Examples of the the word, controversy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( controversy ), is the 3646 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Comedian. Theological debates The Council of Nicaea did not end the, controversy , as many bishops of the Eastern provinces disputed the homoousios, the central
  2. Sacco and Vanzetti would be convicted of and executed for the crime, amid much, controversy , *1921 – Black Friday: mine owners announce more wage and price cuts, leading
  3. Master Award by the Science Fiction Writers of America (FWA). There was, controversy ,over how late in van Vogt’s lifetime the FWA left it to bestow their highest
  4. The world. In many parts of the world there is prominent and divisive public, controversy ,over the ethical and legal issues of abortion. Abortion and abortion-related
  5. The people of a territory to vote for or against slavery. The Bleeding Kansas, controversy ,over the status of slavery in the Kansas Territory included massive vote fraud
  6. Family, which he termed Eurasiatic. ID" Controversy" /> ID" The, controversy ,over Altaic" /> Anti-Altaicists Gerard Claus on (1956),Gerhard Doer fer (
  7. As bishops, emperors and members of Rome's imperial family. Yet, such a deep, controversy ,within the Church could not have materialized in the 3rd and 4th centuries
  8. Airlines (TAE) and founds Olympic Airlines. *1962 – Leonard Bernstein causes, controversy ,with his remarks from the podium during a New York Philharmonic concert
  9. Theories contained in the latter book, that a growing degree of popular, controversy ,arose over the subject of Huxley’s eyesight. It was, and to a noticeable extent
  10. And working in several slogans used by National in their advertising. Political, controversy ,In September 2010,band members Andersson and Slaves criticized the far right
  11. Confederate war effort. In late August 1861,General John C. Fremont created, controversy ,on the Republican side when he issued, without consulting Lincoln, a
  12. The leading English medical journal of the time being particularly harsh. The, controversy ,affected the public perception of Wallace’s work for the rest of his career.
  13. And grants while attending selected private institutions. There has been some, controversy ,in recent years over the rising cost of post-secondary education for students (
  14. One effect of the Communion's dispersed authority has been that conflict and, controversy ,regularly arise over the effect divergent practices and doctrines in one part
  15. The resulting litigation cost Wallace more than the amount of the wager and the, controversy ,frustrated him for years. Anti-vaccination campaign In the early 1880s,Wallace
  16. Theological views spread, especially in the eastern Mediterranean. By 325,the, controversy ,had become significant enough that the Emperor Constantine called an assembly
  17. The demand for slave labor in the South. Name "/IN"> trader"/> There was, controversy ,over adding the slave state of Missouri to the Union that led to the Missouri
  18. Countries that have otherwise banned abortion, such as Chile. This has caused, controversy , as some pro-life groups have advocated that certain forms of emergency
  19. That Mach's principle would hold. Mach's principle has generated much, controversy ,over the years. Modern quantum theory In 1917,at the height of his work on
  20. Of Christianity by the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Licenses. The, controversy ,over Arianism began to rise in the late 3rd century and extended over the
  21. In Alfred Nobel's memory" from the five other awards. This has caused much, controversy ,whether the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
  22. Of God. Of all the various disagreements within the Christian Church, the Arian, controversy ,has held the greatest force and power of theological and political conflict
  23. Have been given by Sir E. B. Taylor, Herbert Spencer, Andrew Lang, and others; a, controversy ,arose between the former as to the priority of their respective lists. Among
  24. Controversies of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This, controversy ,produced the Free Church of England and, in the USA and Canada, the Reformed
  25. For the Christian God in Malay for more than four centuries, the contemporary, controversy ,was triggered by usage of Allah by the Roman Catholic newspaper The Herald. The
  26. Pueblo peoples object to the use of the term Anasazi, although there is still, controversy ,among them on a native alternative. Some modern descendants of this culture
  27. Debate Induced abortion has long been the source of considerable debate, controversy , and activism. An individual's position on the complex ethical, moral
  28. At Babylon. Alexander's sexuality has been the subject of speculation and, controversy , Nowhere in the ancient sources is it stated that Alexander had homosexual
  29. In January, aged 20. One result of Wallace's early travels has been a modern, controversy ,about his nationality. Since Wallace was born in Monmouth shire, some sources
  30. The Father of Chemistry ", in the 8th century. Here there is still an open, controversy ,: Marcelino Bert helot, who translated a number of Jābir's books, stated that
  31. He reached some kind of temporary accommodation with Clean following either the, controversy ,over The Babylonians or a subsequent controversy over The Knights. It has been
  32. Involvement with the U. S. government, in particular, has caused bitter, controversy ,within the discipline. Franz Boas publicly objected to US participation in
  33. The topic of Huxley’s eyesight continues to endure similar, significant, controversy , regardless of how trivial a subject it might initially appear. Personal
  34. In the early 20th century. Controversy Crowley enjoyed being a figure of, controversy ,and frequently deliberately provoked it among his peers and in the media.
  35. Gloomy rendition of the standard formulas of the home front genre. " Another, controversy ,centers on his alleged refusal to acknowledge Japan's wartime guilt. In one of
  36. The Russian sculptor Ernst Naivety, reads: To the man who saw the Angel. A, controversy ,emerged in Russia in the early 1990s when it was alleged that Tchaikovsky did not
  37. The ethical implications of distributing or watching fan subs are topics of much, controversy ,even when fan sub groups do not profit from their activities. Once the series
  38. Of Television Arts and Sciences. Atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hair later caused, controversy ,by bringing a lawsuit against NASA over the reading from Genesis. O'Hair wished
  39. The Supreme Court decision of 1857 in Died Scott v. Sandford escalated the, controversy , Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's decision said that slaves were" so far
  40. Means of electrolysis or sonic cavitation—were the pivot of the cold fusion, controversy ,of 1989. None of those claims have yet been reliably duplicated. Synthesis of
  41. Or interventions are sometimes controversial or rejected, for example in the, controversy ,over cochlear implants for children. Universally accessible technology yields
  42. The defendant's defenses, thus establishing the nature and parameters of the, controversy ,to be decided by the court. In a criminal case, there is usually an arraignment
  43. And they made what would be his first short film, Vengeance is mine. The, controversy ,caused by the fact that the film was shot in English was the reason he was
  44. Won the First Test convincingly and inaugurated a dominant post-war era. The, controversy ,over the Skin catch was one of the biggest disputes of the era. In 1948
  45. Have generally been of two types: liturgical and social. The first such, controversy ,of note concerned that of the growing influence of the Catholic Revival
  46. To this day, responsible for Auschwitz in a wholly personal sense. Much of the, controversy ,over Speer's knowledge of the Holocaust has centered on his presence at the
  47. Expansion Jacksonville Jaguars joined the AFC in 1995. Due to the relocation, controversy ,of the Cleveland Browns, a new AFC franchise called the Baltimore Ravens was
  48. Clean following either the controversy over The Babylonians or a subsequent, controversy ,over The Knights. It has been inferred We know that Aristophanes was probably
  49. In the wind are intercut, but nothing makes the scene go any faster. " Some, controversy ,exists about the extent to which Kurosawa's films of the Second World War
  50. And no assistant after Margaret Fuller moved to Providence, Rhode Island. The, controversy ,had caused many parents to remove their children and, as the school closed

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