Examples of the the word, chad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chad ), is the 9291 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chad in popular culture * The 2006 film Bobby makes light of the term, chad ,by making it a acronym of Card Hole Aggregate Debris. * In the TV show How I
  2. Punched card ballots. Incompletely-punched holes resulted in partially punched, chad , where one or more corners were still attached, a hanging chad , dimpled chad or
  3. Used as a mass noun or as a countable noun, and the plural is commonly either ", chad ," (as in" a pile of chad " ) or" chad s" ( as in" the multiple hanging
  4. Or more corners were still attached, a hanging chad , dimpled chad or pregnant, chad ,- where all corners were still attached, but an indentation appears to have
  5. Creates" chad ", or small circular pieces of paper. Managing the disposal of, chad ,was an annoying and complex problem, as the tiny paper pieces had a distressing
  6. Tape. " A 1938 patent filing included a" chaff or chad chute" to collect the, chad , Both patents were assigned to Teletype Corporation. The plural chad s is
  7. The individual paper piece might be called either" a piece of chad " or" a, chad ,". Chad is sometimes used as confetti. This is generally harmless when using
  8. Such as chaff and chips. A patent filing in 1930 included a" receptacle or, chad ,box ... to receive the chips cut from the edge of the tape. " A 1938 patent
  9. Materials, typically computer punched tape or punched cards. Sometimes, chad ,has been used as a mass noun or as a countable noun, and the plural is commonly
  10. Been culled. A paper shredder is a mechanical device used to cut paper into, chad , typically either strips or fine particles. Government organizations
  11. As being easily concealed. In the language of Paley, the term for Filipino is, chad ,Ra oles which literally means" people of the knife" because of Filipinos '
  12. Lid of paper in the tape. In the New Hacker's Dictionary, two derivations for, chad ,are offered, a back-formation from chad less and an acronym for Card Hole
  13. Countable noun, and the plural is commonly either" chad " ( as in" a pile of, chad ,") or" chad s" ( as in" the multiple hanging chad s" ). Chad is not to be
  14. Or to a mere slit in the card, or to a mere dimple in the card, or to a hanging, chad , This technical problem was claimed by the Democratic Party to have influenced
  15. Punched chad , where one or more corners were still attached, a hanging, chad , dimpled chad or pregnant chad - where all corners were still attached, but an
  16. The made-for-TV movie Recount describes the problems revolving around the, chad ,of the various marginal Florida ballots in the 2000 United States presidential
  17. Richard are attached to the ballot at three corners. *Pregnant or dimpled, chad ,are attached to the ballot at all four corners, but bear an indentation
  18. The term chad is sometimes used as a mass noun, similar to sand:" a pile of, chad ," means" a pile of paper debris ", and the individual paper piece might be
  19. Loose standards, including counting as legal votes ballots with" dimpled ", chad , The Broward and Völuspá recount results (567 and 98 net Gore votes
  20. Cut from the edge of the tape. " A 1938 patent filing included a" chaff or, chad ,chute" to collect the chad . Both patents were assigned to Teletype Corporation
  21. Message on to another station in the network. Also, of course, there was no ", chad ,box" to empty from time to time. A disadvantage to this mechanism was that
  22. Least randomized. It also creates the highest volume of waste inasmuch as the, chad ,has the largest surface area and is not compressed. *Cross-cut or confetti-cut
  23. Term chad is uncertain. Patent documents from the 1930s and 1940s show the word, chad , often in reference to punched tape used in telegraphy. These patents sometimes
  24. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claimed that the use of the" hanging, chad ," style punch-card ballots still in use in six California counties (Los
  25. The TV show Entourage, Jeremy Piven's character, Ari Gold, mentions a hanging, chad ,when the box office numbers get affected due to the blackouts. * The
  26. Chad, where one or more corners were still attached, a hanging chad , dimpled, chad , or pregnant chad - where all corners were still attached, but an indentation
  27. Of the card stock risking eye injury. Etymology The origin of the term, chad ,is uncertain. Patent documents from the 1930s and 1940s show the word chad
  28. A high rate of inaccuracy related to the incomplete removal of the perforated, chad ,and the inaccessibility to voters with disabilities. * In a jurisdiction using
  29. Chads are attested from about 1939,along with chad less, meaning without loose, chad , Clear definitions for both terms are offered by Walter Bacon in a patent
  30. This is generally harmless when using thin circular paper chad . The rectangular, chad ,from punched cards is unsuitable due to the sharp corners and the toughness of
  31. Rusty did not want his show to seem dated):: :Woman: Here's your hanging, chad ,sketch, Krusty!: :Rusty: Ooh, you worked in Judge Ito! * In the TV show
  32. Chad: *Hanging chad are attached to the ballot at only one corner. *Swinging, chad ,are attached to the ballot at two corners. *Richard are attached to the ballot
  33. For light and smoke escape. The other type of dwelling used for winter is the, chad ,Rev similar to the Nanak did which was modeled after Manchurian and Chinese
  34. Punched card system, voters choose by removing or" punching out" a perforated, chad ,from the ballot next each choice. The ballot may be pre-printed with candidates
  35. With the punch card paper ballots resulting in hanging, dimpled,or pregnant, chad , A proposed solution to these problems was the installation of modern
  36. Used as confetti. This is generally harmless when using thin circular paper, chad , The rectangular chad from punched cards is unsuitable due to the sharp corners
  37. Was the container on Teletype machines or IBM key punch machines into which, chad ,from the paper tape punch or card punch was deposited; the formal name is "
  38. Debris ", and the individual paper piece might be called either" a piece of, chad ," or" a chad ". Chad is sometimes used as confetti. This is generally harmless
  39. Of the word Chad suggests derivation from the Scottish name for river gravel, chad , or the British slang for louse, chat. Partially punched chad When a chad is
  40. The die. The middle section of the workpiece is scrap; commonly known as the, chad ,in paper and similar materials. The punch and die are shaped to produce the
  41. Functional or decorative type is used, it removes a small amount of paper - a, chad , Chad are also common in stores, where holes are punched so that merchandise
  42. Following terms generally apply when describing a four-cornered chad : *Hanging, chad ,are attached to the ballot at only one corner. *Swinging chad are attached to
  43. For river gravel, chad ,or the British slang for louse, chat. Partially punched, chad ,When a chad is not fully detached from the ballot it is described by various
  44. Sort of thin material, such as cloth, plastic,or even sheet metal. The term, chad ,is sometimes used as a mass noun, similar to sand:" a pile of chad " means" a
  45. Solid punches to create holes in the tape. This process inevitably creates ", chad ,", or small circular pieces of paper. Managing the disposal of chad was an
  46. Round holes, would instead punch little U-shaped cuts in the paper, so that no, chad ,would be produced; the" hole" was still filled with a little paper trap-door.
  47. In the TV show How I Met Your Mother, Ted Cosby dresses up as a" hanging, chad ," every year for Halloween. * In the TV show The Simpsons, in the 2002 episode
  48. The following terms generally apply when describing a four-cornered, chad ,: *Hanging chad are attached to the ballot at only one corner. *Swinging chad
  49. The feasibility of such a project is a cost-to-benefit calculation. If the, chad ,is not further randomized, the " noodles" that belonged to the same document
  50. Chad, or the British slang for louse, chat. Partially punched chad When a, chad ,is not fully detached from the ballot it is described by various terms

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