Examples of the the word, licensing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( licensing ), is the 3655 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. BgC3,a new think-tank company founded by Bill Gates. * Corgis, a digital image, licensing ,and rights services company. Bibliography Gates has authored two books:
  2. Did not reach a licensing agreement. IBM representative Jack Sam's mentioned the, licensing ,difficulties during a subsequent meeting with Gates and told him to get an
  3. Oversight of financial sector and banking activity. A legal framework regarding, licensing , bank activities, organizational and capital requirements, inspections and
  4. In which the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announced the start date for, licensing ,and registration process for the 3650–3700 MHz band. In 2010 the FCC adopted
  5. MS-9185 resp. The M57SLI-S4 models. Some BIOSes contain a" SLIP" ( software, licensing ,description table),a digital signature placed inside the BIOS by the
  6. Society, and the right to exclude their work from an ECL agreement. Compulsory, licensing ,In some countries copyright law provides for compulsory licenses of copyrighted
  7. For the stated time period. Or exclusive licenses may prevent the licensor from, licensing ,other parties in the geographic region and during the license term. There are
  8. Amstrad CPC (1985) by CRL Group PLC based on the music by Angeles (due to, licensing ,issues),and another action adventure PC game (1997) by Westwood Studios.
  9. That were deeply pluralist. Licensed Games Chromium was an early adopter of, licensing ,out its BRP system to other companies, something that was unique at the time
  10. For their own needs. These are often minibuses for practical, tax and driver, licensing ,reasons, although they can also be full size buses. Cadet or scout groups or
  11. Since version 0.4.13. The OSI recommends that all developers and projects, licensing ,their products with the Artistic License adopt Artistic License 2.0. Afrikaans
  12. Windows and Microsoft application software can use the SLIP to authenticate, licensing ,to the OEM Windows Installation disk and/or system recovery disc containing
  13. Players' Union Bonds withdrew from the MLB Players Association's (ML BPA), licensing , agreement because he felt independent marketing deals would be more lucrative
  14. Often). It also introduced a new regulatory framework. The, licensing ,regime was replaced by a general authorization for companies to provide
  15. Significant differences in national copyright laws in regard to copyright, licensing ,and assignment. Copyright licenses, as a minimum, define the copyrighted works
  16. Fields were burnt and production ceased. Now Poppies are grown under a strict, licensing ,regime. They do not produce raw opium anymore but derive Morphine and other
  17. Added to their criminal records. ) * Canada - new drivers undergoing graduated, licensing ,in Ontario, Quebec,Northwest Territories, Manitoba,Alberta, Saskatchewan
  18. IBM's discussions with Digital Research went poorly, and they did not reach a, licensing ,agreement. IBM representative Jack Sam's mentioned the licensing difficulties
  19. By Midway Games after the National Football League signed an exclusive, licensing ,deal with Electronic Arts. *Cray Blitz, chess program for the Cray
  20. Their advertising content. Following a 1927 Royal Commission inquiry into radio, licensing ,issues, the government established the National Broadcasting Service which
  21. For redistribution from Oracle Corporation. This technique is called dual, licensing , Berkeley DB includes compatibility interfaces for some historic Unix database
  22. After the series has been off-air. Anime distribution companies handled the, licensing ,and distribution of anime outside Japan. Licensed anime is modified by
  23. License 2.0 In response to the Request for comments process for improving the, licensing ,position for Perl 6,Kuhn's draft was extensively rewritten by Roberta Carney
  24. Lucrative for him. Bonds is the first player in the thirty-year history of the, licensing ,program not to sign. Because of this withdrawal, his name and likeness are not
  25. All he could in the comic strip medium. Watterson is known for his views on, licensing ,and comic syndication, as well as for his reclusive nature. Early years and
  26. Products at the 2007 International Consumer Electronics Show. Companies, licensing ,this technology include General Motors, Motorola and Vision. In 2006 spring
  27. Rights management whereby ECL laws allow for freely negotiated copyright, licensing ,contracts for the exclusive rights granted by copyright. ECL laws are designed
  28. Processors, it could not be used on the same motherboards as Intel's' due to, licensing ,issues surrounding Intel's Slot 1 connector, and instead used a Slot A
  29. Tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in such areas as industrial, licensing , trade, labor,and finance continue to hamper foreign investment. In 2004
  30. Or non-tariff barriers to trade with Botswana, apart from restrictions on, licensing ,for some business operations, which are reserved for Botswana companies. "
  31. Similar to the PC. Microsoft made a deal with SCP to become the exclusive, licensing ,agent, and later the full owner, of 86-DOS. After adapting the operating system
  32. Environment protection measures, quality control measures, automatic, licensing , measures,price control measures, monopolistic measures, as well as other
  33. Members. Committees The committees of the SIG deal with the other aspects of, licensing , marketing and review including developing and maintaining the Qualification
  34. Embedded applications which removed the TV output, which required Macro vision, licensing ,for OEMs, and enabled native support for dual TMDS outputs, enabling dual
  35. Broadcasting Commission. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 A, licensing ,scheme, administered by the Postmaster-General's Department, was soon
  36. Including limited hardware in the small systems; extensive libraries, tools, licensing , cost issues; and simply being good enough for the job on others. The highly
  37. Should the licensor elect to offer future licenses to third parties. If a, licensing ,agreement does not specify that the license is exclusive it may nonetheless be
  38. Suite, and documentation. The code quality and general utility along with the, licensing ,terms have led to its use in a multitude of free and open source software.
  39. Next system, but a poorly-produced version for Windows. Despite these missteps, licensing ,fees from the PostScript interpreter allowed Adobe to outlast or acquire many
  40. Tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in areas such as industrial, licensing , trade, labor,and finance continue to hamper foreign investment. Hydropower
  41. A number of roles including publishing, wholesale and retail activities, licensing , merchandise development and marketing. Its office is on the northern corner of
  42. Produced from Zyklon B pellets, manufactured by two companies who had acquired, licensing ,rights to the patent held by IG Carbon. Despite the thick concrete walls of the
  43. Score for the show was composed by Danny Lux. DVD releases Due to music, licensing ,issues, none of the seasons of Ally McBeal were available on DVD in the United
  44. The payment. Collective rights management Collective rights management is the, licensing ,of copyright and related rights by organizations acting on behalf of rights
  45. Of an NEW game, the original arcade copyright holder was not precluded from, licensing ,out rights for a home version of an arcade game to multiple systems. Through
  46. Sector and in the privatization of all state banks. A legal framework regarding, licensing , bank activities, organizational and capital requirements, inspections and
  47. Entire interest in all or some of the rights in the copyrighted work. Copyright, licensing ,and assignment cover only the specified geographical region. There are
  48. Copyright may be bought and sold much like other properties. In the individual, licensing ,model the copyright owner authorizes the use of the work against remuneration
  49. SIG) is the body that oversees the development of Bluetooth standards and the, licensing ,of the Bluetooth technologies and trademarks to manufacturers. The SIG is a
  50. Distinct laws and regulations covering copyright. National copyright laws on, licensing , transfer and assignment of copyright still vary greatly between countries and

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