Examples of the the word, jail , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jail ), is the 3641 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of court term he was originally sentenced to serve in Chicago's Cook County, jail , He was paroled on November 16, 1939,and, after having spent a short time in a
  2. Headquarters and large officers' houses to barrack, stables and a military, jail , Among the legions stationed in Bonn, the " 1st ",i.e. the Prime Legion
  3. Can have the laws suddenly enforced against them, leading to fines or even, jail ,time. States often said to exhibit crony capitalism include the People's
  4. To jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or, jail ,for someone found guilty of contempt of court. Judges in common law systems
  5. Church presidency, were killed in a firefight with an angry mob attacking the, jail ,on June 27, 1844. After Smith's death, a succession crisis ensued. In this
  6. And only 28 (10.7 %) for running away. Out of 4,303 arrests in Rio police, jail ,in 1862,404 detainees—nearly 10%—had been arrested for Capoeira. " The end of
  7. On attempted murder charges. Vernon was bailed out while the others remained in, jail , One of the officers who testified at the trial said that it appeared to him
  8. 50 prisoners including many suspected members of the Abu SAAF escaped from, jail ,in the southern Philippines, the officials said. Three of the escaped prisoners
  9. Poverty since the 1960s along with the fact that the number of black people in, jail ,increased during his administration. The question of blackness also arose in
  10. Marketed the substance. The US Food and Drug Administration continues to seek, jail ,sentences for vendors marketing laetrile for cancer treatment, calling it a "
  11. Efforts to attract attention. He is taunted and retaliates; he is thrown in, jail ,as the result. At one point he is thrown into a pit to die. Prophecies of
  12. Who lives in a group-home setting as an alternative to reform school or adult, jail , Since the facility opened in 1973,nearly 12 thousand young people have lived
  13. Incident inspired Henry David Thoreau, whose similar protest led to a night in, jail ,and his essay" Civil Disobedience ". Around this time, the Alcott family set
  14. Later transferred to Kyiv),Dabhol, Seyzan, Deybkin, Libert (chief of, jail ,), Fogel, Zakis, Shillenkus, Yanson.; Petrograd Cheney (1918–1919) Chairman -
  15. It is part of the Bronx, Rikers Island in the East River, home to the large, jail ,complex for the entire City, can be reached only by water, by air, or—since
  16. Filed against Sub FYI. According to aides, Suu FYI spent her 64th birthday in, jail ,sharing biryani rice and chocolate cake with her guards. Her arrest and
  17. To other countries, while others, such as Sultan Ali Westland, were put in, jail , Note may be taken of the fact that Karma and his Parch am faction, arguing
  18. Jodie Rich was subsequently charged with fraud and spent several years in, jail ,after fraudulently stating the companies financial position, to encourage
  19. S general, al-Sumayl, had to be dealt with, and he was garroted in Córdoba's, jail , Rule Indeed, Abd Brahman only proclaimed himself as emir, and not as caliph.
  20. Defines pollution and deforestation as crimes punishable by stiff fines and, jail ,sentences Environment - international agreements: party to:
  21. As the Albanian government has furthermore additionally stated that it will, jail ,anyone who does not participate in the census or refuse to declare his or her
  22. Autonomy for Croatia, was imprisoned in 1933 and sentenced to three years in, jail ,for treason. However, Maček was released following Alexander's assassination
  23. In the" Beer Hall Putsch ". However, he spends only nine months in, jail , during which he writes Mein Kampf. * 1924 – The Royal Canadian Air Force is
  24. Off. In a 1958 letter to a friend in West Germany, he wrote," She was put in, jail ,on my account, as the person considered by the secret police to be closest to
  25. And organizing the exodus of Latter Day Saints from Missouri in 1838. While in, jail ,awaiting trial for alleged treason charges, Joseph Smith, president of the
  26. Were later killed, and three others have since been recaptured, while three, jail ,guards were wounded in the incident on the island of Basil an. They still did
  27. And free colored individuals. " From 288 slaves that entered the Calaboose, jail ,during the years 1857 and 1858,80 (31 %) were arrested for Capoeira, and
  28. Kind of self-contained parachute. *1927 – Mae West is sentenced to 10 days in, jail ,for obscenity for her play Sex. *1928 – The 125th and final fascicle of the
  29. Army commander Colonel Raymundo Ferret said 53 of the 137 prisoners in the, jail ,on the outskirts of Isabela City had broken out. 2005 * November 17 - A
  30. Judicial proceedings, and is punishable by imprisonment in the county, jail ,not exceeding six months and by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars (
  31. Years. Recently, the celebration took place in The Liberty Hotel, a former city, jail ,converted into a boutique hotel, though more often the festivities occur in
  32. Exhausted, his creditors and bill collectors will see to it that he is put in, jail , Wounded in spirit and body, Barry reluctantly accepts the deal. He goes first
  33. Control of Mt. Carmel Center. While waiting for the trial, George was put in, jail ,under contempt of court charges on March 21, 1988 because of his use of foul
  34. Refused to pay his town tax ... After waiting some time to be committed to, jail , he was told it was paid by a friend. Thus, we were spared the affliction of his
  35. Been steadfast in their refusal to divulge their sources and at one point faced, jail ,time. On February 14, 2007,Troy Alderman, one of Victor Conte's lawyers, pled
  36. People and injuring 100. *1881 – Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln County, jail ,in Mozilla, New Mexico. *1897 – The Greco-Turkish War is declared between
  37. 16.70 per month) and average monthly pension was $9. A person can get more, jail ,time for killing a cow (10 years in prison) than killing a human. Those who
  38. Was convicted, and Chase fined him $200 and sentenced him to nine months in, jail , Jefferson pardoned Cal lender when he became President, as he did the others
  39. In the ongoing R55 billion Arms Deal saga, which resulted in a long term, jail ,sentence to former Deputy President Jacob Zuma's legal adviser Chair Shark.
  40. In La Paz, Bolivia,sentences former dictator Luis Garcia Mesa to 30 years in, jail ,without parole for murder, theft,fraud and violating the constitution. *1994 –
  41. British spellings include" program" as opposed to" program" and ", jail ," as opposed to" jail ". Single quotation marks and unspaced em-dashes are
  42. Four elements of contempt: Australia In Australia a judge may impose a fine or, jail , The latter is usually until such time as a person has performed a sincere act
  43. Police who steal money by extortion, and intimidate visitors with threats to, jail , The“ original” Acapulco, where hotels owned by personalities such as Johnny
  44. In the history of human thought ". Huangdi wrote," A petty thief is put in, jail , A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," while Bad Jinan said that as
  45. Take some pictures of the deceased woman. Vernon and those with him were put in, jail , awaiting their trial on attempted murder charges. Vernon was bailed out while
  46. Testimony. Through the plea agreement, he will spend two and a half years in, jail , Love Me, Hate Me In May 2006,former Sports Illustrated writer Jeff Perelman
  47. A cappella regardless of the day or setting. Paul singing praises to God in, jail ,(Acts 16:25) and Christians singing when they are happy (James 5:13) are
  48. Belfast, Northern Ireland. *1924 – Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in, jail ,for his participation in the" Beer Hall Putsch ". However, he spends only nine
  49. A plea deal with the local prosecutor for the State's Attorney office to avoid, jail ,time by pleading no contest to a first-degree misdemeanor charge of resisting
  50. The southern gate in the city wall, along the road to Lucerne and Bern. The, jail ,has been housed in it since the Middle Ages. A Carillon was installed in the

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