Examples of the the word, convey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convey ), is the 3649 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Words/Phrases: Words sounding same but having different meaning can, convey ,a different meaning altogether. Hence, the communicator must ensure that the
  2. Delay 3.0; end loop; end Traffic; Dramas A drama is a compiler directive that, convey ,information to the compiler to allow specific manipulation of compiled output.
  3. May be to bring about political change, to comment on an aspect of society, to, convey , a specific emotion or mood, to address personal psychology, to illustrate
  4. By Dr. Rank, who has followed them. Dr. Rank chats for a while to, convey ,obliquely to Nora that this is a final goodbye, as he has determined that his
  5. That A & C are approved and B & D are not, the ballot can be considered to, convey ,the ranking A C>B D). Uses Approval voting has been adopted by the
  6. He carefully crafts an" artist's statement," claiming that such essays, convey ,more messages than artworks themselves ever do (Hobbes blandly notes," You
  7. Wii Ware). Serious games are games that are designed primarily to, convey ,information or a learning experience of some sort to the player. Some serious
  8. Are intimately connected (and mutually arising). Two images are used to, convey ,this idea. The first is known as Indra's net. The net is set with jewels which
  9. The same arrangement, but Intel canceled the agreement in 1986 and refused to, convey ,technical details of the i386 part. AMD challenged Intel's decision to cancel
  10. Clear definitional difference. Art usually implies no function other than to, convey ,or communicate an idea. Even as late as 1912 it was normal in the West to
  11. Of nature, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to, convey ,a subjective, emotional response to the natural world. Friedrich's paintings
  12. Scientific advocacy Sagan's ability to, convey ,his ideas allowed many people to better understand the cosmos—simultaneously
  13. As handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words and the use of emoticons to, convey ,emotional expressions in pictorial form. Oral communication
  14. With a sudden, great bound, : :A far-away light up the forestays running:: :You, convey ,a glow to a ship in trouble, : :Sailed in the darkness. The poem was written in
  15. His is an irremediable exile. " The ravages of the plague in Oran vividly, convey ,the absurdist position that humans live in an indifferent, incomprehensible
  16. Of laboratory equipment. Bell concentrated on experimenting with electricity to, convey ,sound and later installed a telegraph wire from his room in Somerset College to
  17. And interacting with one another," while scientifically accurate, do not, convey ,the richness, diversity and complexity of human communities. Their
  18. Depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to, convey ,the perception of motion. A 5,000-year-old earthen bowl found in Iran in
  19. In particular, they prayed to the god of fire and the house guardian god to, convey ,their wishes for a large catch, and safe hunting to the god of mountains. The
  20. Context; however, mechanical,pneumatic, hydraulic,and other systems may also, convey ,analog signals. An analog signal uses some property of the medium to convey the
  21. This arrangementand Khmer temples was arranged accordingly in order to, convey ,a symbolic identification with the sacred mountain. The five brick towers of
  22. Of a specific job or for skill set improvement. They can also be created to, convey ,social-political awareness on a specific subject. One of the longest running
  23. Information by means of pre-agreed coded interpretations, in which some calls, convey ,very specific information or requests that are not part of the natural meaning
  24. Bridges may cross only a dry bed of stream washed pebbles, intended only to, convey ,an impression of a stream. Often in palaces a bridge will be built over an
  25. Yu and Jen. The character morphemes used in written Chinese are logo graphs that, convey ,semantics graphically rather than phonologically, although some logo graphs are
  26. Art can also simply refer to the developed and efficient use of a language to, convey ,meaning with immediacy and or depth. Art is an act of expressing feelings
  27. Chrominance (chroma or C for short) is the signal used in video systems to, convey ,the color information of the picture, separately from the accompanying Lima
  28. The information it would convey is not valuable or because the desire to, convey ,that information would arise only rarely, and giving that call an artificial
  29. Biochemical macromolecule composed of nucleotide chains that, convey ,genetic information. The most common nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (
  30. Cutting between the two only after the action of kneeling has begun) to fully, convey ,Shichirôji’s humility. Numerous other instances of this device are evident in
  31. Friedrich undertook a number of paintings in which he intended to, convey ,political symbols solely by means of the landscape—a first in the history of
  32. With the notable exceptions of Harrison Ford and Sean Young),which, convey ,some difficulties of making the film (including an exacting director
  33. To convey Cyrillic spelling in Latin letters, and transcription to, convey ,pronunciation. Standard Cyrillic-to-Latin transliteration systems include:
  34. Possible misinterpretation, either by adding a comma after" taxes" ( to, convey ,the first sense) or by changing" which" to" that" ( to convey the second
  35. Here is relatively simple, comprising the Greater Asclepius, adroitly used to, convey , for example, the rhythm of jostling cups (). The language of the poem is
  36. Brother and the" Diary/Confession Room," in which the housemates individually, convey ,their thoughts, feelings,and frustrations and reveal their nominees for
  37. Convey analog signals. An analog signal uses some property of the medium to, convey ,the signal's information. For example, an aneroid barometer uses rotary
  38. A vertical emphasis that is intended to be more overwhelming; in order to, convey ,the divine power of Allah, the majesty of the Ottoman Sultan, and the
  39. In which a given call will have less utility, because the information it would, convey ,is not valuable or because the desire to convey that information would arise
  40. For example, an aneroid barometer uses rotary position as the signal to, convey ,pressure information. Electrically, the property most commonly used is voltage
  41. An interpreter he had no choice in the matter. " Doc" stalled long enough to, convey ,the information to his boss, who told him to cooperate. He had no maps, but was
  42. Feature. For instance, the camera has autofocus features. Subjective claims, convey ,emotional, subjective,impressions of intangible aspects of a product or
  43. Draft. The film is noteworthy for its use of various experimental techniques to, convey ,its narrative in ultimately unconventional ways. Footage was sped up, rapid
  44. Various systems for Romanization of Cyrillic text, including transliteration to, convey ,Cyrillic spelling in Latin letters, and transcription to convey pronunciation.
  45. Of his most trusted friends, Ettore Bernabéu, the general manager of RAI-TV, to, convey , to Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Bernabéu was in New York to attend an
  46. Of necessity, to be of their own faith, on the grounds that a person cannot, convey ,what he himself does not possess, in this case membership in the Church. The
  47. Scripts in 1997 by William Bright, following South Asian linguistic usage, to, convey , the idea that" they share features of both alphabet and syllabify ". Aquinas
  48. View, Job was a literary creation by a prophet who used this form of writing to, convey ,a divine message or parable. On the other hand, the Talmud (in Tract ate Baba
  49. Taxes" ( to convey the first sense) or by changing" which" to" that" ( to, convey ,the second sense),or by rewriting it in other ways. The devious politician
  50. The term asymptote by itself is reserved for linear asymptotes. Asymptotes, convey ,information about the behavior of curves in the large, and determining the

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