Examples of the the word, discretionary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discretionary ), is the 9289 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of power was the court of Star Chamber, which possessed an unlimited, discretionary ,authority of fining, imprisoning,and inflicting corporal punishment, and whose
  2. Of insanity" or" guilty but insane" and the sentence may be a mandatory or, discretionary ,(but usually indeterminate) period of treatment in a secure hospital facility
  3. Worker's Compensation Court of Appeals, first-degree murder convictions, and, discretionary , appeals from the Court of Appeals; it also has original jurisdiction over
  4. Role) in the organization or the tasks the individual must perform. The, discretionary ,approach gives the creator or owner of the information resource the ability to
  5. Access control models Access control models are sometimes categorized as either, discretionary ,or non- discretionary . The three most widely recognized models are Discretionary
  6. Of the French Revolution and abolition of the guilds. This and the substantial, discretionary ,income of the French Directory's nouveau riche helped keep these new
  7. There are two types of living trusts in South Africa, namely vested trusts and, discretionary ,trusts. In vested trusts, the benefits of the beneficiaries are set out in the
  8. Situation. Alternative economic estimates, such as the standard of living or, discretionary ,income per capita try to measure the human utility of economic activity. See
  9. Can assign to other subjects for specific resources. Access controls may be, discretionary ,in ACL-based or capability-based access control systems. (In capability-based
  10. Or at least be ascertainable (Re Hain's Settlement). In the case of, discretionary ,trusts, where the trustees have power to decide who the beneficiaries will be
  11. Metastable quasi crystals. Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being, discretionary ,time. The" need to do something for recreation" is an essential element of
  12. States is the highest court in the United States. It has ultimate (but largely, discretionary ,) appellate jurisdiction over all state and federal courts, and original
  13. Courts. The U. S. Supreme Court, in turn, has appellate jurisdiction (of a, discretionary ,nature) over the Courts of Appeals, as well as the state supreme courts, by
  14. Of Rulers (Article 32,38,40) * The power to exercise based on his, discretionary ,power (without the consent or influence of any other authority) * The power
  15. Schools: some prescribe capital punishment; while other prescribe a milder, discretionary ,punishment such as imprisonment. In some relatively secular Muslim-majority
  16. International Programs' ( for example, USAID ), had a combined projected, discretionary ,budget of $51.7 billion. The United States Federal Budget for Fiscal Year 2010
  17. Are usually very congested. Most state supreme courts have implemented ", discretionary ,review," like their federal counterpart. Under such a system, intermediate
  18. Excessive generality and omissions in Chinese law, coupled with the wide, discretionary ,powers conferred on local authorities to implement laws, undermines the
  19. Rifles were generally single-shot, breech-loading — designed for aimed, discretionary ,fire by individual soldiers. Then, as now, rifles had a stock, either fixed or
  20. The United States Supreme Court and most state supreme courts, have, discretionary , jurisdiction,meaning that they can choose which cases to hear from among all
  21. A beneficiary (usually where there is some choice in the matter—such as in a, discretionary ,trust); or **the name of the document which gives effect to the appointment.:
  22. Founded to operate the purges. Corporations were purged by agents given wide, discretionary ,powers in an attempt to create a permanent royal electoral machine. Finally
  23. Appeals. Some appellate courts, particularly supreme courts, have the power of, discretionary ,review, meaning that they can decide whether they will hear an appeal brought
  24. Be carried out in a tapir sentence, and the punishment would not be fixed, but, discretionary , Most countries have a civil code that regulates the penalties that should be
  25. Of any political parties in an effort to influence a decision made using the, discretionary ,powers. It is required that, before exercising certain reserve powers, the
  26. Distributes a significant portion of national revenues to municipalities for, discretionary ,use, has enabled previously neglected communities to make striking improvements
  27. On the property than the citizens themselves gave, but when we recollect the, discretionary ,nature of the censors' powers, and the necessity almost that existed, in order
  28. Should receive trust assets for their benefit. The circumstances in which this, discretionary ,authority is exercised by trustees is usually provided for under the terms of
  29. Within thirty days of the date of the entry of the judgment appealed from" *, discretionary ,: e.g.," upon a showing of excusable neglect, the lower court may extend the
  30. Changes of adolescence, while information about contraception and safe sex is, discretionary ,and discussion about relationships is often neglected. Britain has one of the
  31. Plan for unforeseen circumstances such as incapacity or disability, by giving, discretionary ,powers to the trustee or executor of the will. The granter/settler may also
  32. Youth at least completing sixth grade to participate, although the pastor has, discretionary ,authority to allow a younger person to participate. In confirmation and
  33. The benefits of the beneficiaries are set out in the trust deed, whereas in, discretionary ,trusts the trustees have full discretion at all times as to how much and when
  34. An open standard, because: # The data are provided by the original vendor on a, discretionary ,basis, who has every interest in blocking the effective implementation of
  35. Distinguish trusts that provide fixed conditions for access to trust funds from, discretionary ,trusts that leave such decisions up to the trustee. *Inter vivos trust (or
  36. Of x" ) *Hybrid trust. A hybrid trust combines elements of both fixed and, discretionary ,trusts. In a hybrid trust, the trustee must pay a certain amount of the trust
  37. Executive powers but may offer advice to the Minister. Legal system Qatar has a, discretionary ,system of law controlled by the emir, although civil codes are being
  38. Over recent years. The risks to the employer can sometimes be mitigated by, discretionary ,elements in the benefit structure, for instance in the rate of increase granted
  39. Requests for policy briefings from them would be treated differently and on a, discretionary ,basis. Amongst the most visible and vocal opponents of the BNP and other far
  40. To improve administrative processes and procedures, and to help curb misuse of, discretionary ,powers. Political background Pakistan has been ruled by both democratic and
  41. These rights and permissions are implemented differently in systems based on, discretionary ,access control (DAC) and mandatory access control (MAC). Accountability
  42. Simulated in a virtual world * Economy (Eastern Christianity),a bishop's, discretionary ,power to relax rules * Economy (Thoreau),a chapter from Walden, by Henry
  43. Triggered it, granting it accesses to the memory requested. This gives the kernel, discretionary ,power over where a particular application's memory is stored, or even whether
  44. As the father of OCB research and defines OCS as" individual behavior that is, discretionary , not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in
  45. South of town, Lee sent one of his new corps commanders, Richard S. Ewell, discretionary ,orders that the heights (Cemetery Hill and Culp's Hill) be taken" if
  46. Frequently used for legal tax avoidance. For an example see the" nil-band, discretionary ,trust ", explained at Inheritance Tax (United Kingdom). #Co-ownership.
  47. Him or her personally. One method of asset protection is the creation of a, discretionary ,trust, of which the settler may be the protector and a beneficiary, but not the
  48. Assigned minimum quotas of kulaks to identify, and were forced to use their, discretionary ,powers to" find" kulaks wherever they could. This led to many cases in which
  49. The opponent to answer the questions. Whether the judge will make an order is, discretionary ,and will be determined in accordance with the overriding objective, and in the
  50. The state supreme courts of West Virginia and New Hampshire operate under, discretionary ,review for nearly all civil and criminal cases but do not have an intermediate

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