Examples of the the word, cornerstone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cornerstone ), is the 9285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of natural experimentation and opportunity. Ecological resilience is a, cornerstone ,theory in ecosystem management. Biodiversity fuels the resilience of ecosystems
  2. Under the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 1916 which became the real, cornerstone ,of the geopolitics structuring the entire region. The Balfour Declaration
  3. And natural world as well as to each other. The creation myth acts as a, cornerstone ,for distinguishing primary reality from relative reality, the origin and nature
  4. Judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land. This provision became the, cornerstone ,of English liberty after that point. The social contract in the original case
  5. The Balfour Declaration, likewise,was seen by Jewish nationalists as the, cornerstone ,of a future Jewish homeland on both sides of the Jordan River. Prior to the
  6. Of 47,not for Christ nor for the Confederation, but for Zurich. Theology The, cornerstone ,of Zwingli’s theology is the Bible. Zwingli appealed to scripture constantly in
  7. A static element that did not require an understanding of adaptation, a modern, cornerstone ,of ecological theory. Topics more familiar in the modern context, including
  8. Permeability of free space. This violates Galilean invariance, a long-standing, cornerstone ,of classical mechanics. One way to reconcile the two theories is to assume the
  9. Mathematics of 18th century orbital prediction that his work remains a, cornerstone ,of astronomical computation. It introduced the Gaussian gravitational constant
  10. Scholars mean by" induction ", not how Hume used the term in his writings. The, cornerstone ,of Hume's epistemology is the so-called Problem of Induction. This may be the
  11. To co-develop copper-based semiconductor technology, which would become a, cornerstone ,of the K7 production process. In August 1999,AMD released the Athlon (K7)
  12. City. The nine regions are History The Air Commerce Act of May 20, 1926,is the, cornerstone ,of the federal government's regulation of civil aviation. This landmark
  13. The task of the historian as" merely to show as it actually was," which is a, cornerstone ,of Boas' empiricism. Wilhelm Filthy emphasized the centrality of "
  14. This concept of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram, a kind of Value Theory is the, cornerstone ,of Indian Aesthetics. Of particular concern to Indian drama and literature are
  15. From an insane asylum. *1961 – The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,a, cornerstone ,of modern international relations, is adopted. * 1961 – CONCH is founded in
  16. King Henry VII of England at Holy rood Abbey, Edinburgh,Scotland. *1576 – The, cornerstone ,for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory is laid on Even. *1585 – John Davis
  17. Became a natural forerunner to the idea of Dharma. The idea of RTA laid the, cornerstone ,of dharma's implicit attribution to the" ultimate reality" of the
  18. Not be used. Substituted verse: With Christ our head and, cornerstone ,: We'll build our Nation's might.: Whose way and truth and light alone: Can
  19. On. As the first superhero team title produced by Marvel Comics, it formed a, cornerstone ,of the company's 1960s rise from a small division of a publishing company to a
  20. Stylistically and in subject—of its content, the Comedy soon became a, cornerstone ,in the evolution of Italian as an established literary language. Dante was more
  21. Korsgaard. Ethics Hume's views on human motivation and action formed the, cornerstone ,of his ethical theory: he conceived moral or ethical sentiments to be
  22. In 1717 Handel became house composer at Cannons in Middlesex, where he laid the, cornerstone ,for his future choral compositions in the twelve Chandon Anthems. Romain
  23. Full and adequate compensation for the deferred energy accounts used as the, cornerstone ,for the California Deregulation Plan enacted in the late 1990s. Five months
  24. A customs union. The so-called Speak Report of the Speak Committee formed the, cornerstone ,of the intergovernmental negotiations at Val Duchess castle in 1956. Together
  25. Became a natural forerunner to the idea of dharma. The idea of RTA laid the, cornerstone ,of dharma's implicit attribution to the" ultimate reality" of the
  26. To the same laws, effects,and likely outcomes as any other world. The second, cornerstone ,of the Fermi paradox is a rejoinder to the argument by scale: given intelligent
  27. Editing, spellchecking and speech synthesis software are becoming the, cornerstone ,of assistive technologies, improving quality of life for those with learning
  28. His popularity grew as theirs declined he became, in the Hellenistic Age,a, cornerstone ,of ancient literary education, along with Homer, Demosthenes and Menander.
