Examples of the the word, revolutionary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revolutionary ), is the 3647 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The future consequences of the breakdown of current political systems within a, revolutionary ,context. The second novel of the series The Stone Canal deals specifically with
  2. With him. One difficult application of defensive aggression is the act of, revolutionary ,violence (including anarcho-capitalist revolution) against tyrannical regimes
  3. With the federalist socialist sections of the International, who advocated the, revolutionary ,overthrow of the state and the collectivization of property. At first, the
  4. Type. In his opinion Russia was to be saved from anarchical disorders and, revolutionary ,agitation, not by the parliamentary institutions and so-called liberalism of
  5. Stevens, President of Sierra Leone (d. 1988) *1908 – Shiva ram Guru, Indian, revolutionary , ( d. 1931) *1909 – Ronald Grieve son, South African cricketer (d. 1998) *1911
  6. Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (d. 1950) * 1879 – Emiliano Zapata, Mexican, revolutionary , ( d. 1919) *1880 – Earle Page, Australian politician (d. 1961) *1881 – Paul
  7. Alexander. In December 1879,the Narodnaya Volga (People's Will),a radical, revolutionary ,group which hoped to ignite a social revolution, organised an explosion on the
  8. To the founding of modern chemistry in the 18th and 19th centuries, based on, revolutionary ,discoveries of Lavoisier and John Dalton — which finally provided a logical
  9. In the US Workers Solidarity Alliance and the UK Solidarity Federation. The, revolutionary ,industrial unionist Industrial Workers of the World, claiming 2,000 paying
  10. Unsuccessful participation in the League of Peace and Freedom (LPF),Russian, revolutionary ,Mikhail Bakunin and his collectivist anarchist associates joined the First
  11. From personal contact),* ideological (Jews regarded as subversive or, revolutionary ,), * cultural (Jews regarded as undermining the moral and structural fiber of
  12. And rational certainties of the clockwork universe, as well as politically, revolutionary ,visions of a post-monarchist world, such as Blake's portrayal of Newton as a
  13. 1953 – Ludwig Brandt, German physicist (b. 1875) *1962 – Lei Fend, Chinese, revolutionary , ( b. 1940) *1967 – René Magritte, Belgian painter (b. 1898) *1971 – Paul
  14. Silvio Resell and Erich USAM had important leadership positions within the, revolutionary ,councils structures. In the Italian events known as the biennial Ross the
  15. CGT and IWC left the organizations and joined the Communist International. The, revolutionary ,wave of 1917–23 saw the active participation of anarchists in varying degrees
  16. Of anarchism, syndicalism posits radical trade unions as a potential force for, revolutionary ,social change, replacing capitalism and the state with a new society
  17. Were known in the late 19th century, and formed the basis of Alfred Werner's, revolutionary ,theory on the structure of coordination compounds. Werner noted that only two
  18. A meeting, where he compares the humans to parasites and teaches the animals a, revolutionary ,song," Beasts of England ". When Major dies three days later, two young pigs
  19. Themselves on this issue, as the latter thought that syndicalism was, revolutionary ,and would create the conditions of a social revolution, while Latest did not
  20. John Hartley, English tennis player (b. 1849) *1940 – Leon Trotsky, Russian, revolutionary , ( b. 1879) * 1940 – Ernest Lawrence Thayer, American poet (b. 1863) * 1940 –
  21. Sections formed their own International at the St. Smear Congress, adopting a, revolutionary ,anarchist program. Organized labor The anti-authoritarian sections of the
  22. Marie Valerie of Austria (d. 1924) *1870 – Vladimir Lenin, Russian, revolutionary , ( d. 1924) *1872 – Princess Margaret of Prussia, queen of Finland (d. 1954)
  23. Maria period, where figures were radically altered to conform to Akhenaten's, revolutionary ,religious ideas. This style, known as Maria art, was quickly and thoroughly
  24. Worked with the Marxists to push the First International in a more, revolutionary ,socialist direction. Subsequently, the International became polarized into two
  25. Grohmann, German neurologist (b. 1868) *1922 – Michael Collins, Irish, revolutionary , ( b. 1890) *1926 – Charles William Eliot, American University president (b.
