Examples of the the word, canon , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Jerome produced a definitive Latin edition of the Bible (see Vulgate),the, canon ,of which, at the insistence of the Pope, was in accord with the earlier Synods.
  2. The 39,46 (51) ,54,or 57 book canon of the Old Testament and to the 27-book, canon , of the New Testament that would be subsequently used to today, most notably the
  3. Letter of Jeremiah and places the Book of Esther among the" 7 books not in the, canon ,but to be read" along with the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (Ecclesiastics)
  4. Of hindsight, it can be said that this process effectively set the New Testament, canon , although there are examples of other canon ical lists in use after this time. A
  5. And cross-selling relationships. Religion and conviction * Affinity (, canon ,law),a kinship arising from the sexual intercourse of a man and a woman *
  6. Past also included I & II Clement and Shepherd of Herman in their New Testament, canon , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints When Joseph Smith Jr. was
  7. Of the Old Testament canon . The Book of Enoch is included in the biblical, canon ,only of the Oriental Orthodox churches of Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Epistle of
  8. As a symbol of office. Abbesses are, like abbots, major superiors according to, canon ,law. They receive the vows of the nuns of the abbey and have full authority in
  9. Was employed as a respectful title for any monk, but it was soon restricted by, canon ,law to certain priestly superiors. At times, it was applied to various priests
  10. Tobit, the Did ache, and the Shepherd of Herman. See the article, Biblical, canon , for more details. Recent Opinions There are at present two completely opposite
  11. Of synods produced a list of texts equal to the 39,46 (51) ,54,or 57 book, canon ,of the Old Testament and to the 27-book canon of the New Testament that would
  12. Paris, he had become a master of arts sometime before 1210. He had been made a, canon ,of St. Paul in London later, and by 1231 was and Archdeacon of Coventry. At the
  13. Also show influences from the Book of Jubilees, which is part of the Ethiopian, canon , as well as the Assumption of Moses and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
  14. A Latin prose narrative of the same events apparently compiled by Richard,a, canon ,of Holy Trinity, London,is closely related to Ambroise's poem. It was
  15. Of Bremen, the first ranked prince,from 1180 to 1184 # Heinrich (died 1185),a, canon ,in Magdeburg # Count Albert of Wallenstein (died after 6 December 1172) #
  16. Father of his monks in a spiritual sense, but their major superior under, canon ,law, and has the additional authority to confer the ministries of acolyte and
  17. Al Sergio, in what is now the Province of Bergamo. He studied theology and, canon ,law, and after acting as parish priest in his native diocese for twelve years
  18. Churches cannot agree on issues as basic as the contents of the Biblical, canon , The Eastern Orthodox churches believe that the Septuagint is divinely-inspired
  19. Was the basis for the later lists. Because Athanasius' canon is the closest, canon ,of the Church Fathers to the canon used by Protestant churches today
  20. Latin Vulgate, as its canon . The Ethiopian Copts include books in the Biblical, canon ,that no other church recognizes, such as the Book of Enoch. ** The Ethiopian
  21. In the city center. The city hall is included in the national educational, canon ,for culture as an example of important architectural work. There are many
  22. Though not to establish doctrine. (making most of the presently accepted, canon , both Jewish and Christian, apocryphal in their eyes). Certain circles in
  23. Waldemar, who later became King Waldemar I of Denmark. He also befriended the, canon ,William of Æbelholt at the Abbey of St Genevieve, whom he later made Abbott of
  24. To as the Apocrypha, the label applied to all texts excluded from the Biblical, canon ,but which were in the Septuagint. It should also be noted that Catholics and
  25. Of the ancient manuscripts. Development of Christian Canons The Old Testament, canon ,entered into Christian use in the Greek Septuagint translations and original
  26. List in 367 was the basis for the later lists. Because Athanasius ', canon ,is the closest canon of the Church Fathers to the canon used by
  27. Works to be read in churches were in use. A milestone in the evolution of the, canon ,of New Testament books is his Easter letter from Alexandria, written in 367
  28. Old Testament texts present in the Septuagint but not included in the Jewish, canon ,fell out of favor. In time, they would come to be removed from most Protestant
  29. Of Rome in 382,promulgated a list of books which contained a New Testament, canon ,identical to that of Athanasius. A synod in Hippo in 393 repeated Athanasius '
  30. And the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, which are included in no biblical, canon , The high position which some apocryphal books occupied in the first two
  31. Agree on the canon of the New Testament, see Development of the New Testament, canon , The Ethiopian Orthodox have in the past also included I & II Clement and
  32. Catholics and Orthodox Christians as well as Protestants generally agree on the, canon ,of the New Testament, see Development of the New Testament canon . The Ethiopian
  33. An antipope. In line with its above-quoted remark on the obscurities about the, canon ,law of the time and the historical facts, especially in the mid-11th century (
  34. Pattern of prescriptive liturgies, established and maintained through, canon ,law, and embodying both a historic deposit of formal statements of doctrine
  35. Manuscripts of the Old Testament, and to some extent, the Latin Vulgate, as its, canon , The Ethiopian Copts include books in the Biblical canon that no other church
  36. Of Constantinople 730–754 *Anastasios Germanium – Archbishop of Tyrannies and, canon ,lawyer (1551–1627) Anastasia * Anastasia Somoza García, Nicaraguan dictator (
  37. Of Alexandria to use Coptic as well as Greek in his writings. New Testament, canon ,St Athanasius is also the first person to identify the same 27 books of the New
  38. I hear a very relaxed me, which I think has been absent in a lot of my recorded, canon , Now I feel like I’m in a perfect place. My partner Mike Napolitana
  39. Churches today, many Protestants point to Athanasius as the father of the, canon , They are identical except that Athanasius includes the Book of Baruch and the
  40. Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox canon s. See Development of the Old Testament, canon , The Book of Enoch is included in the biblical canon only of the Oriental
  41. And complete Christian Bibles range from the 66 books of the Protestant, canon ,to the 84 books of the Eastern Orthodox Bible. The Hebrew and Christian Bibles
  42. Time at the court of Hermann IV of Hesse, Elector of Cologne, who appointed him, canon ,of the Cologne Cathedral. Despite being quite religious, he was also interested
  43. In which problems of harmonizing historical criteria and those of theology and, canon ,law make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the legitimacy
  44. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books (Biblical, canon ,), their contents and their order vary among denominations. Mainstream Judaism
  45. Athanasius' canon is the closest canon of the Church Fathers to the, canon ,used by Protestant churches today, many Protestants point to Athanasius as the
  46. Versions of the apocrypha. During 16th-century controversies about the biblical, canon , the word acquired a negative connotation, and has become a synonym for "
  47. The power of the abbot was paternal but absolute, limited,however, by the, canon ,law. One of the main goals of monasticism was the duration of self and
  48. Suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773,Washout became a professor of, canon ,law, a position that was held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time. In
  49. The character. McFarlane's other significant contribution to the Spider-Man, canon ,was the design for what would become one of Spider-Man's most wildly popular
  50. A negative one: they are ignored, as they are incompatible with the accepted, canon ,prima facie. Non- canon ical books are texts of uncertain authenticity, or

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