to provide light. In The Last Dodo it is used to, distract ,animals, and to liquefy and re-solidify tarmac. In Peacemaker, it is used to
  32. They are used in bull riding competitions where their primary job is to, distract ,the bull from the rider when the rider dismounts either at the conclusion of
  33. Discloses plot details of a book, play,video game, or film or is intended to, distract ,attention from a rival * Spoiler (comics),a secondary character in the DC
  34. Many critics to suspect that the intervention was an opportunistic attempt to, distract ,the American public from the same (references to the film Wag the Dog were a
  35. Faints. The Traveler escapes only when a small fire he had left behind them to, distract ,the Warlocks catches up to them as a forest fire; Deena is presumably lost in
  36. Nexus,arriving at Meridian III minutes before Moran launches the missile. They, distract ,Moran long enough to lock the missile in place, causing it to explode on the
  37. In hot pursuit. The newscasters hope to document his escape as a spectacle, and, distract , the people from the oncoming threat of war. When he arrives at Faber's home
  38. Tries to help, attempting to make Godzilla turn away from Osaka. Her efforts, distract ,Godzilla momentarily, but the force of Godzilla's will and his physic
  39. Scenes involving special effects with occasional dialog, since subtitles, distract ,from the action or effects. In many European countries, Hollywood movies are
  40. Dispatching various Doomsday 'clones' created from the original to, distract ,Earth's heroes by sending them after the other members of the Superman family-
  41. Yet unobtrusive craftsmanship when directing, and felt it was bad directing to, distract ,the audience with fancy technical gimmicks. Film historian and author William
  42. 30th century. The series shows how Usage loves sweet foods and how easily they, distract ,her. She loves ice-cream so much that it appears listed as her hobby in the
  43. S computer, it is revealed that the plot to capture women was merely a ruse to, distract ,him. The aliens have already begun their main and ultimate attack on Earth. In
  44. Children are frightened by the storm. Maria sings" The Lonely Goatherd" to, distract ,them. Captain on Trap arrives a month later with Baroness Elsa Schrader and
  45. Spill—The KGB reportedly ordered the Stasis to sabotage the chemical factory to, distract ,attention from the Chernobyl disaster six months earlier in Ukraine. *
  46. Moving people and industry into space * Provide entertainment value in order to, distract ,from immediate surroundings, space tourism * Ensure sufficient supply of rare
  47. The wolves and grizzly will play a game of cat and mouse. One wolf may try to, distract ,the bear while the others feed. The bear then may retaliate by chasing the
  48. Law says that lesser crimes from long ago are best left alone so as not to, distract ,attention from more serious crimes. Reasons for statutes of limitation One
  49. S official forums, saying that they violate original terms of service and, distract ,from the game. The thread was later deleted by an unknown moderator.
  50. Rimbaud found it so difficult to proceed with the execution that in order to, distract ,her and for her to position her head correctly, he may have shouted," Where is

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