Examples of the the word, hook , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hook ), is the 3648 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Viewed two-dimensionally. Materials Basic materials required for crochet are a, hook ,and some type of material that will be crocheted, most commonly yarn or; and
  2. Of mechanical devices. The simplest version of mechanical cocking device is a, hook ,attached to a belt, drawing the bow by straightening the legs. Other devices
  3. To prevent aggressive boxers from lunging in. There are two parts to the check, hook , The first part consists of a regular hook . The second, trickier part involves
  4. Loops, but additionally incorporates wrapping the working material around the, hook ,one or more times. Crochet differs from knitting in that only one stitch is
  5. S ", meaning to have a look, originates from" butcher's hook " ( an S-shaped, hook ,used by butchers to hang up meat),and dates from the late 19th century but
  6. Arabic text" all-`ASA that al-kullāb ", which means" the spear shaft having a, hook ,". When the Arabic text was translated into Latin, the translator Gerard of
  7. There are four basic punches in boxing: the jab, straight right/left hand, hook ,and uppercut. If a boxer is right-handed (orthodox),his left hand is the
  8. In. There are two parts to the check hook . The first part consists of a regular, hook , The second, trickier part involves the footwork. As the opponent lunges in
  9. Symbol represents Saturn, the God of agriculture and fertility. The, hook ,and cross symbol also resembles the sickle, which is associated with both
  10. didn't survive. Seymour lace on fine net is commonly taught with the crochet, hook , these hook s with" integral wing nuts" being an expensive item. Early crochet
  11. Been said that there is no such thing as a check hook and that it is simply a, hook ,applied to an opponent that has lurched forward and past his opponent who
  12. Of creating fabric from yarn, thread,or other material strands using a crochet, hook , The word is derived from the French word" crochet ", meaning hook . Hooks can
  13. Made with the same diameter of yarn are comparably taller, and a single crochet, hook ,is used instead of two knitting needles. Additionally, crochet has its own
  14. From a cocked-back position with the arm at a longer extension than the, hook ,and all the fighter's weight behind it is sometimes referred to as a "
  15. Move away ". Stephen Thomas Brewing of All music noted the song has" a catchy, hook ,and endearing melody, with a reminiscent euro-dance rhythm. " After" Sometimes
  16. More horizontal, knuckles-facing-forward guard adopted by early 20th century, hook ,users such as Jack Johnson. Image: attitude_droite1. JPG|Upright stance Image:
  17. Aluminum, plastic and steel. Sizing is categorized by the diameter of the, hook ,'s shaft, and a crater aims to create stitches of a certain size in order to
  18. In. On the other hand, it is quite possible for this anchor to find such a good, hook ,that, without a trip line from the crown, it is impossible to retrieve. The
  19. Lead foot pivots clockwise, turning the left heel outwards. Upon contact,the, hook ,'s circular path ends abruptly, and the lead hand is pulled quickly back into
  20. Who simply hook s him on the way past. Others have argued that the check, hook ,exists but is an illegal punch due to it being a pivot punch which is illegal
  21. Weapon in other tournaments that involve fist striking. *Check hook : A check, hook ,is employed to prevent aggressive boxers from lunging in. There are two parts
  22. The location, dropping the anchor, laying out the scope, setting the, hook , and assessing where the vessel ends up. The ship will seek a location which is
  23. Particular gauge specified in a given pattern. If gauge is not reached with one, hook , another is used until the stitches made are the needed size. Craters may have
  24. Usually installed at the seventh fret and sometimes at others),that they, hook ,the string under to press it down on the fret. Many tuning are used for the
  25. Interpreter was placed in a separate program called BASIC. SYSTEM and the, hook ,worked differently. * Variable names were limited to two letters;
  26. And playing. Indoor scratching A natural behavior in cats is to periodically, hook ,their front claws into suitable surfaces and pull backwards. This marks their
  27. Made are the needed size. Craters may have a preference for one type of, hook ,material over another due to aesthetic appeal, yarn glide, or hand disorders
  28. While fishing for subsistence, as well as sport. This includes fish taken by, hook , net or wheel. Hunting for subsistence, primarily caribou, moose,and All
  29. And tide in the anchorage, is essential in choosing a good place to drop the, hook , One can get by without referring to charts, but they are an important tool and
  30. But labor-intensive. This would lead to a practice called" enhance" (, hook ,) where recruiter would lure workers with advanced pay and other incentives
  31. In safety-critical systems. The word comes from" Karabinerhaken ", meaning ", hook ,for a carbine" in German. Use Carabiners are widely used in rope-intensive
  32. The" rip" to distinguish it from the conventional hook to the head. The, hook ,may also be thrown with the rear hand. Notable left hook ers include: Joe
  33. Plastic rings, which are used for special projects. Hook The crochet, hook ,comes in many sizes and materials, such as bone, bamboo,aluminum, plastic and
  34. Joker is about to escape, Batman ties his leg to a gargoyle with a grappling, hook ,; the Joker falls to his death when the statue breaks loose of its moorings.
  35. A crochet hook s. The word is derived from the French word" crochet ", meaning, hook , Hooks can be made of materials such as metals, woods or plastic and are
  36. In the bottom. Modern anchors for smaller vessels have metal flukes which, hook ,on to rocks on the bottom or bury themselves in soft bottoms. The vessel is
  37. Involves the footwork. As the opponent lunges in, the boxer should throw the, hook ,and pivot on his left foot and swing his right foot 180 degrees around. If
  38. Abruptly and the lead hand is pulled quickly back into the guard position. A, hook ,may also target the lower body and this technique is sometimes called the" rip
  39. Possible etymological candidates are a Greek word meaning" key "," latch ",", hook ,"; a Greek verb meaning" to touch or titillate lasciviously "," to tickle" (
  40. To have a butcher's ", meaning to have a look, originates from" butcher's, hook ," (an S-shaped hook used by butchers to hang up meat),and dates from the
  41. Is sometimes called the" rip" to distinguish it from the conventional, hook ,to the head. The hook may also be thrown with the rear hand. Notable left
  42. opponent's head (or a counter to a cross aimed at the body) or to set up a, hook , The cross can also follow a jab, creating the classic" one-two" combination.
  43. The uppercut to lift the opponent's chin into a vulnerable position, then the, hook ,to knock the opponent out. These different punch types can be thrown in rapid
  44. Is illegal in the sport. Floyd May weather, Jr. employed the use of a check, hook ,against Ricky Patton, which sent Patton flying head first into the corner post
  45. Then boomerangs, and can travel very long distances; due to their size and, hook ,shapes, they can cripple or kill an animal or human opponent. The word is
  46. The claw consisted of a crane-like arm from which a large metal grappling, hook ,was suspended. When the claw was dropped onto an attacking ship the arm would
  47. It off-balance for successive attacks. The right uppercut followed by a left, hook ,is a deadly combination employing the uppercut to lift the opponent's chin
  48. Technically speaking it has been said that there is no such thing as a check, hook ,and that it is simply a hook applied to an opponent that has lurched forward
  49. Become a popular weapon in other tournaments that involve fist striking. *Check, hook ,: A check hook is employed to prevent aggressive boxers from lunging in. There
  50. Shale prevent anchors from digging in, although some anchors are designed to, hook ,into such a bottom. Grassy bottoms may be good holding, but only if the anchor

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