Examples of the the word, overlapping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overlapping ), is the 11958 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Обаче (ob ache) –" however ", identical in use to но). While there is some, overlapping ,between their uses, in many cases they are specific. For example, ami is used
  2. Which is glued a thinner board cut to the width of the spine of the book. The, overlapping ,edges of the cloth (about 5/8” all round) are folded over the boards, and
  3. That the currently observed classical objects belong to at least two different, overlapping ,populations, with different physical properties and orbital history. Toward a
  4. Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause, among several neurological abnormalities, overlapping ,cerebellar and sensory ataxia. Causes of isolated sensory ataxia Peripheral
  5. Argues that in British Columbia (and Canada generally),there were three, overlapping ,agrarian viewpoints. Arcadianism was based on nostalgic memories of rural
  6. Modeling Language, Object Management Group K * Alan Kay – Yearbook, Smalltalk, overlapping ,windows * Marek Kaminski –
  7. Changed with the westward extension of American exploration and the concomitant, overlapping ,claims of territorial sovereignty, especially in the southern Columbia basin (
  8. Bricks are laid by course. Each course is laid the whole length of the wall, overlapping ,at the corners on a layer of adobe mortar. Adobe walls usually never rise above
  9. And viruses, blur the distinction between sense and antisense strands by having, overlapping ,genes. In these cases, some DNA sequences do double duty, encoding one protein
  10. The spine; most cases feature both to some extent, and therefore present with, overlapping ,cerebellar and sensory ataxia, even though one is often more evident than the
  11. For laptop and tablet computers and E-books, and is the architect of the modern, overlapping ,windowing graphical user interface (GUI). Because the Yearbook was conceived
  12. Able to combine with the products of an immune response once they are made. The, overlapping ,concepts of immunogenicity and antigenicity are, therefore,subtly different.
  13. Personnel from several branches of the SS, some of which held, overlapping ,and shared areas of responsibility. In all, there were over 7000 members of the
  14. Bison prefers drier forest, they would most certainly have lived in areas, overlapping ,aurochs territory. Little else is known about Aurochs habits. Although they
  15. Include Wolf Landsteiner and Alfredo M. Bonanza. Theories Intersecting and, overlapping ,between various schools of thought, certain topics of interest and internal
  16. e.g. fabric, clay ). Types of beads may be divided into several types of, overlapping ,categories, based on different criteria such as component materials
  17. To a problem can be constructed from optimal solutions to subproblems, and, overlapping , subproblems, meaning the same subproblems are used to solve many
  18. Racing in),in with the R15 TDI Plus. Marketing Logos The Audi emblem is four, overlapping ,rings that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The Audi emblem symbolizes
  19. Also in the visible instruction set would make it easier to implement, overlapping ,processor stages (pipe lining) at the machine code level (i.e. the level
  20. Changing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the, overlapping ,rings. The logo was designed by Ryan Abdullah. Slogans Audi's corporate
  21. Central office, which tends to perpetuate the current situation of a mess of, overlapping ,and/or spotty areas of coverage. Under the North American Numbering Plan, most
  22. By Mauritius and Seychelles. The British Antarctic Territory is subject to, overlapping ,claims by Argentina and Chile, while many countries do not recognize any
  23. The typical" transnational" or" multinational" may fit into a web of, overlapping ,shareholders and directorships, with multiple branches and lines in different
  24. An open weave cloth somewhat like a stronger cheesecloth) is usually applied, overlapping ,the sides of the spine by an inch or more. Finally, the inside of the case
  25. Which not only helps execute a larger subset of instructions in a pipeline (, overlapping ,) fashion, but also facilitates more advanced extraction of parallelism out of
  26. And complement the percussion. Bhangra in the Punjab area, overlapping ,India and Pakistan is the place of origin of Bhangra. It is widely known both
  27. Texts were likely left in different versions and contexts (as in the, overlapping ,parts of the Endemic Ethics and Nicomachean Ethics),or in smaller units that
  28. Tactic to counter in the early 20th century. Trench warfare The tactic of using, overlapping ,arcs of fire came to prominence during World War I where it was a feature of
  29. Have also realized" optical lattices ", where the interference pattern from, overlapping ,lasers provides a periodic potential for the condensate. These have been used
  30. Archives suggest that Africans and Europeans formed two distinct, but perhaps, overlapping ,speech communities in the early phases of the island's colonization. "
  31. Eyes. The armor is formed by plates of dermal bone covered in relatively small, overlapping ,epidermal scales called" acutes ", composed of bone with a covering of horn.
  32. Are quite healthy thereafter. They have a characteristic clenched hand and, overlapping ,fingers. * Idic15,abbreviation for Isodicentric 15 on chromosome 15; also
  33. And aurochs" are difficult to classify because morphological traits have, overlapping ,distributions in cattle and aurochs and diagnostic features are identified only
  34. Indo-Bangladesh border length of, West Bengal has a border length of. Despite, overlapping ,historic, geographic and cultural ties, the relation between West Bengal and
  35. Work has gradually increased. Historian Jennifer Burns has identified" three, overlapping ,waves" of scholarly interest in Rand, the most recent of which is" an
  36. Regales (" princes" ). This may be a formal hierarchy, or they may be vague, overlapping ,terms, or a combination of both. In 357,there appear to have been two
  37. Expected to each of these works because the Deuteronomistic history covers an, overlapping ,period of time and because the issues which are dealt with in the book of
  38. The commune. The term acropolis is also used to describe the central complex of, overlapping ,structures, such as plazas and pyramids, in many Mayan cities, including Tidal
  39. Case is made similarly but has a different material on the spine and, overlapping ,onto the sides: so it starts out as three pieces of material, one each of a
  40. Republic is believed to have been settled from at least the 7th century on by, overlapping ,empires, including the Kanem-Bornu, Ouaddai, Baguirmi, and Four groups based
  41. Of a bony septum between the nostrils, and the ventral armor is composed of, overlapping ,bony acutes, each of which is formed of two parts united by a suture. Some
  42. Bonding Like single covalent bonds, double bonds can be described in terms of, overlapping ,atomic orbitals, except that, unlike a single bond (which consists of a single
  43. Types of financial institutions may be subject to different (and occasionally, overlapping ,) regulation. Some types of banking regulation may be delegated to other levels
  44. Is empowered for all except federal and specific municipal matters. The, overlapping ,boundaries of the Regions and Communities have created two notable
  45. Struggles in other parts of the world, such as Israel and Kashmir. A number of, overlapping ,and interrelated organizations were formed, to further those aspirations. One
  46. Solid fuels The act of combustion consists of three relatively distinct but, overlapping ,phases: * Preheating phase, when the unburned fuel is heated up to its flash
  47. However, in the Sioux litigation, two provincial courts recently certified, overlapping ,class actions whereby Canadian residents are class members in two class actions
  48. Equally important, what the town was talking about. Welles also favored the, overlapping ,of dialogue, considering it more realistic than the stage and movie tradition
  49. Front, the two sides had been locked in a trench war, where kill zones by, overlapping ,fire of machine guns and barbed wire prevented either side from breaking
  50. Such as the grouping of the band members in different combinations of pairs, overlapping ,one singer's profile with the other's full face, and the contrasting of one

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