Examples of the the word, attendance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attendance ), is the 3644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The stadium is capable of holding approximately 52,000 people. The average, attendance ,in 2006/07 was 48,610,rising in the next season to 49,128. The Arena has a
  2. Results. While some studies have suggested an association between AA, attendance ,and increased abstinence or other positive outcomes, other studies have not. A
  3. Known. Notably, this was introduced more than fifty years before payment for, attendance ,at assembly meetings. Running the courts was one of the major expenses of the
  4. Has had an important role in Belgium's politics. And 5.4 % in Flanders. Church, attendance ,in 2009 in Belgium is roughly half of the Sunday church attendance in 1998 (11
  5. Religion "," religious activity "," religious exercise" ) to make coerced, attendance ,at AA meetings a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment
  6. Same survey showed that AA received 11 % of its membership from court ordered, attendance , Effectiveness Research limitations AA tends to polarize observers into
  7. Club record for goals scored in the League, with 174,Arsenal's record home, attendance ,is 73,707,for a UEFA Champions League match against RC Lens on 25 November
  8. Of the national legislature to ratify it. Yet Congress had no power to enforce, attendance , In September 1783,George Washington complained that Congress was paralyzed.
  9. Thirty-eight examiners on first appearance of letters. They were bound to be in, attendance ,on certain days under penalty of fine, and sign letters and diplomas. Camping
  10. In a glass hearse and was drawn by horse. An estimated 800 mourners were in, attendance ,of the procession. Among those in attendance to the private ceremony were Missy
  11. The old regulations that prohibited alcohol, and he attempted to enforce, attendance ,at the Friday Mosque prayers and paying alms to the poor in the proper way. He
  12. Of available capacity),and as of 2006,the fourth-highest all-time average, attendance , The club's location, adjoining wealthy areas such as Canon bury and Barns bury
  13. Or a defender of original Christianity. Of the roughly three hundred bishops in, attendance ,at the Council of Nice, only three bishops did not sign the Nicene Creed.
  14. Home European matches because of the limits on Highbury's capacity. The record, attendance ,for an Arsenal match at High bury is 73,295,for a 0–0 draw against Sunderland
  15. Simple rules were drawn up on 17 May in a meeting was chaired by Wills and in, attendance ,were journalists W. J. Hammered and J. B. Thompson. Alex Bruce were also
  16. Games played, there is no comparison in overall attendance . In 2008,total, attendance ,at major league games was the second-highest in history: 78.6 million,0.7 %
  17. Of treatment is detoxification followed by a combination of supportive therapy, attendance ,at self-help groups, and ongoing development of coping mechanisms. The
  18. In 1960 regularly saw attendance figures in excess of 50,000 per game, AFL, attendance , generally hovered between 10,000-20,000 per game. With the low attendance came
  19. That of the NFL. Whereas the more popular NFL teams in 1960 regularly saw, attendance ,figures in excess of 50,000 per game, AFL attendance generally hovered between
  20. Home matches sell out; in 2007–08 Arsenal had the second-highest average League, attendance ,for an English club (60,070,which was 99.5 % of available capacity),and as
  21. Labored with the greatest perseverance and industry. He was also regular in his, attendance ,at the academy, where he carried off several prizes. But he relied far more on
  22. 1944,Eleanor Roosevelt briefly visited American troops stationed in Aruba. In, attendance ,were: His Excellency, Dr. P. Steel, the Governor of Curaçao, and his aide
  23. Home run leader, surpassing Hank Aaron, as total major league and minor league, attendance ,both reached all-time highs. Even though McGwire, Sosa,and Bonds—as well as
  24. Others of a lesser rank, whom he fitted for the universities. His table, attendance ,and officers were an honor to the nation. He would entertain as many as 500
  25. Democracy was not viable without it. Only then in fact was payment for assembly, attendance , the central event of democracy (Similarly for the period before the Persian
  26. Exercised by abbots despite their frequent lay status is proved by their, attendance ,and votes at ecclesiastical councils. Thus, at the first Council of
  27. Activities on Sunday, noting that while such laws originated to encourage, attendance ,at Christian churches, the contemporary Maryland laws were intended to serve "
  28. Seminar. The meeting was at a downtown hotel, with over a hundred people in, attendance , After seeing promotional filmstrips and listening to talks by company
  29. On Sunday as part of an effort to enforce religious observance and church, attendance , Numerous people were arrested for playing cards, baseball,and even fixing
  30. Alcohol on Sunday for on-premises consumption. The same rule applies to large, attendance ,facilities. Connecticut Delaware Georgia Sunday retail alcohol sales in stores
  31. Spiritual practices to facilitate recovery from alcohol use disorder. As, attendance ,of AA meetings increase, so do the participants spiritual beliefs, especially
  32. What came to be known as the Annapolis Convention, the few state delegates in, attendance ,endorsed a motion that called for all states to meet in Philadelphia in May
  33. They (The AFL) don't have to call us 'Mister' any more ". A single-game, attendance ,record was set on November 8,1964,when 61,929 fans packed Shea Stadium to
  34. And non-Christians, and he noticed that it had an equal impact on everybody in, attendance , unifying them. James Baker also acknowledged this force when he explained why
  35. Wiser, too. Jurors were required to be under oath, which was not required for, attendance ,at the assembly. The authority exercised by the courts had the same basis as
  36. Wall with a" Festival of Freedom" with dignitaries from around the world in, attendance ,for an evening celebration around the Brandenburg Gate. A high point was when
  37. Clothes. After the restoration of the democracy in 403 BC, pay for assembly, attendance ,was introduced. This promoted a new enthusiasm for assembly
  38. An estimated 800 mourners were in attendance of the procession. Among those in, attendance ,to the private ceremony were Missy Elliott, Timbaland, Gladys Knight, Lil' Kim
  39. Many more major league baseball games played, there is no comparison in overall, attendance , In 2008,total attendance at major league games was the second-highest in
  40. AFL attendance generally hovered between 10,000-20,000 per game. With the low, attendance ,came financial losses. The Raiders, for instance, lost $500,000 in their first
  41. In his carriage and drove them both to the opera, and about Salieri's, attendance ,at his opera The Magic Flute, speaking enthusiastically:" He heard and saw
  42. All-Stars. Facing competition as varied as television and football, baseball, attendance , at all levels declined. While the majors rebounded by the mid-1950s,the minor
  43. To handle this type of fire; that fire, rescue and medical teams were not in, attendance ,; and that the spacecraft work and access areas contained many hindrances to
  44. 11 % for the total of Belgium in 1998). Despite the 6 % drop in Sunday church, attendance ,in Belgium from 11 % to 5 % over this nine-year period, Catholicism
  45. Province, with 26 million members. In most industrialized countries, church, attendance , has decreased since the 19th century. Anglicanism's presence in the rest of
  46. Before the stoppage, the majors were setting their all-time record for per-game, attendance , The addition of two more expansion teams after the 1993 season had facilitated
  47. Steps, and sobriety is furthered by volunteering for AA and regular AA meeting, attendance ,or contact with AA members. Following the helper therapy principle, sponsors in
  48. Class" ( the order of numbering being the reverse of the number of years in, attendance ,). In the UK first-year university students are sometimes called freshers early
  49. Results indicated that there was a robust association between an increase in, attendance ,to AA meetings with increased spirituality and a decrease in the frequency and
  50. Regular-season interleague play was introduced in 1997 and the second-highest, attendance ,mark for a full season was set. The next year, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa both

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