Examples of the the word, hardy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hardy ), is the 9288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was handsome and eloquent, but licentious; and, at the same time, active, hardy , courageous, a great general and an able politician. Androids' early years
  2. His novel Watt (1953),when a healthy shrub is described at one point as" a, hardy ,laurel ". Vladimir stands through most of the play whereas Estrogen sits down
  3. And pinene. Although considered cold-sensitive, marjoram can sometimes prove, hardy ,even in zone 5. Related species Oregano (Organum vulgar, sometimes listed
  4. Egyptian lavender). Some species such as Tarantula speeches are not winter, hardy ,in temperate climates - USDA Zones 8-10). The landing Tarantula × intermedia
  5. Curtis: 2.11.1852 - 28.2.1860 Donkey Curtis became the last in a long list of, hardy ,Dutch Opperhoofden who were stationed at Decimal; and fortuitously, Curtius also
  6. Information. Angelfish (Large) These big beauties are considered to be quite, hardy , but because of their size may present a significant challenge to the potential
  7. For use on rivers and calm water, the higher end inflatables are designed to be, hardy , seaworthy vessels. Recently some manufacturers have added an internal frame (
  8. 16th century and to Europe in the 17th century. Keeping The common carp is a, hardy ,fish, and KOI retain that durability. KOI are cold-water fish, but benefit from
  9. Not as common a choice for aquariums as many other species, they are typically, hardy ,and brightly colored Gobies Typically are hardy and do not harm invertebrates
  10. Anthracis is considered an effective agent for several reasons. First, it forms, hardy ,spores, perfect for dispersal aerosols. Second, this organism is not considered
  11. Species, they are typically hardy and brightly colored Gobies Typically are, hardy ,and do not harm invertebrates which makes them a good choice of fish for a reef
  12. Julibrissin (mimosa),Crape Myrtle, and even the occasional Needle Palm are, hardy ,landscape materials regularly used as street, yard,and garden plantings in the
  13. For cutting both hot and cold metals. It has a square shank that fits into the, hardy ,hole in the anvil, with the cutting edge facing upwards. The metal to be cut is
  14. Amaranths Caucasus (love-lies-bleeding),a native of India and a vigorous, hardy ,annual with dark purplish flowers crowded in handsome drooping spikes. Another
  15. Phenotypes of D. period hybrids with other Davis. Aquarium care Zebrafish are, hardy ,fish and considered good for beginner aquariums. Their ease of keeping and
  16. Climates with adequate summer heat. Whereas Actinide delicious is not, hardy , other species can be grown as substitutes. Kiwifruit is commercially grown on
  17. Perfect flowers and can self-pollinate; unfortunately it lacks vigor, is less, hardy ,than most A. argued forms and is not a large producer. Kiwifruit is notoriously
  18. Or forged tool steel. The flat top has two holes; the square hole is called the, hardy ,hole, where the square shank of the hardy fits. The smaller hole is called the
  19. However, seldom produces flowers. However, Russian tarragon is a far more, hardy ,and vigorous plant, spreading at the roots and growing over a meter tall. This
  20. Egypt, a jumbled mass of hills where life is hard and unpredictable for the, hardy ,Beja inhabitants. Below the hills sprawls the coastal plain of the Red Sea
  21. Prussians and other Baltic people such as the Lithuanians were noted for their, hardy ,horses and cavalry during the early Middle Ages. During their conquest of Old
  22. Procumbent selection from Tuscan Blue * Salem – pale blue flowers, cold, hardy , similar to ARP * Severn Sea – spreading, low-growing,with arching branches;
  23. The" weak" genes from the" strong" genes in the seeds. The result was, hardy ,but rotten-tasting fruit, implying a yin and yang balance within fruit, as well
  24. Tasks such as bullfighting. Later, the people who settled the Americas needed a, hardy ,horse that was capable of working with cattle. Thus, Arabians and Thoroughbreds
  25. Towards small fish and invertebrates, others are reefed safe. Some are quite, hardy , some typically die within weeks. Magazines, periodicals,glossies or serials