  29. Newton (1642–1727) derived the relationship for wave velocity in solids,a, cornerstone ,of physical acoustics (Principal,1687). The Age of Enlightenment and onward
  30. This sense the Dalai Lama is the embodiment of an ideal of Tibetan values and a, cornerstone ,of Tibetan identity and culture. " Erlangen mentions the trans-polity
  31. Including the concept of adaptation, as it was introduced in 1859,is a pivotal, cornerstone ,in modern ecological theory. Ecology is not synonymous with environment
  32. Interpretation. In literature and film-making, the expression of emotion is the, cornerstone ,of genres such as drama, melodrama,and romance. In communication studies
  33. To begin the salt trade that became the world's largest and remained the, cornerstone ,of Bermuda's economy for the next century. Bermudian sailors relied on more
  34. Theory is crowned in Gino, becoming the first King of Poland. *1506 – The, cornerstone ,of the current St. Peter's Basilica is laid. *1518 – Bond Fora is crowned as
  35. Sailed on USS Cygnet to Fredericksburg, Virginia,where he was to lay the, cornerstone ,on a monument near the grave of Mary Ball Washington, George Washington's
  36. Economy and a more sophisticated, centralized society that became a, cornerstone ,in the history of human civilization. Nomadic modern human hunter-gatherers
  37. Is used. FC has much broader usage than mere disk interfaces, and it is the, cornerstone ,of storage area networks (Sans). Recently other protocols for this field
  38. Deployment of a Pickleball bat in" Paul Revere" ) to qualify as a gangsta-rap, cornerstone , " The Beasties' 1989 album Paul's Boutique included the similarly themed
  39. Live in tune with their" True Will ". Although this event would prove to be a, cornerstone ,in Crowley's life, being the origin of the philosophy of Thelma, at the time
  40. Role when it comes to the Baathist regime currently ruling Syria. And was a, cornerstone ,for the Cedar Revolution. The second-largest political party supported by Drupe
  41. Is sustainable development. The concept of environmental protection is the, cornerstone ,of Alliance 90/The Greens policy. In particular, the economic, energy and
  42. In Ireland. Resistance held out, and a guarantee of religious tolerance was a, cornerstone ,of the Treaty of Limerick. However, in the evolving political climate, the
  43. Exercised his own authority, he did not suffer this limitation, which was the, cornerstone ,of the office's power. When a Dictator entered office, he appointed to serve
  44. Kingdom. *1882 – The Standard Oil of New Jersey is established. *1884 – The, cornerstone ,for the Statue of Liberty is laid on Bedloe's Island (now Liberty Island) in
  45. By a commitment to preparing both men and women for future success. Drexel's, cornerstone ,of the career preparation, the cooperative education program, was introduced in
  46. Cornerstone Speech, C. S. Vice President Alexander Stephens declared that the ", cornerstone ," of the new government" rested upon the great truth that the negro is not
  47. To the vexed question of the Highland economy, and eventually became a, cornerstone ,of liberal radicalism. The poor crofters (tenant farmers who rented a few
  48. Resurrection of Jesus Christians consider the resurrection of Jesus to be the, cornerstone ,of their faith (see 1 Corinthians 15) and the most important event in human
  49. Of distribution for those authorized to handle controlled substances. The, cornerstone ,of this system is the registration of all those authorized by the DEA to handle
  50. Braves baseball has been seen on TBS since it was WTCG in 1971 and has been a, cornerstone ,of the national superstation since it began in 1976. WCMH-TV/Peach tree TV

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