Examples of the the word, incredible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incredible ), is the 3652 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Commented," There are several unbelievable things about Elvis, but the most, incredible ,is his staying power in a world where meteoric careers fade like shooting stars
  2. A 19-year-old Roy Orbison saw Presley for the first time:" His energy was, incredible , his instinct was just amazing. ... I just didn't know what to make of it.
  3. Had most of the possession; Valderrama and Resin finding each other with, incredible ,ease and composure. Despite the early impression, England went ahead in the
  4. But added/developed many key players in those seasons that would facilitate an, incredible ,run at the NL Central Division Championship in 2010. Under the leadership of
  5. Liberal constitution the Cortes promulgated — was faced immediately with the, incredible ,task of bringing the disparate political ideologies of Spain to one table. He
  6. Earned many accolades from the sports media and throughout the nation for their, incredible ,season. In December, Sports Illustrated named the Boston Red Sox the 2004
  7. Location or extent in space–time. Related by accurate spatial information,an, incredible ,variety of real-world and projected past, or future data can be analyzed
  8. Never possible to achieve perfect functional decomposition because of the, incredible ,complexity of the systems under study. This complexity is manifested in the
  9. Became his first solo album (under the name Francis Vincent Zappa It is an ", incredible ,ambitious musical project ", a " monument to John Cage ", which intertwines
  10. By Chaser, launched at Fells Point, Baltimore in 1814 became known for her, incredible ,speed; the deep draft enabled the Baltimore clipper to sail close to the wind.
  11. In an attempt to lower spending. As a result, many people in Hungary suffered, incredible ,hardships during the transition to a market economy. Following privatization
  12. In the past. The Annals historians, after living through two world wars and, incredible ,political upheavals in France, were deeply uncomfortable with the notion that
  13. Exclusionary class codes in Our Mutual Friend). Dickens also employs, incredible ,coincidences (e.g., Oliver Twist turns out to be the lost nephew of the upper
  14. Caladbolg, the sword of Fergus mac Róich. Caladbolg was also known for its, incredible ,power and was carried by some of Ireland's greatest heroes. The name, which
  15. Huber, Bent Larsen and Labor Amalek. He dominated Las Palmas 1977 with an, incredible ,13½/15. He also won the prestigious Bygone tournament in 1978 (shared) and
  16. Any notes that are sounding. This technique can often produce ornaments of, incredible ,range, with the guitarist often being able to reduce tension to the point that
  17. Label. They continue ...: He is sometimes wrong, but very rarely silly or, incredible , He made a few mistakes; he may well have made others that we cannot detect
  18. The pink-tipped nose would be visible.: The neatness of his attire was almost, incredible ,; I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet wound.
  19. Show in Anacortes, Washington,Sub Pop critic Calvin Johnson wrote:" Henry was, incredible , Pacing back and forth, lunging,lurching, growling; it was all real, the most
  20. The absence of shame and redemption, severely punished (however dramatically, incredible ,the final rendering of mandatory justice might be). A substantial number of
  21. Thirty men or so ". Which was loaded with satin, muslins, gold,silver,an, incredible ,variety of East Indian merchandise, as well as extremely valuable silks. The
  22. Costume underneath. He quickly enters a revolving door, spinning through it at, incredible ,speed while changing clothes. Thus made invisible, he appears to have entered
  23. Obstacles, rather than out-fighting them. Reception Although the game had ", incredible ,role-playing potential ", the concept of role-playing rabbits can be viewed as
  24. And children cut before their eyes as Antaeus ate with his concubines. This, incredible ,account is supported in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the Nahum Pusher, the Judea
  25. A scientific genius and the leader of the group, who can stretch his body into, incredible ,lengths and shapes; the Invisible Woman (Susan" Sue" Storm),who eventually
  26. Of behavioral problems, second-graders studying Shakespeare, and other, incredible ,reports, astounded the public. During the 2006–2007 school year, Collins '
  27. Producer and said," Snake is one of my fondest creations. Kurt Russell did an, incredible ,job, and it would be fun to see someone else try. " Russell has commented on
  28. Proverbial scourge of the continent, and the ravages of the termites are almost, incredible , The spread of malaria by means of mosquitoes is common. The tsetse fly, whose
  29. Journey, now accompanied by one hundred red pack sheep carrying provisions and, incredible ,sums of money, which they slowly lose or have stolen over the next few
  30. As a civil war. In addition to these sectarian and religious divides,an, incredible ,amount of collateral damage has been the result. For example, evidence suggests
  31. In the NLCS, they faced the Colorado Rockies again. The Rockies had been on an, incredible ,winning pace since the Star break, and they swept the Diamondbacks in four
  32. Of the British. In 1534,the Pashtun Her Shah Sure, or Farid Khan — a man of, incredible ,military and political skill — succeeded in defeating the superior forces of
  33. Faith, in De augments, he wrote that" the more discordant, therefore,and, incredible , the divine mystery is, the more honor is shown to God in believing it, and
  34. Crisis for trying to impose its economic principles on poor countries. " It's, incredible ,that in the most powerful country in the world, which spends billions of
  35. And professionals, who attend the Market are astonished by the diverse, incredible ,and unique water bodies the" butterfly island" provides. The Route du Rum is
  36. War. Perhaps Capp's the most popular creations were the Shoos, creatures whose, incredible ,usefulness and generous nature made them a threat to civilization as we know it
  37. With a specific purpose, as this seemed the only possible explanation for the, incredible ,variety of living beings and their surprising adaptation to their habitat.
  38. From the Antarctic coast at Patriot Hills to the geographic South Pole in an, incredible ,69 hours. In doing so they easily beat the previous record of 24 days. They
  39. Warehouse on Moseley Road into up-market flats, something that would have been, incredible ,ten years earlier. In July 2005 Balsall Heath was hit by a tornado, which
  40. And wrote in a letter:“ Never have I had such an amusing time—it’s, incredible ,that something as innocent as painting should have created such a stir. ” In
  41. Over recently plowed fields looking for worms and insects. The birds have, incredible ,strength and are therefore able to pick up food of all weights. Buzzards do not
  42. Made up of enthusiastic patriots with no prior military training) achieved, incredible ,successes against better-trained and -equipped Austrian forces, despite the
  43. Hear him that it is the very first time he has ever said that line. It's an, incredible ,gift. " Hannibal Lecter Perhaps Hopkins' most famous role is as the
  44. Characters. Or they include gnomes, dwarves and elves. Strange phenomena and, incredible ,characters (like monstrous characters that are divine or evil spirits or
  45. This period, in the early 1700s. She remarked on the" vast trade" and ", incredible ,quantity" in Peter, recording that" it turns the most money in a week of
  46. Of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the, incredible ,complexity of life. Much of biochemistry deals with the structures and
  47. To Juventus and Genoa. Despite this setback, Roma would later embark on an, incredible ,unbeaten streak of 24 matches in the league – with the last of the 24 being a
  48. An experienced skin diver, with what Holt's biographer Tom Frame describes as ", incredible ,powers of endurance underwater ". However, his health was evidently far from
  49. Or even decipher, certain ancient or secret signs and writings. He also has, incredible ,stamina, enabling him to go without sleep for a few days. Another noticeable
  50. Prince of Byzantium and a princess of Rebind (Trayvon) in a passionate and, incredible ,love story. A cycle of paintings in Schloss Ehrenberg, near Graz in Austria

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