  26. This extinction, but this was mostly in the form of disaster taxa, such as the, hardy ,Alectrosaurus. The most recent research indicates that the specialized animals
  27. Are found in Mediterranean countries. Old olive trees The olive tree is very, hardy ,: drought-, disease- and fire-resistant, it can live to a great age. Its root
  28. Geography is dominated by fields of basalt rubble, interspersed with a few, hardy ,plants and mosses. On a clear day, one can see Snæfellsjökull across the bay
  29. Army as many Scottish soldiers as possible ... because they are generally more, hardy ,and less mutinous. ". The national policy of aggressively recruiting Scots for
  30. Olive industry in ancient economies cannot be overstated. The tree is extremely, hardy ,and its useful lifespan can be measured in centuries. Its wide and deep root
  31. Rabbit fish Less commonly kept than some other species, many still make, hardy ,and colorful aquarium residents. Rays All rays have a poisonous spine near the
  32. 55 mph. Westward expansion In the 19th century, pioneers heading West needed a, hardy , willing horse. On the Great Plains, settlers encountered horses that descended
  33. As annuals for convenience, particularly if they are not considered cold, hardy ,for the local climate. Carrot, celery and parsley are true biennials that are
  34. Are found. The central valley is characterized by several species of cacti,the, hardy ,Espinosa, the Chilean pine, the southern beeches and the copious, a red
  35. Abrasion clans of Lunar and Swat valleys as a section of the Bamboos. These, hardy ,tribes had offered stubborn resistance to Alexander (326 c BC) during latter
  36. Mishandling should be taken as a red flag. The following species are relatively, hardy ,and an experienced aquarium should have no trouble with them, so long as they
  37. Been added. TR Tropical ST Sub-Tropical TM=Temperate Squirrel fish Typically are, hardy ,fish that can be kept with a wide variety of tank mates. Sharks Will outgrow
  38. Europe at the close of the 17th century as a handsome greenhouse plant, and is, hardy ,outdoors in the south of England and Ireland if protected from severe frosts.
  39. In the recommended minimum of 30 US gallons. The blind cave tetra is a fairly, hardy ,species. They are not picky on food, as they will eat anything from standard
  40. Hereditary problems. Perhaps because the breed has descended from centuries of, hardy ,working stock, Komondors have few genetically linked problems. In particular
  41. Myrtle, Italian Cypress, live oak in the warmer parts of the state, and even, hardy ,palm trees in the warmer central and eastern parts of the state. USDA plant
  42. For finishing round corners and for stretching or spreading metal. Hardy The, hardy ,is a cutting tool similar to the chisel. It is used as a chisel or hammer for
  43. The enemy is infinitely inferior to the King’s Troop in open space, and, hardy , combat,is well-fitted by disposition and practice, for the stratagems of
  44. On to win 12 Melbourne Cups to 2008,and is still training horses. In 1883,the, hardy ,New Zealand bred, Martini Henry won the VRC Derby, the Melbourne Cup and on the
  45. Bibron's gecko, Pachydactylus iron — Native to Southern Africa, this, hardy , arboreal gecko is considered a household pest. * Crocodile gecko or Moorish
  46. Holes; the square hole is called the hardy hole, where the square shank of the, hardy ,fits. The smaller hole is called the punch hole, used as a bolster when
  47. Among the non-Muslims, a few pigs. In the Saharan region, only camels and a few, hardy ,goats can survive. Chad also sells smoked and dried fish to its neighbors and
  48. Over the grasses. The grasses add nitrogen to the soil, meaning other, less, hardy , plants can then colonize the dunes. Typically, these are heather, heaths and
  49. Often used in pairs, the bottom fuller has a square shank which fits into the, hardy ,hole in the anvil while the top fuller has a handle. The work is placed on the
  50. More technically known as Anemone fish, are the classic aquarium fish. Both, hardy ,and attractive, they are perhaps best known for their symbiotic relationship

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