Examples of the the word, damn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( damn ), is the 3653 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In his confession, Tresham claimed that he had asked Gatsby if the plot would, damn ,their souls, to which Gatsby had replied it would not, and that the plight of
  2. A lift on a P-38 in one of these pods later said that" whoever designed the, damn ,thing should have been forced to ride in it. " Lockheed proposed a
  3. Of these programming changes, Justin Timberlake challenged MTV to" play more, damn ,videos! " While giving an acceptance speech at the 2007 Video Music Awards.
  4. Up there and sell it, and we'll have moved forward a peg or two. Fall on your, damn ,sword and kill yourself, and I'll be happy, too. " In September 2005,Powell
  5. Efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms—oh, damn , " Ximénez states the number of weapons they have (" Our two/three/four
  6. Noted the word was often used with a modifier, almost redundantly, as in" some, damn ,Hoosier. " In a separate section Murray speaks of the history of
  7. By a cold, came close to giving out. Lennon said," I couldn't sing the, damn ,thing, I was just screaming. " In the words of biographer Barry Miles," Lennon
  8. Wind by Margaret Mitchell and the film –" Frankly, my dear, I don't give a, damn ,", said in 1939,was among the first uses of profanity in a major American film
  9. About the Klan. Forrest allegedly responded," That's a good thing; that's a, damn ,good thing. We can use that to keep the niggers in their place. " Forrest went
  10. Yelling at him that" What do you think this is, huh?! This is not a god, damn ,democracy! " The captured German captain breaks free, attacks Tank and kills
  11. Which Holly, still annoyed by Sullivan's attitude, replied," I hope they're, damn ,more excited than I am. " Sullivan, already bothered by the choice of songs
  12. As himself in the movie Paiute Tang where he remarks that he saw" the longest, damn ,clip ever ". *Costs was" supposed" to appear in the fourth season premiere
  13. At all closely, as the" characters get away from me and do exactly as they, damn ,please. " After completing the rough draft of Galactic Patrol, he wrote the
  14. Mother, and a father who seems to want to care but is just too, damn ,busy to give her much of his time ". Friendships turn on the first rumor; and
  15. Used heroin before she knew she was pregnant, she asserts that she stopped ", damn ,fast ": In 2004,Love's drug use came to public attention again while she
  16. It mainly leads to bad results. Attlee didn't. That's why he was so, damn ,good. " Even Thatcher herself wrote in her 1995 memoirs, which charted her
  17. Steadfast legacies in the Square Enix catalog" and asking" what's the, damn ,holdup?! ". In Electronic Gaming Monthly's June 2008" Retro Issue ", writer
  18. Version. Technology critic Gary W. Booze wrote that" The colorization is, damn ,impressive ", but noticed the print used was not as sharp as other releases of
  19. 30 years. Ford representatives were equally critical: the car was" not worth a, damn ," according to Henry Ford II, the son of Edsel Ford, although he did
  20. Is to have damn ed the happiness of (probably) the only two people who care a, damn ,about you in the world. Early writing and travels In late 1873,on a visit to a
  21. He's not even the best drummer in The Beatles! ", but also said," Ringo's a, damn ,good drummer. He was always a good drummer. He's not technically good, but I
  22. What he told me, Ruby did. I said you don't believe that bullshit. He said,'I, damn ,sure do! ' Then one day when I started to leave, Ruby shook hands with me and I
  23. Steadfast legacies in the Square Enix catalog" and asking," what's the, damn ,holdup?! " In Electronic Gaming Monthly's June 2008" Retro Issue ", writer
  24. Vice president said he didn't think either the plant or the car was" worth a, damn , " As part of the Industrial plans for Germany, large parts of German industry
  25. Of the human race's fall into sin. That is, God decided to save, and to, damn ,; he then determined the means by which that would be made possible. It is a
  26. Go your way now, and complain to that damn ed scoundrel your Governor, God, damn , your Governor, Laws,King, Council,and Assembly ". When the settlers protested
  27. Angels, and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel,curse and, damn ,Baruch de Espinoza, with the consent of God, Blessed be He, and with the
  28. Installed between their offices, Hoover refused to answer the phone. " Put that, damn ,thing on Miss Gandy's desk where it belongs," Hoover would declare. Curt
  29. Beginning of the Civil War:" The Universalist's believe that God is too good to, damn ,them, and the Unitarians believe they are too good to be damn ed! " In 1961,the
  30. Language may be the frequency of its use on prime-time television. The word, damn ,(and most other religious profanity in the English language) has long-lost
  31. I actually believe goes beyond the music it was created to represent. I'm, damn ,proud of that! In reply, Lemmy stated: As many of you know, we have been
  32. Substitute" video, Butthead exclaims," He's Lemma. He can walk into any, damn ,video he wants! " And Basis adds that Lemma" rules," the highest compliment
  33. Jae-won, who also appears on the album, responded saying:" He is Tony Mayo know, damn ,well he is Superb ain’t write that fucking’ album. I don’t even want to get into
  34. Averill's book as a gift, Carson told the friend he would rather“ burn the, damn ,thing. ” In fact, these extravagant novels set the public's view of Carson for
  35. As far as I know, it wasn't sent at all. None of us was that much of a, damn ,fool. We already had more Japs than we could handle. " In reality, Commander
  36. That God planned the race to fall logically prior to the decision to save or, damn ,any individuals because, it is argued, in order to be" saved ", one must first
  37. He previously summed up his position," I am not anti-death penalty, but I'm, damn ,sure anti-the-wrong-guy-getting-executed. " More recently, he has clarified his
  38. Like the way a Swiss-waiter talks, and that when I split an infinitive, God, damn , it,I split it, so it will remain split, and when I interrupt the velvety
  39. He recalled later,“ At eighteen, war was great stuff. Paris! French girls! Hot, damn , ” Bogart is recorded as a model sailor who spent most of his months in the
  40. Martin, the film's eventual co-screenwriter, who said" the trouble is the, damn ,thing has been done a hundred times before — a fighter who has trouble with his
  41. Damage arms limitation talks with the Soviets and because“ I don’t think the, damn ,thing will work. ” Bush and his wife Phoebe had two sons: Richard Davis Bush
  42. In the 1950s. " Generally, comics are not allowed to include such words as ", damn ,"," sucks "," screwed" and" hell ", although there have been exceptions
  43. Counselors were hypocrites, and even our parents were lying to us about, damn ,near everything. An entire generation had William Gaines for a godfather: this
  44. A screen test and wrote to his wife," She's the Scarlett dark horse and looks, damn ,good. Not for anyone's ear but your own: it's narrowed down to Paulette
  45. Was quoted as saying" The music has gotten pretty bad, I think. It's all that, damn ,line dancing. " By the end of the decade, however,at least one line dance
  46. Harding told journalist William Allen White late in his presidency," but my, damn ,friends,they're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights! " The only
  47. Benson, for example, would call the latter" Blade Crawler" " because it's so, damn ,slow ". Another technique he employs is use of sound or music to build tension
  48. Exposed position; Captain Oliver Wendell Holmes shouted at him," Get down, you, damn , fool,before you get shot! " After repeated calls on Grant to defend Washington
  49. And earned the support of Khomeini under the slogan" America can't do a, damn ,thing against us. " The seizure helped to advance the cause of theocratic
  50. Finally released it was because I freaked: Please get it out! I don't give a, damn ,about how sad it makes you feel—it's what I'm about: the direct communication

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