Examples of the the word, outlook , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outlook ), is the 3657 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Throughout his political Essays the importance of moderation in politics. This, outlook ,needs to be seen within the historical context of eighteenth century Scotland
  2. Maghrib and Andalusian territories by 1147,were far more fundamentalist in, outlook , and they treated the shimmies harshly. Faced with the choice of either death or
  3. As the means to achieve such ambitions. With an increasingly uncertain economic, outlook , after his attempt to nationalize the banks and a strike by the
  4. University of Dublin, is really English in its origins and, until recently, its, outlook , Created during the reign of Elizabeth I, it is modelled on the universities of
  5. Guidelines have been criticized as having a fundamentally Euro-American, outlook , Although these guidelines have been widely implemented, opponents argue that
  6. The general sympathy of Russian society and it continued to grow. " The unique, outlook ,which poly ethnic Russia exhibited to its ally Ethiopia disturbed many
  7. During recent years and in the midst of the new age and who brings a new, outlook ,on life to his office as Imam. For these reasons, I appoint my grandson Karim
  8. That traditional understanding of consciousness depends on a Cartesian dualism, outlook ,that improperly distinguishes between mind and body, or between mind and world.
  9. Not as a philosophical alternative to optimism, but as a prescribed practical, outlook ,(though what it prescribes is in dispute). Many critics have concluded that
  10. Over US$1,000 million as published in PricewaterhouseCoopers's report on the, outlook ,for the global casino market: By region By markets Significant sites While
  11. Mexico, Brazil,Peru, Chile,and Argentina were anarcho-syndicalist in general, outlook ,; the prestige of the Spanish C. N. T. as a revolutionary organization was
  12. One of Lenin's challenges was distancing materialism as a viable philosophical, outlook ,from what he referred to as the" vulgar materialism" expressed in statements
  13. Representing a range of affiliations, but the cartoon is noted for a liberal, outlook , The name" Doonesbury" is a combination of the word done (prep school slang
  14. The melancholy in his art to the losses suffered during his youth to the bleak, outlook ,of his adulthood, while Friedrich's pale and withdrawn appearance helped
  15. Later versions); dark and shadowy cinematography; and the questionable moral, outlook ,of the hero—in this case, extended to include reflections upon the nature of
  16. From corporate values like 'productivity' and 'growth ', a very favorable, outlook ,for managers. Though Dilbert and his office-mates often find themselves baffled
  17. Book, the plausibility of the prophet combining a contemporary and apocalyptic, outlook , and later additions by the prophet. The authenticity of 3:4–8 has presented
  18. To the standards, as doing so aids portability between compilers. History and, outlook ,The first standard for C was published by ANSI. Although this document was
  19. Crisis. On December 1,2009,Standard & Poor's upgraded Bulgaria's investment, outlook ,from" negative" to" stable," which made Bulgaria the only country in the
  20. Came to be without scientific analysis, rather a monotheistic religious, outlook , Most scientists argue that" God" is not a scientifically proven cause
  21. And ways of thinking),probably a monk and therefore profoundly Christian in, outlook , On this view, the pagan references would be a sort of decorative archaizing.
  22. Antioch and Cyril of Alexandria. Cyril claimed that John remained Nestorian in, outlook , while John claimed that Cyril held to the Pollination heresy. The two settled
  23. Influences evident at their maturity; making them more" Central European" in, outlook ,(i.e. similar to the Prework culture) rather than of the" forest-Venedic "
  24. Occupation) such as Fighter or Wizard, an alignment (a moral and ethical, outlook ,which may have a Good or Evil component, a Lawful or Chaotic component, or
  25. Diminishing American army, he had killed or captured over 5,000 Americans. The, outlook ,of the Continental Army was bleak. " These are the times that try men's souls
  26. Denton in 2008 that his father's Christian faith continued to influence his, outlook ,however:" My father said if you believe in the fatherhood of God you must
  27. Ernst Mach, and David Hume, which influenced his scientific and philosophical, outlook , Academic career In 1901,Einstein had a paper on the capillary forces of a
  28. Another person or class... American youth has the good fortune not to have its, outlook ,troubled by outworn traditions. He later stated," Race prejudice has
  29. Austrian (or as Joseph II would have said) German values, traditions and, outlook , The Italian opera bought company was therefore replaced by a German language
  30. IBO had throughout plantations in the Americas for their melancholic music and, outlook ,to life when they were enslaved. The lyrics often relate troubles experienced
  31. Which ended the religious violence for purely political governance and, outlook , signifying the birth of the modern 'state '. Within this statist paradigm
  32. Dependent on exports to the USSR, had to make a radical shift in economic, outlook ,: away from the East, and towards the West. This necessitated the restructuring
  33. A seemingly unstoppable villain (Frank Booth),and the questionable moral, outlook ,of the hero (Jeffrey Beaumont),as well as its unusual use of shadowy
  34. To Germany in 1532 (where he secretly married) which began the change in his, outlook , Then in 1538,as Henry began diplomatic negotiations with Lutheran princes
  35. Country music. In general, they eschewed the high production values and pop, outlook ,of the Nashville-dominated industry, to produce music with a lo-fi sound
  36. All the truth" — so the writer has been reminded ', and that 'In faith and, outlook ,they were far closer to the early springing shoots of 1st-century Christianity
  37. As well as representing luck, stuff can be seen as representing a character's, outlook ,on the universe: characters with good stuff seeing the multiverse as a cheerful
  38. Of Chinese history remains largely modernist or even outright traditionalist in, outlook , The legacies of the modernist school, such as historian Lo Hsiang-lin (
  39. World and his pathetic hero's desperate effort to fit it into an optimistic, outlook , Almost all of Candide is a discussion of various forms of evil: its characters
  40. Commentary is available at the Wiki source link elsewhere in this article.: The, outlook ,wasn't brilliant for the Melville Nine that day;: The score stood four to two
  41. Munro was the easiest role that he had played because both men have a similar, outlook ,on life. In 2006,Hopkins was the recipient of the Golden Globe Cecil B.
  42. Some north-west of the original building, which was considered to have a better, outlook , Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone on 28 September 1853,during the
  43. To work with Brian and see what can come of it … I’m all in favor of a positive, outlook ,towards that. " In the October 2011 issue of Rolling Stone, Jardine told the
  44. Manly, mock-heroic posturing is perfectly in keeping with the director's droll, outlook ,". Lesson Howe, in this review for the Washington Post praised the film's
  45. Battle between Reason and Faith, Athens and Jerusalem, secular and religious, outlook ,):" The whole book is one uninterrupted contest between the 'cries' of the
  46. Service (1995) Collectivism is any philosophic, political,economic or social, outlook ,that emphasizes the interdependence of every human in some collective group and
  47. Issue; 2:28–3:21 were ascribed to a continua tor with an apocalyptic, outlook , Mentions in the first half of the book to the day of the Lord were also
  48. Prominent during his lifetime. According to some scholars, the philosophical, outlook ,of the earliest Buddhism was primarily negative, in the sense that it focused on
  49. Concept while colonialism is the practice. Colonialism is based on an imperial, outlook , thereby creating a consequential relationship. Through an empire, colonialism
  50. And speculated that belief in Plagiarism reflected an actively provincial, outlook ,in Britain and that Northern represented the Belgian party, while Ambrosia

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