Examples of the the word, qc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( qc ), is the 9294 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Criminal defense barrister, with more than £800,000 in that year. Name ", qc ," /> Death Ferguson died after heart surgery on July 26, 2009,aged 73. He is
  2. Orient: Ἰωσῆς (Jose's) K L W Δ Π 0106 f13 22 565 1241 1582 mg Bypass ITK, qc , cosa, bomss Basil of Caesar: Ἰωσῆ (Jose's) 118 157 700* 1071 SYR COBOLs:
  3. Defended two British soldiers accused of war crimes in Iraq. Name ", qc ," /> By 2003,he was the top-earning criminal defense barrister, with more than
  4. Those whose elements are" m"-objects) may have a quasi-cardinal, written,QC, ( x),even when it is not possible to attribute an ordinal to them. To link
  5. Except h and q. The only clusters which can occur at the end of a syllable are, qc , and QS. The only cluster which can begin a syllable is kw. Primary stress
  6. Of the National Order of Quebec in 2002. Name" ordre-national. Gouv., qc , ./JJ"> ca"/> Death She died in Montreal on October 28, 2008,aged 89. She had
  7. Jose's) \mathfrak103vid (? ) K L W Δ Π 0106 f13 22 565 1241 1582 mg Bypass ITK, qc , cosa, bomss Basil: Ἰωσῆ (Jose's) 118 157 700* 1071 SYR COBOLs: Ἰωσὴφ (
  8. Two points P and Q whose bilinear coordinates are pa: PB: pc and QA: QB:, qc , Let KP APA + BPB + CPC and let Km AQA + Bob + CQC. Then D is given by the
  9. Natural numbers a and b. The composition operation simplifies to: (QA PB) (, qc , pd ) = QA − b + max pd − c + max. From ordered pairs The way in which these
  10. Entirely blocked because its domain name was its French acronym CUM (WWW. Cum., qc , Ca)," cum" ( among other meanings) is a slang for" semen ". Blocked web
  11. Die out. We have just calculated the critical immunization threshold (denoted, qc , ). It is the minimum proportion of the population that must be immunized at
  12. http://www.ssj. qc .ca/ WWW. Ssj., qc , Ca col span 2 align center style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding:
  13. Clinic - history * http://www.santemontreal. qc .ca/csss/ Santemontreal., qc , Ca * http://www.pavillonduparc. qc .ca/Partenaires/CLSC.html Pavillonduparc. Qc.
  14. Is commonly known as herd immunity. If a vaccination program does not attain, qc , its effect is not to prevent the spread of the disease across the unvaccinated
  15. Qc. Ca * http://www.pavillonduparc. qc .ca/Partenaires/CLSC.html Pavillonduparc., qc , Ca The Wrinkle-faced Bat (Centurion senex) is a species of bat in the
  16. Internet Archive of Alliance Quebec website (1997-2005),a., qc , Ca (defunct) * http://alliancequebec.ca*/ Internet Archive of Alliance
  17. In Aaron, Juǀʼhõasi, and! Sung, where have been transcribed TC, ç,and, qc , respectively. There are a few less well attested articulations, such as a
  18. Modelling in epidemiology, there is a critical threshold value (denoted, qc , ) at which enough people are immune to the disease that its spread through the
  19. Ireland, Irish/Swiss Institute of Horology, Dublin email morissetm@csduroy., qc , Ca * Spain, Institut Polytechnic de Formació Professional Mare de Déu de la
  20. That the quasi-cardinal of the power quasi-set of x is 2 qc (x) (suppose that, qc , ( x) = 6 to follow the example),we are not excluding the hypothesis that
  21. Before moving to London in 1986 where he became a QC in England. Name ", qc ," /> From 1993 until 1995,he served as the Chair of the Criminal Bar
  22. Space frame 2500 GT was introduced in 1963 Paris Motor Show. Name" sea., qc , ./NP"> ca"/> Designed by Franco Scallions and engineered by Carlo Chili and Giotto
  23. Supports PQ National Assembly member Daniel Turp's initiative to obtain a., qc , country code for Quebec following the precedent of a. cat for Catalonia. Notes
  24. Rp^6edbq^6,PT=TP, &\\ BBQ QB,&p^7cdcq^7r rp^7cdceq^7,AQT=TQ, &\\ CCQ, qc , &p^8ca^3q^8r rp^8a^3q^8,&&\\ PDQ CD,&p^9da^3q^9r rp^9a^3q^9,&&\\ seq he
  25. To the portfolios of Immigration and Cultural Communities (WWW. Micc. Gouv., qc , Ca). Electoral record The Black-lyre Leaf roller Moth (" Aphasia "
  26. S (an early backer) failed Serenissima sport cars project. Name" sea., qc , ./NP"> ca"/> A Moreno Bald attempted another revival of the ATS concept in 1970,and
  27. s) that already holds the domain name (s): gov. On. Ca, gouv. Pe. ca, gouv., qc , Ca. Contact CIA for more information. Since Ontario, PEI and Quebec already
  28. Quasi-cardinal of the power quasi-set of x has quasi-cardinal 2 qc (x),where, qc , ( x) is the quasi-cardinal of x (which is a cardinal obtained in the 'copy '
  29. Guide to Bus Modules - ArtStation 10 *ftp: //sparkle. Rodents. Montreal., qc , Ca/mouse/docs/Sun/EX/index. HTML Detailed documentation on EX frame buffer
  30. Name" biog" /> but did not continue in an active political role. Name ", qc ," /> Instead, he focused on law, becoming a Queen's Counsel (QC) in Northern
  31. For example due to popular resistance) the program may not be able to exceed, qc , Such a program can, however,disturb the balance of the infection without
  32. With age. A vaccination program against such a disease that does not exceed, qc , may cause more deaths and complications than there were before the program
  33. Generic MARTIN at WWW. Assnat., qc , Ca Donegal Celtic Park, also known as Suffolk Road and Celtic Park or more
  34. Fromagerie=mile_aux_grues#Rozelle Info on fromagesduquebec., qc , Ca António Ferreira (1528 – November 29, 1569) was a Portuguese poet and the
  35. Ville. Montreal., qc , Ca ecoterritoires Coeval Blanc rapids. PDF The city of Montreal/Villa de
  36. Colour pages / bilingual /Print Run: 2400 / Member of the SO DEP (WWW. Sodep., qc , Ca) Awards In 2005,else tied for first place for the Graphic Grand Prix with

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