Examples of the the word, penetrate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penetrate ), is the 6065 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Closely related practices *Medical acupuncture is using needles to, penetrate ,the skin at the location of real anatomical structures instead of points
  2. Against formations of pike men combined with crossbowmen whose weapons could, penetrate ,most knights' armor. The invention of push lever and ratchet drawing mechanisms
  3. The mail was not riveted, a well-placed thrust from a spear or thin sword could, penetrate , and a poleaxe or halberd blow could break through the armor. In India
  4. In fact the Royal Armory at Leeds concluded that" it is almost impossible to, penetrate ,using any conventional medieval weapon" Generally speaking,mail's resistance
  5. There they conquered the Duchy of Athens and Thebes. The Turks continued to, penetrate ,the Byzantine possessions, and Plus fell in 1326. By the end of Androids II
  6. Of this breach, Württemberg’s Danish cavalry now swept forward, wheeling to, penetrate ,the flank of the Madison du ROI whose attention was almost entirely fixed on
  7. Of the major gyres and on the NW shelf and as the water is not dense enough to, penetrate ,the deep waters, isopycnal advection occurs, dispersing the water across the
  8. The winter, the tropical anticyclones move south, allowing cold polar fronts to, penetrate ,the region. Still, within Andalusia there is considerable climatic variety.
  9. The calcium carbonate dust is a respiratory irritant and the particles can, penetrate ,into the lower respiratory tree and cause irritant bronchitis and other
  10. The distance between the planes of a man’s chest to his back. The lance would, penetrate ,the chest and pass through the chest cavity and exit from the back. The bone
  11. CO2 is in a" supercritical" state: It has gaslike properties that allow it to, penetrate ,deep into the beans but also liquid-like properties that dissolve 97–99 % of
  12. The clouds were thinner than predicted, or that the cometary fragments did not, penetrate ,deeply enough. Other observations Radio observations revealed a sharp increase
  13. Century, cannons were only powerful enough to knock in roofs, and could not, penetrate ,castle walls. However, a major change occurred between 1420–1430,when
  14. Not in contact with it. However, near-infrared and visible light more easily, penetrate ,the glass. If the glass is cooled quickly in the absence of a strong light
  15. And in other countries to use the premium Brunei Halal trademark to help them, penetrate ,lucrative markets in countries with significant numbers of Muslim consumers.
  16. B-2's low-observable, or " stealth ", characteristics give it the ability to, penetrate ,an enemy's most sophisticated anti-aircraft defenses to attack its most
  17. Because it is intermediate in its mobility, sharpness,and ability to, penetrate , He also said of air that its minuscule components are so smooth that one can
  18. They are usually restricted to ancient agricultural land and only rarely, penetrate ,into undisturbed native vegetation. The main loss is in the lowlands (below
  19. It is specifically related to the ability of low angular momentum electrons to, penetrate ,more effectively toward the nucleus, where they are subject to less screening
  20. Between two pillars, and two Latin soldiers competed as to whose sword would, penetrate ,his body more deeply, and finally his body, according to the representation of
  21. US political expert Rebecca Grant has posited when the B-2 is no longer able to, penetrate ,enemy defenses, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II may take on its
  22. Wanting to move the sculpture to ground level so that viewers could ", penetrate ,to the heart of the subject ". At ground level, the figures' positions lead
  23. Such a bottom. Grassy bottoms may be good holding, but only if the anchor can, penetrate ,the foliage. Depth and tides If the anchorage is affected by tide, tide ranges
  24. Additional aircraft would save money because B-2s would be able to deeply, penetrate ,anti-aircraft defenses and use low-cost, short-range attack weapons rather than
  25. Fired from a modest distance. Crossbow bolts, if still used, would seldom, penetrate ,good plate, nor would any bullet unless fired from close range. In effect
  26. Shells were far more effective than the British shells, which often failed to, penetrate ,heavy armor. The issue particularly concerned shells striking at oblique
  27. Conditions that acupuncture is used for. Safety Because acupuncture needles, penetrate ,the skin, many forms of acupuncture are invasive procedures, and therefore not
  28. Close artillery support could disrupt infantry squares and allow cavalry to, penetrate ,; at Waterloo, however,co-operation between the French cavalry and artillery
  29. The ALCM could be launched well outside the range of any Soviet defenses and, penetrate ,at low altitude just like a bomber, but in much greater numbers at a lower cost
  30. Barbed wire, to lead men across the battlefield. The British had been able to, penetrate ,German lines this way, but not enough tanks were made before the war ended. The
  31. Decades of the 19th century, however,Muslim traders began increasingly to, penetrate ,the region of the CAR and to cultivate special relations with local leaders in
  32. To the English lines but ultimately fell back. The French were unable to, penetrate ,the protective hedge the English were using. This phase of the attack lasted
  33. Only by the presence of an amino group. That amino group helps the drug, penetrate ,the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. Ampicillin acts as a competitive
  34. Could be stopped by thin sheets of paper or aluminum, whereas beta rays could, penetrate ,several millimeters of aluminum. (In 1900 Paul Willard identified gamma rays
  35. To the penicillin group of beta-lactam antibiotics, ampicillin is able to, penetrate ,Gram-positive and some Gram-negative bacteria. It differs from penicillin only
  36. Peoples, but after about 1850,slave traders with well-armed soldiers began to, penetrate ,the region. Between c. 1860 and 1910,slave traders from Sudan, Chad,Cameroon
  37. Many hardships and finally the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and his managed to, penetrate ,the walls by capturing a gate prompting the Qutbshahi's of Golconda and the
  38. To alter than documents printed with toner or solid inks, which do not, penetrate ,below the paper surface. Checks should either be printed with liquid ink or on
  39. Diameter rounds enable the projectile to travel at the high velocity needed to, penetrate ,Kevlar armor, as a light weapon with sufficient energy to push a large caliber
  40. Positions to best advantage. Flanking fire by TD's was emphasized, both to, penetrate ,thinner enemy side armor, and to reduce the likelihood of accurate enemy return
  41. The mud becomes almost as hard as stone, and neither wolves nor wolverines can, penetrate ,it. The lodge has underwater entrances to make entry nearly impossible for any
  42. Projectiles on surfaces which was forceful enough to enable them to, penetrate ,whereas the oblique ones were deflected. For example, to explain refraction
  43. Alaric. This very year thou shalt force the Alpine barrier of Italy; thou shalt, penetrate ,to the city. " But the prophecy was not to be fulfilled at this time. After
  44. Is an American heavy bomber with low observable stealth technology designed to, penetrate ,dense anti-aircraft defenses and deploy both conventional and nuclear weapons.
  45. From 0.3 to a few hundred bar),with some predictions that the comet would, penetrate ,a layer of water and create a bluish shroud over that region of Jupiter.
  46. One state of minimal free energy requires some form of activation energy to, penetrate ,the barrier (compare activation energy and Arrhenius equation for the chemical
  47. Especially so for s electrons, which move at relativistic velocities as they, penetrate ,the screening electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic
  48. Penetrate light cover and others have 'delay '. Delay fuses allow the shell to, penetrate ,the ground before exploding. Armor- or concrete-piercing fuses are specially
  49. Only be one such ray from each point on the surface of the object which could, penetrate ,the eye. " Chapters 15–16 of the Book of Optics covered astronomy. Alien was
  50. Is normally 'super quick ', some have had a 'graze' action which allows them to, penetrate ,light cover and others have 'delay '. Delay fuses allow the shell to penetrate

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