Examples of the the word, pipe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pipe ), is the 3650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1920,and Jolly Rancher candy in 1949. CF&I railroad rails, wire,nails and, pipe ,debuted in Pueblo in 1892. Holly Sugar was first milled from beets in Holly in
  2. Creating a robust stone-like material. Concrete is used to make pavements, pipe , architectural structures, foundations,motorways/roads, bridges/overpasses
  3. While the mice carved on the side of the" mouse organ" ( a small mechanical, pipe ,organ which played rolls of music) woke up and scurried around, singing in
  4. Pipe band were appropriated to create a Breton interpretation, the bag ad. The, pipe ,band idiom has also been adopted and applied to the Spanish gait as well.
  5. Outputs include iron and steel products (including cast-iron and steel, pipe ,); paper, lumber,and wood products; mining (mostly coal); plastic products;
  6. Extremely popular. In Brittany, the Great Highland Bag pipe and concept of the, pipe ,band were appropriated to create a Breton interpretation, the bag ad. The pipe
  7. Wrote about a contemporary sovereign (possibly Nero) who could play a, pipe ,(tibia, Roman reed pipe s, similar to Greek autos) with his mouth as well as
  8. And 17th Ave SE at Regard Park. The equipment installed includes a quarter, pipe , penalty box with half pyramid, bank ramp, spine,kinked rail and a ground rail
  9. Heavy precipitation, the load on the sewage treatment plant at the end of the, pipe ,becomes too great to handle, and raw sewage is dumped into holding tanks, and
  10. This before. And now, in the evenings, I would hear a knocking on the water, pipe ,and know it was Olga Nikolaevna calling me to the phone. Ivinskaya further
  11. Openings and therefore gives the pure natural harmonic series of the open, pipe , The harmonics are the more readily obtained by reason of the small diameter of
  12. Pipe in Russia produces samples of the native metal. This mine is a timberline, pipe , rich in diamonds, and the reducing environment helped produce both elemental
  13. Is usually open-ended; thus, there is no easy way for the player to stop the, pipe ,from sounding. This means that most bag pipe s share a legato sound where there
  14. An organization called" Worth a Dam ". Resolution included installing a, pipe ,through the beaver dam so that the pond's water level could not become
  15. To keep the toilet under negative pressure, and exhaust the gasses to a vent, pipe , Some home sewage treatment systems use biological treatment, usually beds of
  16. Through easily in the event of war. The top of the wall was lined with a smooth, pipe , intended to make it more difficult to scale. It was reinforced by mesh fencing
  17. Output may be sent to a file: print" expression" >" file name" or through a, pipe ,: print" expression" |" command" Built-in variables Awk's built-in
  18. Rapidly through the earth to the removal well. In mature oil fields, extensive, pipe , networks are used to carry the carbon dioxide to the injection points.
  19. Distribution pipe work but also to prevent the formation of condensation on the, pipe ,surface that would otherwise accelerate corrosion. Home air conditioning
  20. A clavichord could be used to practice organist repertoire. In the era of, pipe ,organs which used hand-pumped blowers, and of churches which were only heated
  21. Reports the British Geological Survey. Australia has the richest diamantiferous, pipe ,with production reaching peak levels of per year in the 1990s. In addition to
  22. Recorded an instrumental version featuring a bag pipe soloist accompanied by a, pipe ,and drum band. The tempo of their arrangement was slowed to allow for the
  23. To create a modern pancreatic sound. A few of those include Baghdad (Breton, pipe ,bands),Airport Convention, Pentangle, Steeleye Span and Worships. In the
  24. Insulators, and also in such diverse products as kitchenware, jewellery, pipe ,stems, and children's toys. In 1993 Bakelite was designated a National
  25. Man, Wales,Cornwall, Brittany and Galicia. The suite which includes a Scottish, pipe ,band, Irish and Welsh harpists, Galician gaits, Irish villain pipe s, the
  26. And a controversial one, as it combined pipe s with a military band. The, pipe ,president of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards was summoned to Edinburgh Castle
  27. The study of the airflow through a jet engine or through an air conditioning, pipe , Aerodynamic problems can also be classified according to whether the flow
  28. Zealand, Hong Kong, and the United States have also adopted the tradition of, pipe ,bands. In recent years, often driven by revivals of native folk music and dance
  29. Common in Central and Eastern Europe. Chanter The chanter is the melody, pipe , played by two hands. A chanter can be bored internally so that the inside
  30. An agreement is a restriction upon trade. *BS 3506 for plasticized PVC, pipe ,for industrial uses *BS 3621 for thief resistant lock assembly. Key egress. *BS
  31. Consists of a float in a sealed chamber partially filled with water. The, pipe ,from the straight tube is connected to the top of the sealed chamber and the
  32. Valves, slides and other methods of changing the qualities of the simple open, pipe ,being an artifact of mere mortals. The well-known" Ran DES
  33. The original structure was added in 1906. It boasts one of the world's largest, pipe ,organs, built by the Aeolian-Skinner Company of Boston. The Mary Baker Eddy
  34. And fused into the surface of a plain glass bead. Shapes * Bugle beads Hair, pipe ,beads Elk rib bones were the original material for the long, tubular hair pipe
  35. Gorge and is a tributary of the River Axe. The inlet grate for the water, pipe ,that is used to transport the water can be seen next to the sensory garden in
  36. Instrument an acoustical behavior approximating that of a cylindrical stopped, pipe , Vibrato is rare in classical or concert band literature; however, certain
  37. In which a man was asphyxiated after entering an argon filled section of oil, pipe ,under construction in Alaska highlights the dangers of argon tank leakage in
  38. The Lord. Some even said that he passed through his mother, as water through a, pipe , into the world. We often find this idea, originated by Marion in the 2nd
  39. The 1800s. The church also has a modern electrical, two-manual and pedal board, pipe ,organ, that is still used in services. The nearby St John the Baptist
  40. Pipe beads Elk rib bones were the original material for the long, tubular hair, pipe ,beads. Today these beads are commonly made of bison and water buffalo bones and
  41. To form a cap. The stars γ Boo, λ Boo, θ Boo, and κ Boo from the herdsman's, pipe , Star γ Boo is of the third magnitude and would be the herdsman's mouth. Stars
  42. Alternative way to visualize the herdsman, in which he is seated and smoking a, pipe , The stars ε Boo, δ Boo, μ Boo, β Boo, γ Boo, ρ Boo, and σ Boo form the
  43. Interaction, its stiffness allows a powerful vacuum to be produced within the, pipe ,to minimize interaction with gases, its thermal stability allows it to function
  44. It was invented in 1934 as a substitute for the much bulkier and expensive, pipe ,organ. Additive synthesizers Early experimental models One of the first product
  45. From the straight tube is connected to the top of the sealed chamber and the, pipe ,from the small tubes is directed into the bottom inside the float. Since the
  46. Each component that comes into contact with the wetted surface of pipe s and, pipe ,fittings, plumbing fittings and fixtures. " On January 1,2010,the maximum
  47. Dedicated to Acadia University's war dead of the First World War. A memorial, pipe ,organ in Convocation Hall, Acadia University is dedicated to the members of
  48. And organist, dedicated also to the rescue, restoration and study of historic, pipe ,organs. With theological insight, he interpreted the use of pictorial and
  49. Of Cameraman and Common is St. Margaret's Church, with an old, but beautiful, pipe ,organ with two manuals and a pedal board. Also in this parish is St. Joseph's
  50. Take a slightly longer pull to set thoroughly. It cannot be stored in a hawse, pipe , Danforth or Fluke anchor American Richard Danforth invented the Danforth

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