  26. Revolution. At the end of chapter 15,he writes that Jews must answer for the ", revolutionary ,cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russian Gentiles must repent" for the
  27. A philosophical anarchist, from a rationalist and utilitarian basis opposed, revolutionary ,action and saw a minimal state as a present" necessary evil" that would
  28. Round head opponents. In opposition to Jacobin centralization of power, seeing ", revolutionary ,government" as oxymoron. From this climate William Godwin developed what
  29. Repent" for the pogroms, for those merciless arsonist peasants, for ... crazed, revolutionary ,soldiers. " It is not, he adds, a matter of answering" before other peoples
  30. 1775–1780 Massachusetts Before the war, Boston had been the center of much, revolutionary ,activity, leading to the punitive Massachusetts Government Act in 1774 that
  31. Patented) the Einstein refrigerator. This absorption refrigerator was then, revolutionary ,for having no moving parts and using only heat as an input. On 11 November 1930
  32. Also referred to as" revolutionary socialism" or a form of such, is a, revolutionary ,form of anarchism, commonly associated with Mikhail Bakunin and Johann Most.
  33. Bailey, American bebop and hard-bop jazz trumpeter *1926 – Fidel Castro, Cuban, revolutionary , and politician *1930 – Wilfred Hiker, German football referee * 1930 – Don Ho
  34. In general outlook; the prestige of the Spanish C. N. T. as a, revolutionary ,organization was undoubtedly to a great extent responsible for this situation.
  35. Age, the period from approximately 700 BC to 200 BC, during which similarly, revolutionary ,thinking appeared in China, India,Iran, the Near East, and Ancient Greece. He
  36. Columbus; Sp: Cristóbal Colón, It: Cristofano Colombo),was proposed by the, revolutionary ,Francisco de Miranda to denote the New World—especially Spain's and Portugal
  37. To the outer frontiers of Wessex and Mercia. Alfred's burial system was, revolutionary ,in its strategic conception and potentially expensive in its execution. His
  38. A Category 4 hurricane hits Galveston, Texas with winds at. *1918 – Bolshevik, revolutionary ,leader Moira Risky is assassinated. *1942 – U. S. Marines raid the
  39. S Association (sometimes called the" First International" ) united diverse, revolutionary ,currents including French followers of Proudhon, Blanquists, Philadelphes
  40. Law Bhangra, Indian Revolutionary (b. 1883) *1918 – Moira Risky, Russian, revolutionary , ( b. 1873) *1920 – Ray Chapman, American baseball player (b. 1891) *1924 –
  41. Centuries, even up to a thousand years, downplaying short-term events. Bloch's, revolutionary ,charting of mentalities, or mentalities, resonated with scholars who were
  42. Irish Anglican theologian (b. 1650) *1793 – Pierre Gaspar Chalmette, French, revolutionary , ( b. 1763) *1794 – Nicolas Comfort, French writer (b. 1741) *1826 – Franz
  43. Polish physicist (b. 1845) *1899 – Emilio Jacinto, Filipino poet and, revolutionary ,(b. 1875) *1904 – Maximilian Kronecker, German poet (b. 1888) * 1904 –
  44. Cooperation and mutual aid. Collectivist anarchism, also referred to as ", revolutionary ,socialism" or a form of such, is a revolutionary form of anarchism, commonly
  45. Herder, German writer (d. 1803) *1767 – Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, French, revolutionary , and writer (d. 1794) *1776 – Thomas Blade Chapel Royal Navy Admiral (d. 1853
  46. Commune of Paris to the Legislative Assembly, which demanded the formation of a, revolutionary ,tribunal. *1793 – French Revolution: a levee en masse is decreed by the
  47. Overthrew the Portuguese regime headed by Marcelo Caetano. Portugal's new, revolutionary ,leaders began in 1974 a process of political change at home and accepted its
  48. Advocated the abandonment of these sorts of tactics in favor of collective, revolutionary ,action, for example through the trade union movement. The anarcho-syndicalist
  49. Bell's public displays laid the groundwork for universal acceptance of the, revolutionary ,device. The Bell Telephone Company was created in 1877,and by 1886,over
  50. Flow. A key player who is credited to saving billions of lives because of his, revolutionary ,work in developing new agricultural techniques is Norman Borlaug. His

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