Examples of the the word, sudden , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sudden ), is the 3662 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Bukhara (Showered by Arrows). The arrows of Artemis could also to bring, sudden ,death and disease to girls and women. Artemis got her bow and arrow for the
  2. side effects. The onset of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin can be very, sudden ,and intense - emergency medical attention must be sought as quickly as possible
  3. Growing too fast, insufficient financial backing, technical problems, and a, sudden ,problem with Z80 processor deliveries) the company sudden ly folded even before
  4. Zeus" put her away inside his own belly;" he" swallowed her down all of a, sudden , " He was too late: Métis had already conceived. Eventually Zeus experienced an
  5. Forensic investigation of a traffic or other criminal violation or a case of, sudden ,death. Techniques such as immunoassay may cross-react with a number of
  6. Before it came nigh enough to strike, and thereby secure us from that most, sudden ,and terrible Mischief! " Following a series of experiments on Franklin's own
  7. Command followed suit. Meanwhile, in Sic yon,Antony's wife Julia died of a, sudden ,illness while Antony was en route to meet her. Fulvia's death and the mutiny
  8. Reduce the prevalence of malignant cardiac arrhythmias, and the reduction in, sudden ,death reported in large clinical trials. The ACE inhibitor enalapril has also
  9. from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models associated with reported incidents of, sudden ,unintended acceleration linked to six deaths and 700 accidents. 60 Minutes
  10. Key principles of the Standoff–Berry Computer (ABC) were conceived in a, sudden ,insight after a long nighttime drive during the winter of 1937–38. The ABC
  11. To the demons, and they came back as wild beasts to rip him to shreds. All of a, sudden ,a bright light flashed, and the demons ran away. Saint Anthony knew that the
  12. Infectious arthritis is another severe form of arthritis. It presents with, sudden ,onset of chills, fever and joint pain. The condition is caused by bacteria
  13. S death in 1519. Journey to the Netherlands (1520–21) Maximilian's, sudden ,death came at a time when Durer was concerned he was losing" my sight and
  14. Amount of military drill. Rise to power Alexander became heir apparent with the, sudden ,death of his elder brother in 1865. It was then that he began to study the
  15. Is suspended off the seabed it acts as a spring or shock absorber to dampen the, sudden ,actions that are normally transmitted to the anchor and can cause it to
  16. e. g.,Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. It may also be caused by a, sudden ,hemorrhagic event within the brain. Certain chronic neurological disorders
  17. Of watchfulness and promise due to its early flowering, symbolizing God's, sudden ,and rapid punishment of His people; in Jeremiah 1:11–12,for instance. In the
  18. For the remainder of their marriage. These negotiations were complicated by the, sudden ,death of Lord George on 21 September 1848,but Disraeli obtained a loan of
  19. Was the fact that Danbury was being overshadowed by actor Henry Leisure (whose, sudden ,death of a heart attack on stage, in California while taping a TV episode of "
  20. Dedicated to poems of man and nature. Delete died of a massive and, sudden ,heart attack on July 4,1971,and is buried in St. Elysium Cemetery in Sank
  21. Entire stage is singing about how rotten the world and man are, when all of a, sudden ,Jenny and the prostitutes come walking through singing the" Alabama Song ", a
  22. Gallbladder surgery at New York Hospital before dying in his sleep from a, sudden ,post-operative cardiac arrhythmia. Prior to his diagnosis and operation, Warhol
  23. Mth Already 22 On This Day in Canada ---- Events *1056 – After a, sudden ,illness a few days previous, Byzantine Empress Theodora dies without children
  24. The door that Kurosawa was the very first to open. His career boosted by his, sudden ,international fame, Kurosawa,now reunited with his original film studio, Toho
  25. Achieve it first. Landing men on the Moon by the end of 1969 required the most, sudden ,burst of technological creativity, and the largest commitment of resources (
  26. Merged or transformed into the People of Freedom (PDL) party. After the, sudden ,fall of the second Prod government in January 2008,the breakup of The Union
  27. And her sisters. However, an impending tragedy was to engulf the family. His, sudden ,death came as a shock to the family. He was aged just thirty-one. The cause was
  28. Then Abdalonymus' death. Division of the empire Alexander's death was so, sudden ,that when reports of his death reached Greece, they were not immediately
  29. Next. For example, Jimmy is going crazy at having nothing to do, when all of a, sudden ,a hurricane starts heading towards Mahagonny. The audience is forced to give up
  30. Vary from season to season and year to year. The island is subject to both, sudden ,tropical storms and hurricanes, which occur in the period from July to November
  31. Him at 23:00 as he had requested, but she found Sakharov dead on the floor. A, sudden ,heart attack had taken his life at the age of 68. He was interred in the
  32. The 2600 would be obsolete by the 1980 time frame. What was surprising was the, sudden ,entry into the market of new competition, whose machines quickly cut off the
  33. Industrial countries start feeling concerned about our workers? When all of a, sudden ,there is a concern about the welfare of our workers, it is suspicious. " On the
  34. Wave height is generally much lower than that of the North Sea. Violent and, sudden ,storms often sweep the surface, due to large transient temperature differences
  35. A sword or dagger, but presently a variety of weapons are used, and,in a, sudden ,frenzy, will attempt to kill or seriously injure anyone he encounters. Amok
  36. Up concentrating on how Jimmy feels and think about what the meaning of this, sudden ,hurricane is. Weill also contributed greatly to the Verfremdungseffekt by his
  37. Hamlet of Franquenée. The small Swiss garrison in the village, shaken by the, sudden ,onslaught and unsupported by the battalions to their rear, were soon compelled
  38. Eradicate the illegal coca of the Chapeau region. The policy produced a, sudden ,and dramatic four-year decline in Bolivia's illegal coca crop, to the point
  39. Of it had been made of it for similar purposes ". Its rise in Europe was" a, sudden ,phenomenon ", after natural deposits were found" in France at Osborn (Bas-Rhin
  40. As the fancy seized him, sometimes in disguise. " On 1 November 1285. But the, sudden ,death of the king dashed all such hopes. Alexander died in a fall from his
  41. Accurately the characteristic sequence of earthquake, retreat of the sea and, sudden ,giant wave. His work has suffered terribly from the manuscript transmission.
  42. Weaken were the primary play-by-play voices of Braves baseball until Skip's, sudden ,death on August 3,2008,and Van Wieren's retirement after the 2008 season. On
  43. College in Vienna when he assumed the throne of the Dedicate of Egypt upon the, sudden ,death of his father. He was barely of age according to Egyptian law; eighteen
  44. Later to defending the nest and foraging. These changes are sometimes fairly, sudden , and define what are called temporal castes. An explanation for the sequence is
  45. Egypt's Ambassador to the UN has also stated" The question is why all of a, sudden , when third world labor has proved to be competitive, why do industrial
  46. July),on a day when the Sun was darkened. The day turned into night, which, sudden , darkness was believed to be an eclipse of the Sun. It occurred on 17 July 709
  47. Infinity: An assassination is" to murder (a usually prominent person) by a, sudden ,and/or secret attack, often for political reasons. " An additional definition
  48. Men deliverance from: :Death's chilling rigor, : :Landing on tall ships with a, sudden , great bound, : :A far-away light up the forestays running:: :You convey a glow
  49. Retreated to Shoe bury. Then, after collecting reinforcements, they made a, sudden ,dash across England and occupied the ruined Roman walls of Chester. The English
  50. Treatises of Aristotle throughout the Hellenistic period, as well as for the, sudden ,reappearance of a flourishing Aristotelianism during the first century B. C. "

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