Examples of the the word, intellect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intellect ), is the 9283 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the other through the intellect . Of these he calls the one through the, intellect ,‘ legitimate’ attesting its trustworthiness for the judgement of truth, and
  2. Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. Babbage was impressed by Lovelace's, intellect ,and writing skills. He called her" The Enchantress of Numbers ". In 1843, he
  3. Forms of theism. By way of clarification, Huxley states," In matters of the, intellect , follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other
  4. Not only the divinely appointed religio-political leader but also the cosmic, intellect ,linking God with creation. ", while others like Nissan Dana and Mordechai Nisan
  5. By Matter/Nature. Such phenomena of Matter/Nature includes reflections of the, intellect ,(Buddha),the faculty that makes things personal (the I-Maker/Shankara)
  6. Suggested that intellect declines, while cross-sectional studies suggest that, intellect ,is stable. It is generally believed that crystallized intelligence increases up
  7. Suffer his entire life from an (undiagnosed) mental illness, his inferior, intellect ,a terrible disappointment to his father and this tragedy a matter of distress
  8. Of Independence never intended 'to say all were equal in color, size, intellect , moral developments, or social capacity ', but they 'did consider all men
  9. With age remains controversial. Longitudinal studies have suggested that, intellect ,declines, while cross-sectional studies suggest that intellect is stable. It is
  10. Physically strong, and though not lacking in courage, he was more noted for his, intellect ,than a warlike character. Under Æthelred During the short reigns of the older
  11. Embodied in Victorian sexology, of women as secondary social beings in terms of, intellect ,and sensibility. " Occult scholar Tim Marina compared him to other figures and
  12. Religious leaders, and Holy Books, had esoteric meanings preserved for those of, intellect , in which some teachings are mere symbols and allegorist in nature and for
  13. In a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions,and, intellect , It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations,and modes of
  14. A whole harem, and procure men, and indeed thorough men, for all girls of, intellect ,and understanding, then a generation would soon arise which would produce a
  15. Requires some kind of organized effort; # harnessing the collective human, intellect ,of all the people contributing to effective solutions was the key; # if you
  16. Its basis, which affects its theme; e.g., Air is associated with speech and, intellect ,and would be suitable for a system of spoken spells gained through study. The
  17. Exist in the mind before the act of abstraction. " It is not a law of our, intellect , that, in comparing things with each other and taking note of their agreement
  18. And experience; only the last is effective and able to bring peace to the, intellect , " (Bacon p. 367) " Experimental Science controls the conclusions of all
  19. Of men in the service of a patriotic ideal. In what was essentially an act of, intellect ,and reason, David creates an air of drama in this work. The very power of the
  20. 1996. Isaac Asimov described Sagan as one of only two people he ever met whose, intellect ,surpassed his own. The other, he claimed, was the computer scientist and
  21. Philosophers, however,with a new emphasis on Reason as a tool of the, intellect , brought the classical and medieval traditions under new scrutiny, exercising a
  22. In this way, bodily perception interrelates with the immaterial human, intellect , In sense perception, the perceived senses the form of the object; first, by
  23. Of the world. Religious symbolism is effective when it appeals to both the, intellect ,and the emotions. Especially important depictions of Mary include the
  24. A small part of Engelbart's much larger project, aimed at augmenting human, intellect , Several other experimental pointing-devices developed for Engelbart's online
  25. Schopenhauer aesthetic contemplation of beauty is the most free that the pure, intellect ,can be from the dictates of will; here we contemplate perfection of form
  26. By God and gain an immediate knowledge of Him, which is unknowable through the, intellect ,alone. Albert us Magnus championed the idea, drawn from Dionysus, that positive
  27. In intelligence (and in personal hygiene standards) just as their masters ', intellect ,increases. Each Black adder and Baldric is also saddled with the company of a
  28. Mitford and her husband that she believed that there was an inferiority of, intellect ,in women. Name Leighton/> In Aurora Leigh, however,she created a strong
  29. The esoteric and Wicca community. * Other: Correspondences include mind, intellect , consciousness, study,communication and beginnings. Other traditions ENIL was
  30. Without regard to any other consideration. And negatively: In matters of the, intellect , do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or
  31. Unskillful, or neutral. For Schopenhauer, Will had ontological primacy over the, intellect ,; in other words, desire is understood to be prior to thought. Schopenhauer felt
  32. In which he argued that poetry should appeal to emotions rather than to the, intellect , Housman died three years later, aged 77,in Cambridge. His ashes are buried
  33. Come to live life this way their practical wisdom (process) and their, intellect ,(nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human virtue
  34. Important problems together in much more powerful ways. Harnessing collective, intellect , facilitated by interactive computers, became his life's mission at a time
  35. Its two natural enemies. One of these he called" the sovereignty of the, intellect ," which he saw in a technology-based totalitarian society. The other enemy he
  36. Authority as being derived primarily from Scripture, informed by reason (the, intellect ,and the experience of God) and tradition (the practices and beliefs of the
  37. And eugenics Schopenhauer believed that a person inherits one's level of, intellect ,through one's mother, and personal character through one's father.
  38. Are two kinds of knowing, one through the senses and the other through the, intellect , Of these he calls the one through the intellect ‘ legitimate’ attesting its
  39. Was supposed this utilitarian age had devoted to the loftier exercises of the, intellect , " In 1847,Emily published her novel, Wuthering Heights, as two volumes of a
  40. Follow it there's a second, super-existent " One" that is the producer of, intellect ,or soul (psyche). The" One" is further separated into spheres of
  41. His timeand,so, it is concluded, the nation he founded must be a nation of, intellect ,and logic. Washington Irving is the first citation for this belief. The late
  42. In his Anti Augustine Vita. Presidium admired Augustine as a man of powerful, intellect ,and a stirring orator who took every opportunity to defend Christianity against
  43. Second sort of knowledge, the “ legitimate” one, can be achieved through the, intellect , in other words, all the sense-data from the“ bastard” must be elaborated
  44. Of" military genius" ( involving matters of personality and character, beyond, intellect , ) * the" fascinating trinity" ( underlie Dreifaltigkeit) of war *
  45. Developing into an elaborate theory by Avicenna So the immaterial" active, intellect ,", separate from any individual person, is still essential for understanding to
  46. Both of these, human knowledge is assisted by the revelation of grace. For the, intellect ,'s natural light is strengthened by the infusion of gratuitous light. Faith is
  47. Effort to avoid any actions or formal ties that might inhibit his freedom of, intellect ,and literary expression. Throughout his life, he was offered many positions of
  48. Iambics describes the One as a monad whose first principle or emanation is, intellect ,(nous),while among" the many" that follow it there's a second
  49. Unlike most superheroes, he does not possess any superpowers; he makes use of, intellect , detective skills, science and technology, wealth,physical prowess, martial
  50. Nihil in intellect Nisei Prius merit in sense" ( Latin for" nothing in the, intellect ,without first being in the senses" ). During the Middle Ages Aristotle's

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