Examples of the the word, ripe , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For personal gain, such societies are repeatedly portrayed in the book as being, ripe ,for destruction. Religious significance The Church of Jesus Christ of
  2. A clearly enunciated theory of how to compose in the new style. It was a moment, ripe ,for a breakthrough. Many consider this breakthrough to have been made by C. P.
  3. In Attic Greek, hōraios had many meanings, including " youthful" and ", ripe ,old age. " Symmetry is also important because it suggests the absence of
  4. At their weakest. The Japanese would pluck the fruit" when the persimmon is, ripe ,". Matsuda was not reconciled to this decision, nor to Konoe's attempt to
  5. One of the best Labor ministers since Federation. Although the conditions were, ripe ,for industrial unrest—Communist influence in the union movement was then at its
  6. However. Among the Visigoths settled in Lower Media, the situation was, ripe ,for rebellion. They had suffered disproportionately great losses at Frigid us.
  7. Hydrophytic, with the fruit often found floating on water near shore during the, ripe ,season. The plant is native to South Asia and the Asia-Pacific. The earliest
  8. Japanese imports, art and styles became fashionable in London, making the time, ripe ,for an opera set in Japan. Gilbert said, Setting the opera in Japan, an exotic
  9. Referred to as" true fruit flies" ); nephritis feed primarily on un ripe or, ripe ,fruit, with many species being regarded as destructive agricultural pests
  10. Government that was on the decline. By 500 BC, Ionia appears to have been, ripe ,for rebellion against these Persian clients. The simmering tension finally
  11. Fruit eater) with a diet that did not depend heavily on fibrous plants, ripe ,fruit or hard or abrasive food. The size of the upper canine tooth in A.
  12. Offered control of Macau in the 1970s,the Chinese deemed the time" not yet, ripe ," and preferred to wait until December 1999—the very end of the millennium, two
  13. Chocolate taste. It is important to harvest the pods when they are fully, ripe ,because if the pod is un ripe , the beans will have a low cocoa butter content
  14. Barley is ripe , being the test for the onset of spring. If the barley was not, ripe ,an intercalary month would be added before Nisan. The day most commonly
  15. The rules of political gravitation, in a theory often referred to as the ", ripe ,fruit theory ". Adams wrote," There are laws of political as well as physical
  16. And Lugosi, and they cover more than 4,000 hectares These estates transport, ripe ,cherries quickly to their mills after harvest. The pulp is then fermented and
  17. Green young grain),Persephone (in the middle, the nymph, signifying the, ripe ,grain waiting to be harvested),and Hecate (the eldest of the three, the
  18. Low-populated wooded areas such as the location of the new city were already, ripe ,for development). Some historians dispute whether Hadrian did in fact
  19. Mauritius has marked dry and wet seasons, the dodo probably fattened itself on, ripe ,fruits at the end of the wet season to live through the dry season when food
  20. Turned to Haydn and Mozart for their ideas on form. The moment was again, ripe ,for a dramatic shift. During the 1790s,there emerged of a new generation of
  21. Calamine was" nothing else but unmeltable zinc" and that zinc was a" half, ripe ,metal. " However some earlier high zinc, low iron brasses such as the 1530
  22. The average life expectancy in the 18th century was 35 years. Fifty was a, ripe ,old age. Ninety ... was forever. " This ignores the fact that the life
  23. The fruit is a spiny capsule 4–10 cm long and 2–6 cm broad, splitting open when, ripe ,to release the numerous seeds. The seeds disperse freely over pastures, fields
  24. 3–4 in) wide, ripe ning yellow to orange, and weighs about 500 g (1 lb) when, ripe , Cacao trees are small, understory trees that need rich, well-drained soils.
  25. Battle taken place in the true month of August, when the harvest was becoming, ripe , Pompey's strategy of starving Caesar would have been senseless. Location
  26. In Kline Greek, beauty was thus associated with" being of one's hour. " A, ripe ,fruit (of its time) was considered beautiful, whereas a young woman trying to
  27. Avignon. The conflict in Germany and northern Italy arguably left the culture, ripe ,for various Protestant sects, such as the Fathers, the Waldensian's and
  28. Instead of water. * Spoon sweets (γλυκά του κουταλιού) of various fruits, ripe ,or un ripe , or green un ripe nuts. Spoon sweets are essentially marmalade except
  29. Weissmuller Jr. stated that although rumors of Peter Weissmuller living to" a, ripe ,old age, remarrying along the way and spawning a large brood of little
  30. S use of humor, mockery,and vicious satire in his arguments made the letters, ripe ,for public consumption, and influenced the prose of later French writers like
  31. On the other; if the Israelites followed the Lord, the sweet almonds would be, ripe ,and edible, but if they were to forsake the path of the Lord, the bitter
  32. Are also the many North American Indian festivals tied to harvest of autumnally, ripe ,foods gathered in the wild, the Chinese Mid-Autumn or Moon festival, and many
  33. Freya who is out making fire with steel and Flintstones to see if the rye is, ripe , She is kind to people, and she is only doing it to be of service, she is not
  34. World. On Java, this variety is produced by feeding captive palm civets with, ripe ,coffee cherries. The digestive tract of the civet removes the mucilage from the
  35. Whole—to Seymour the contrast—or only the rind is eaten. The fruit is considered, ripe ,when it reaches a yellowish-orange stage and has just shed the last tint of
  36. Of public oratory to America, viewing the multilevel political structure as, ripe ,for" the renaissance of Demosthenes eloquence. " Adams's Lectures on Rhetoric
  37. In ancient Israel was that 1 Nisan would not start until the barley is, ripe , being the test for the onset of spring. If the barley was not ripe an
  38. The leaves of the plant; it is initially white, but turns a deep red when fully, ripe , It is edible, with an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness.
  39. Carry their Masters high. The conspicuous red Masters are mistaken by birds for, ripe ,fruits such as Veronica alchorneoides and eaten. The droppings of the bird are
  40. Next morning Aaron’s rod was found to have budded and blossomed and produced, ripe ,almonds (Numbers 17:8). The miracle proved merely the prerogative of the
  41. Now perfected excellence. There was then a crop of growing corn; there is now a, ripe , gathered harvest. What I was hoping for then, I have now. The hope has become
  42. Possibility is to connect it with hora (ὥρα),season, and to interpret it as, ripe ,for marriage. " So begins the section on Hera in Walter Burkert's Greek
  43. Others oval, all of them hollow with sower (sic) astringent taste; they are, ripe ,in August and September. They are excellent against the Scurvy. They are also
  44. First, the Americas and later, Australia ) in the 15th century, proved, ripe , opportunities for the continent's Renaissance-era monarchies to launch
  45. Rye, where Mans in Carry said:" Now Freya is out watching if the rye is, ripe ,". Along with this, Göth recalls another mention of Freya in the countryside::
  46. The fruit can be round or bell shaped,it's bright orange when fully, ripe , It may also be distinguished from other kumquats by its round leaves that make
  47. Fruits (such as blackberry) the receptacle is elongated and part of the, ripe ,fruit, making the blackberry an aggregate-accessory fruit. The strawberry is
  48. Colour above, with a paler underside. They are herbivorous, often feeding on, ripe ,fruit that falls from trees. They live in burrows, and,like squirrels, will
  49. Are visited by birds such as the too and bell bird which twist the top of the, ripe ,bud. That action releases a mechanism which causes the petals to suddenly
  50. Recorded the old legal definition of the inch to be" three grains of sound, ripe ,barley being taken out the middle of the ear, well dried, and laid end to end

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