Examples of the the word, interval , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interval ), is the 3658 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To run. In some instances, the computer could, after a certain running time, interval , repeatedly return to the initial-conditions state to reset the problem, and
  2. And the sync pulse itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace), interval , and represent the time that the electron beam in the CRT is returning to the
  3. Of a province. This second post he seems also to have left after a short, interval , for he appeared again in Constantinople, and narrowly escaped death at the
  4. Four members of ABBA appeared briefly in a special comedy video made for the, interval ,act, entitled " Our Last Video Ever ". Each of the four members of the group
  5. Partitions, one will obtain that the integral of such a function g over an, interval ,\left, b\right is 0 whenever a and b are both rational, instead of G\left (
  6. Between the values of an antiderivative evaluated at the endpoints of the, interval , The discrete equivalent of the notion of antiderivative is antidifference.
  7. The word" limit" does occur, but only in the sense of the" endpoint" of the, interval ,of definition of the function, rather than the behavior of its values. 2.
  8. The year of the first consuls" 245 ab urge conduit ", accepting the 244-year, interval , from Dionysus of Halicarnassus for the kings after the foundation of Rome. The
  9. 1 and F is its antiderivative, and \_ is a dense countable subset of the open, interval ,\left (-1,1\right),then the function: g (x)=\sum_^\nifty \franc has an
  10. In PAL and NTSC, the vertical sync pulse occurs within the vertical blanking, interval , The vertical sync pulses are made by prolonging the length of SYNC pulses
  11. Of continuity, but in an entirely different sense, namely endpoint of the, interval ,where the function is defined. 5. Cauchy introduced rigor into infinitesimals
  12. Fundamental theorem of calculus: the definite integral of a function over an, interval ,is equal to the difference between the values of an antiderivative evaluated at
  13. Faction shares the following on Neumann-Morgenstern utilities, fitted to the, interval ,between 0 and 100. The utilities are consistent with the rankings given earlier
  14. Of sampling error in that survey is 4.4 percent, at a 95 percent confidence, interval , To questions about their ethnicity at the end of the questionnaires, the
  15. May be found by integration. * If f has an antiderivative F on a closed, interval ,a, b,then for any choice of partition an x_0 b, if one
  16. The Spanish domination had been superseded by that of the Austrians. In the, interval ,he enjoyed the patronage of Ferdinando de' Medici, for whose private theater
  17. Interval a, b. Then g must have either a maximum or minimum c in the open, interval ,(a, b ) and so 0 g′ (c) f (c) − d. * The set of discontinuities of f must
  18. The controller scanned the last active line, a more leisurely vertical blanking, interval ,began, during which the game could process input and update the positions and
  19. x)\, dx. If F is an antiderivative of f, and the function f is defined on some, interval , then every other antiderivative G of f differs from F by a constant: there
  20. Indicating the start of a new field. The sync pulses occupy the whole of line, interval ,of a number of lines at the beginning and end of a scan; no picture information
  21. For patients with heart disease or those taking other drugs that prolong the QT, interval , * Amisulpride (Eolian) - Selective dopamine antagonist. Higher doses (
  22. Approved in 2004 to treat bipolar disorder. Side-effects include a prolonged QT, interval ,in the heart, which can be dangerous for patients with heart disease or those
  23. The deviation of a third color can be eliminated by two lenses, if an, interval ,be allowed between them; or by three lenses in contact, which may not all
  24. G may be found by integration. Let \_ be a dense countable subset of the open, interval ,\left (-1,1\right). Consider the everywhere continuous strictly increasing
  25. And the sync pulse itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace), interval , and represent the time that the electron beam in the CRT is returning to the
  26. Everywhere except for x = 0. It is monotonically decreasing on the, interval ,(−∞,0 and monotonically increasing on the interval 0,∞). Since a real
  27. Scanning on the television. The physics of the CRT require that a finite time, interval ,is allowed for the spot to move back to the start of the next line (horizontal
  28. X\right) G'\left (x\right) 0 for all x in the set \_ which is dense in the, interval ,\left\left (-1\right),F\left (1\right)\right. Thus, g has an antiderivative
  29. He asks" Are very closely allied species ever separated by a wide, interval ,of country? " In February 1855,while working in the state of Sarawak on the
  30. To the appeal of Athens to Sparta are expressly referred by Herodotus to the, interval ,between the sending of the heralds in 491 BC and the invasion of Dates and
  31. With which the brain processes information. Whereas IQ merely represents an, interval ,(ranking) scale and thus possesses no true ratio scale properties, Jensen
  32. This by timing frame buffer fills to coincide with the vertical blanking, interval , thus ensuring that only whole frames are seen on-screen. Software such as
  33. Indicating the start of a new field. The sync pulses occupy the whole of line, interval ,of a number of lines at the beginning and end of a scan; no picture information
  34. Years after Rome's foundation. Livy gives almost the same,240 years for that, interval , Polybius tells that 28 years after the expulsion of the last Persian king
  35. Of the speed of light. Assuming that the ion is accelerated during a very short, interval , the ion can be assumed to be travelling at constant velocity. As the ion will
  36. For convenience or by necessity it is often approximated by a minor seventh, interval ,or a dominant seventh chord. In melody, blues is distinguished by the use of
  37. Average cell rate is specified, which can peak at a certain level for a maximum, interval ,before being problematic. # ABR - Available bit rate: a minimum guaranteed rate
  38. Lines. The front porch is the first component of the horizontal blanking, interval ,which also contains the horizontal sync pulse and the back porch. A sync
  39. Decreasing on the interval (−∞,0 and monotonically increasing on the, interval ,0,∞). Since a real number and its negative have the same absolute value, it
  40. Rivals after Ranger courageously substituted both Tutti and De Rossi at the, interval , The Giallorossi were on top of the table at one point, before a loss to U. C.
  41. Is the acceleration at a specific point in time which is for a very short, interval ,of time as At approaches zero. Tangential and centripetal acceleration The
  42. The sets of discontinuities of the functions g are dense only in a finite open, interval ,\left (a, b\right). However, these examples can be easily modified to
  43. Of f and consider the continuous function g (x) F (x) − DX on the closed, interval ,a, b. Then g must have either a maximum or minimum c in the open interval (a
  44. Played in the harmonic seventh (7th) form. The use of the harmonic seventh, interval ,is characteristic of blues and is popularly called the" blues seven ". Blues
  45. From a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who regarded it as the, interval ,or space between the intersecting lines; Euclid adopted the third concept
  46. Subsets of the real numbers do not have the least elements. For example, the open, interval ,(0,1) does not have the least element: if x is in (0,1),then so is x/2,and
  47. Formed),and in a plane between O' and O" a circle of the least confusion. The, interval ,O'O ", termed the astigmatic difference, increases,in general, with the angle
  48. In a 7:4 ratio to the fundamental note. At a 7:4 ratio, it is not close to any, interval ,on the conventional Western diatonic scale. For convenience or by necessity it
  49. As an option, because it delays the image update until the vertical blanking, interval , This produces a small penalty in latency, because the program has to wait
  50. With F\left (0\right)=0. Unlike Example 1,f (x) is unbounded in any, interval ,containing 0,so the Riemann integral is undefined. If f (x) is the function

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