Examples of the the word, flare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flare ), is the 9284 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the University of Tennessee and others have studied the most powerful solar, flare ,ever recorded. That flare was seen by the British astronomer Richard Carrington
  2. Limb. Coronal loops may have lifetimes in the order of seconds (in the case of, flare ,events),minutes, hours or days. Usually coronal loops lasting for long
  3. These particles can hit the Earth within 15 minutes to 2 hours of the solar, flare , The protons spiral around and down the magnetic field lines of the Earth and
  4. Seen, with gods and heroes visible as described by Filtrate in act 1. Flames, flare ,up in the Hall of the Gods, hiding it and them from sight completely. As the
  5. Telescopes can observe highly energetic galactic phenomena. An ultraviolet, flare ,was observed when a star in a distant galaxy was torn apart from the tidal
  6. Was the lighting of a bundle of flax at the top of a gilded pole, which would, flare ,brightly for a moment and then promptly extinguish, with the admonition Sic
  7. Circle. The sum of all these circles results in a V-shaped or comet-like, flare , As with spherical aberration, coma can be minimized (and in some cases
  8. 1971 – The Montreal Casino in Switzerland is set ablaze by someone wielding a, flare ,gun during a Frank Zappa concert; the incident would be noted in the Deep
  9. Linus Torvalds releases his Linux soon afterwards. *2000 – A powerful solar, flare , later named the Bastille Day event, causes a geomagnetic storm on Earth. *2002
  10. Of the chair turning around, Miles hitting the light bulb, and a lens, flare , which proved to be the sticking point. Hitchcock forced retakes until all
  11. Regions. Significant variations of these structures are often seen after a, flare , Some other features of this kind are helmet streamers—large cap-like coronal
  12. Space was considered to be a vacuum. The coincidence of the Carrington super, flare ,and the super geomagnetic event of 1859 was evidence that plasma was ejected
  13. Smoke screen. Some vehicles, such as the French BCI, employ infra-red jamming, flare ,dispensers. These are effective against missiles with IR guidance systems. The
  14. Ferraro proposed that a plasma was emitted by the Sun in a burst as part of a, flare ,event which disturbed the planet's magnetic field in a manner known as a
  15. Casino de Montreux in Switzerland, The Mothers' equipment was destroyed when a, flare ,set off by an audience member started a fire that burned down the casino.
  16. On low attitude with a joystick using the right hand while keeping track of a, flare ,on its tail, and piloting the aircraft using the left hand; At the outset of
  17. In World War II, the only practical civil defense being to smother a burning, flare ,under dry sand to exclude the atmosphere. On burning in air, magnesium produces
  18. To bony metastases) cause minimal or no side effects, although short-term pain, flare ,up can be experienced in the days following treatment due to edema compressing
  19. Other flammable gases produced during the reduction process were burnt off in a, flare ,stack. This process became obsolete when the submerged-arc furnace for
  20. September 1859. Radiation doses astronauts would receive from a Carrington-type, flare ,could cause acute radiation sickness and possibly even death. Another type of
  21. Each AN/ALE-49 dispenser has a capacity of 12 MJU-23A/B flare s. The MJU-23A/B, flare ,is one of the world's the largest infrared countermeasure flare s at a weight of
  22. Death of Lazio fan, Vincenzo Papal in 1979–80 as a result of an emergency, flare ,fired from the Curve SUD, and the abandonment of a game in March 2004
  23. Ramon Magsaysay but sporadic cases of communist insurgency continued to, flare ,up long afterward. In 1965,Ferdinand Marcos was elected president, his wife
  24. Is an ancient star, some observations suggest that it still experiences star, flare ,events. Barnard's Star has also been the subject of some controversy. For a
  25. Of B varies on a short timescale and there has been at least one observed, flare , Alpha Centauri C, also known as Proxima Centauri, is of spectral class M5Ve
  26. Loops of the active regions. They were first detected in the June 8,1968, flare , observation during a rocket flight. The large-scale structure of the corona
  27. And others have studied the most powerful solar flare ever recorded. That, flare ,was seen by the British astronomer Richard Carrington in September 1859.
  28. From 1834 until 1859. Soviet rule Chechen rebellion would characteristically, flare ,up whenever the Russian state faced a period of internal uncertainty.
  29. Is killed later in the book after being shot point-blank in the stomach with a, flare ,gun. As he was dying" quite conscious and in terrible pain ", he gave his
  30. Towards the loop top, as it always occurs during the initial phase of a compact, flare , it is defined as chromosphere evaporation. When the plasma rapidly cools
  31. Football Aboriginal footballers have thrilled crowds with their skill and, flare , but have had to overcome great racial prejudices in order to compete at the
  32. Munitions (DPIC)-bomb let, scatterable mines, illuminating,colored, flare , smoke, incendiary,propaganda, chaff (foil to jam radars: originally known as
  33. Kilometers per hour, containing roughly 10 times the energy of the solar, flare ,or prominence that accompanies them. Some larger ejections can propel hundreds
  34. Political tensions between the highlanders and coastal population periodically, flare ,up into limited violent conflict. The population has grown from 2.2 million in
  35. 16–20 degrees. The world's highest unconfirmed temperature was a temperature, flare ,up during a heat burst in June 1967,with a temperature of. Sir Alexander
  36. II of Morocco's plane while he is traveling back to Rabat. *1989 – A solar, flare ,from the Sun creates a geomagnetic storm that affects microchips, leading to a
  37. Magazine found Ingster's work" too studied and when original, lacks the, flare ,to hold attention. It's a film too arty for average audiences, and too humdrum
  38. At EU wavelengths and in the hard X-rays. Sometimes also a phase preceding the, flare ,can be observed, usually called as" pre- flare " phase. Transients Accompanying
  39. Because it is the first therapeutic intervention that can be used to reduce a, flare ,of symptoms. Published studies report a 90 % effectiveness in reducing symptoms
  40. To have sustained a shrapnel injury to his leg, although apparently it tends to, flare ,up at suspiciously convenient times. The only person Basil consistently
  41. Or unsubstantial image, in optics, photography and cinematography especially a, flare , secondary image or spurious signal. The synonym is a German word, literally a
  42. Rights in Slovakia and Romania periodically causes bilateral tensions to, flare ,up. Hungary was a signatory to the Helsinki Final Act in 1975,has signed all
  43. Event of 1859 was evidence that plasma was ejected from the Sun during a, flare ,event. Chapman and Ferraro proposed that a plasma was emitted by the Sun in a
  44. Catalog of Variable Stars (G. C. V. S.) Version 4.2,this UV Tintype, flare ,star can unexpectedly brighten rapidly to about 11.0v or 11.09V magnitude.
  45. Explosions, are carried across from the PC version, with the addition of lens, flare ,effects located around the light sources on the original light maps. There is no
  46. To create and animate things. The element is also very rational and quick to, flare ,up as is the personality of many fire-children. Fire in many ancient cultures
  47. Windows were smashed and at least one person entered the vehicle, letting off a, flare ,and stabbed a supporter in the knee. Arsenal had posted advice to their fans on
  48. A free Wiki content encyclopedia, goes online. *2005 – An intense solar, flare ,blasts X-rays across the solar system. * 2005 – ESA's SMART-1 lunar orbiter
  49. And pyrotechnic colorant to burn silicon in infrared flare s such as the LUU-19, flare , because it emits much of its light in the near infrared spectrum. Cesium has
  50. In the tail radome. The ALQ-161 is linked to a total of eight AN/ALE-49, flare , dispensers located on top behind the canopy, which are handled by the

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