Examples of the the word, cassette , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cassette ), is the 6064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Multiple language tracks into a simple product. This was not the case with VHS, cassette , in which separate VHS media were used and with each VHS cassette priced the
  2. Under a camera and the magnified image is displayed onto a screen. * Modified, cassette ,recorder. To record a lecture, own thoughts, ideas,notes etc. * Desktop
  3. The ROM were used to encode and decode data in frequency-shift keying for the, cassette , Wozniak's open design and the Apple II's multiple expansion slots permitted
  4. except an additional 12V power lead. Unlike the CPC464's, cassette ,tape drive that could be powered off the main unit's 5V voltage, the CPC664's
  5. Design prominently features an integrated storage device, either a compact, cassette ,deck or 3" floppy disk drive. The main units were only sold bundled with a
  6. A MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz,4 KB of RAM, an audio, cassette ,interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC
  7. A tradition of writing (e.g., Kakchiqel, Tzotzil) are available on audio, cassette , Translations into American Sign Language are available on video cassette and
  8. Like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for cassette storage: the, cassette ,output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing
  9. Ideas, notes etc. * Desktop compact cassette dictation system. To allow audio, cassette ,playback with the aid of a foot pedal. * Users produce tactile materials, for
  10. Like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for cassette storage: the, cassette ,output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing
  11. The 4-Star derailleur gear in 1949 along with an associated 4 speed 'unit' or, cassette ,hub. The derailleur design was altered from 1950 and was certainly available up
  12. To record a lecture, own thoughts, ideas,notes etc. * Desktop compact, cassette ,dictation system. To allow audio cassette playback with the aid of a foot pedal
  13. Commodore Cassette 300 baud tape interface (edge connector with digital, cassette ,motor/read/write/key-sense signals, Ground and +5V DC lines. The cassette motor
  14. Support for high-resolution graphics. Apple soft II, which was made available on, cassette ,and disk and in the ROM of the Apple II Plus and subsequent models, was
  15. A charge pump to the SID sound generator chip, provide via a rectifier to the, cassette ,motor, a " 0" pulse for every positive half-wave to the time-of-day (TOD)
  16. ROM along with Integer BASIC. Programs were entered, then saved and loaded on, cassette ,tape. When the Disk II was implemented in 1978 by Steve Wozniak, a Disk
  17. As their predecessors: The 464plus is equipped with 64 KB RAM and a, cassette ,tape drive, the 6128plus features 128 KB RAM and a 3" floppy disk drive. Both
  18. Is transformed into unregulated 6.36 V DC which is used to actually power the, cassette ,motor. **User port (edge connector with TTL-level signals, for modems and so
  19. Are still making hardcore hip hop. Later days After the first Odor Posse demo, cassette ,they toured around the Netherlands. In Deventer, they found the first followers
  20. With a silent film camera and recording all the audio on a primitive audio, cassette ,recorder. Marker also reminds the reader that only one short scene in La Jeté
  21. Despite these artists outselling popular British ones; most of the Bhangra, cassette ,sales were not through the large UK record stores, whose sales were those
  22. For copy-protection. General Data storage Originally the Apple II used audio, cassette ,tapes for program and data storage. A dedicated tape recorder along the lines
  23. 5,1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at, of RAM, an audio, cassette ,interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC
  24. Boys began as hardcore punk band in 1979,first appearing on the compilation, cassette ,New York Thrash before releasing their first EP, Polly Wog Stew, in 1982. After
  25. ASCII keyboard, and composite video display. An optional board providing a, cassette ,interface for storage was later released at a cost of $75. The Apple I's
  26. The ROM were used to encode and decode data in frequency-shift keying for the, cassette , Wozniak's open design and the Apple II's multiple expansion slots permitted
  27. To the armed forces. This design was different from the 1930s Bliss Wiley, cassette ,hub which had a threaded sprocket carrier. BSA bought New Hudson motorcycle and
  28. In the 2008 Kazakh film Julian, the tractor driver Bond continually plays a, cassette ,of Rivers of Babylon, an example of his fascination for all things Western. In
  29. The chain, which in turn rotates the rear wheel via the rear sprocket (s) (, cassette ,or freewheel). There are four gearing options: two-speed hub gear integrated
  30. Known as the Cole co Adam, complete with keyboard and digital data pack (DDP), cassette , drives. Module #3 was originally conceived to be the ColecoVision Super Game
  31. Both Sony and Philips. The CD's compact format has largely replaced the audio, cassette ,player in new automobile applications, and recordable CDs are an alternative to
  32. Several features. The first version of Apple soft was released in 1977 only on, cassette ,tape and lacked proper support for high-resolution graphics. Apple soft II
  33. A posited connection between breast cancer and abortion * ATP-binding, cassette ,transporter, a transmembrane protein * ABC strategy for" Abstinence, be
  34. Membrane-type keyboards. CPC464 The CPC464 featured 64 KB RAM and an internal, cassette ,tape deck. It was introduced in June 1984 in the UK. Initial suggested retail
  35. Via a sound card like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for, cassette ,storage: the cassette output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was
  36. Case with VHS cassette , in which separate VHS media were used and with each VHS, cassette ,priced the same as a single DVD. The" light touch" approach also applies to
  37. Programs and data back to the teacher through the same LAN, or could save to a, cassette ,recorder built into the disk-less units. Through a special" video-switch" the
  38. One from a Spanish computer museum, the educational model with an opening for a, cassette ,player is the one on the right *
  39. Perhaps Gentler ve Her Haman Gene Kazanlak (1987) (It was sold as compact, cassette ,and CD) Other albums * Tore (1988) (It was sold as CD) by Out Ibadan
  40. Style" white-space: no wrap;" >11.5 cm, the width of the then popular compact, cassette , while Sony planned a style" white-space: no wrap;" >10 cm diameter
  41. Pleasurable and interesting life activities. Deafness and hearing loss * Video, cassette ,recorders that can read and record subtitles (Closed Captioning). * Vibrating
  42. With color graphics and an open architecture. While early models used ordinary, cassette ,tapes as storage devices, they were superseded by the introduction of a 5 1/4
  43. Had an all-metal enclosure) that also had an opening on the top in which a, cassette ,recorder could be placed. This model was used in a cluster with one Aster (
  44. A CRT and an integrated 1541 floppy disk drive. The SX-64 did not have a, cassette ,connector. Commodore, specifically two designers; Fred Bowen and BIL Herd, were
  45. Operating system. The Electron was able to save and load programs onto audio, cassette ,via a supplied converter cable that connected it to any standard tape recorder
  46. A job, Hanjour" increasingly turned his attention toward religious texts and, cassette ,tapes of militant Islamic preachers ". Hangout left Saudi Arabia in late 1999
  47. The buffer chip. Programs for small computers were generally stored on, cassette ,tape, disk or paper tape. By the early 1970s,Hewlett Packard manufactured
  48. Via a sound card like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for, cassette ,storage: the cassette output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was
  49. Halt any running BASIC program, or terminate the loading or saving of data to, cassette ,tape. An interrupted BASIC program can usually be resumed with the CONTINUE
  50. Cassette motor/read/write/key-sense signals, Ground and +5V DC lines. The, cassette ,motor is controlled by a +5V DC signal from the 6502 CPU. The 9 V AC input is

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