Examples of the the word, instantly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instantly ), is the 5363 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Next to it. When the flagship's powder store caught fire, all men aboard were, instantly ,killed. The Ottoman casualties comprised 2000 men, both naval officers and
  2. Course by the jealous Zephyrus and struck Hyacinths in the head, killing him, instantly , Apollo is said to be filled with grief: out of Hyacinths' blood, Apollo
  3. Would have crashed uncontrollably into the Pacific Ocean and killed the crew, instantly , Since there was no way to figure out whether this was the case, ground
  4. And jewelry and places a shield and spear among his goods. When Achilles, instantly ,takes up the spear, Odysseus sees through his disguise and convinces him to
  5. Is unlike the situation in many movies where people who awake from comas are, instantly ,able to continue their normal lives. In reality, the coma patient awakes
  6. Girl of Laura's age into the family's care. Her name is Camilla. Both girls, instantly ,recognize the other from the 'dream' they both had when they were young.
  7. To update the group to match the OU's account membership, but are unable to, instantly ,update the security groups anytime the directory changes, as occurs in
  8. That a PP machine achieves no benefit from being able to solve BQP problems, instantly , an indication of the possible difference in power between these similar
  9. Carrying a heavy chest) Charlie loses his hat in one room then it is, instantly ,back on his head as he goes into the next room. Rather" loose" plots and a
  10. Minds, all of them quintessentially American. " They're the kind of twisted, instantly ,memorable characters one meets in John Ford's westerns, Jack Kerouac's road
  11. Hardly covered by the press in America," in Europe the sad news was flashed, instantly ,across the airwaves and every newspaper — they realized the world had lost one
  12. She worked only one morning, and then was introduced to Chaplin, who was, instantly ,infatuated with her. May became his constant companion and lover on the trip
  13. Of 1914-1918 the democratic reform of the Representation of the People Act 1918, instantly , tripled the number of people allowed to vote in Britain from 7 to 21 million.
  14. Male type ", which he described as a" man who had to be right ", a man who ", instantly ,attracts women" and who he said were the men who" run the world ". This was
  15. Ever held in the UK with 128 international class players; the Nordic Open which, instantly ,became the largest in the world with around 500 players in all flights and 153
  16. Disheveled appearance was entirely innocent, but he is still suspicious. He, instantly ,dislikes Fredrik and returns to his wife, Countess Charlotte. Charlotte is
  17. Her sons as they practiced athletics, and Artemis shot her daughters, who died, instantly ,without a sound. Apollo and Artemis used poisoned arrows to kill them, though
  18. It generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and, instantly ,created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history. 1981–1985:
  19. Click on the URL link and the away message" Hello, my name is Bill" would, instantly ,become their away message. To add a buddy, the add buddy message is used, with
  20. Which was leased in November 1974 to Trans European Airways (TEA). TEA, instantly ,subleased the aircraft for six weeks to Air Algeria. It has accommodation for
  21. Fluctuations, surges,brown-outs, blown fuses, and various other power outages, instantly ,disable all computer systems, since they are dependent on an electrical source.
  22. The password is ridiculous and Oscar's clue is Aristophanes, to which Felix, instantly ,responds," Ridiculous! " Music *Satiric Dances for a Comedy by Aristophanes is
  23. All VAC-secured servers. With the first version of VAC, a ban took hold almost, instantly ,after being detected and the cheater had to wait 2 years to have the account
  24. To the coroner's report, Marlowe was stabbed above the right eye, killing him, instantly , The jury concluded that Frier acted in self-defense, and within a month he
  25. 1,2011,Netflix began including Cheers as one of the titles on its" watch, instantly ," streaming service A Cheers rerun replaced Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos
  26. it's the only key sequence in the buffer, while Ctrl+Break is often translated, instantly ,(e.g. by INT 1Bh under DOS). Because of this, Ctrl+Break is usually a more
  27. Low for itself, meaning that a BPP machine with the power to solve BPP problems, instantly ,(a BPP oracle machine) is not any more powerful than the machine without this
  28. Baby Joan licks it - and a spring of water begins flowing from it. The town, instantly ,proclaims a miracle, and Cora and her council eagerly anticipate tourist
  29. Him, becoming more emotional. In a blind rage he knocks her backwards and is, instantly ,horrified, but Dorothy derives pleasure from it. Jeffrey, for the first time
  30. Strike him with a dagger. So one night she lit a lamp, but recognizing Eros, instantly , she dropped her dagger. Oil spilled from the lamp onto his shoulder, awaking
  31. Already established on the island and living with a private harem, a feud grew, instantly ,between the two men. Clunies-Ross' eight sailors," began at once the invasion
  32. That survived from Antiquity. Rediscovered in the 15th century, Vitruvius was, instantly ,hailed as the authority on classical orders and on architecture in general.
  33. The death of Mr. Spock but more practically because the song has become ", instantly ,recognizable to many in the audience as music that sounds appropriate for a
  34. The amphisbaena is so poisonous that anything successfully bitten by it dies, instantly , Cultural references * The short story" There Are More Things" by Jorge Luis
  35. Bottom was cold, then I brought to the Prophet, and it was that he had wakened up, instantly ,I told him," Drink O' Messenger of Allah. " So he started to drink until I
  36. Beryllium-8 respectively, both of which are highly unstable and decay almost, instantly ,back into smaller nuclei. This happens in conditions of temperatures over 100
  37. Insensitivity and disrespect, Achilles punched him in the face and killed him, instantly , Demon, and the fall of Achilles Following the death of Patrols, Achilles '
  38. Mineral deposit could be" tuned" to sympathetically vibrate with each other, instantly , even when separated by interstellar distances, allowing instantaneous
  39. Two days later at Mickey Park. Due to Veeck's arrival in 1959,Mickey Park, instantly ,became a ballpark filled with a series of promotional stunts which helped draw
  40. You don't count their value. The sampan can be reset to the starting position, instantly ,by a quick jerk along the horizontal axis to spin all the beads away from the
  41. Have the same net result: :4 → + 2 + 2 + 3 + 26.8 MeV The positrons will almost, instantly ,annihilate with electrons, releasing energy in the form of gamma rays. The
  42. J. Bowden Hap good, arrives asking for directions to the Cookie Jar. He is, instantly ,taken for the new assistant. Asked to identify the missing Cookies, Hapgood
  43. For an action; every time a specific action was performed the subject, instantly ,and always received a reinforcement. This method is impractical to use, and the
  44. The process is arduous physically, it successfully alters his physiology almost, instantly ,from its relatively frail form to the maximum of human efficiency, greatly
  45. And multiplication satisfies these constraints, then one is in a position to, instantly ,know a great deal of extra information about this system. Modern mathematics
  46. Is dropped by the United States B-29 Nola Gay. Around 70,000 people are killed, instantly , and some tens of thousands die in subsequent years from burns and radiation
  47. The UK, many people are reluctant to refer to" 9/11 ", although its meaning is, instantly ,understood. On the BBC" September the 11th" is generally used in preference
  48. The" Q" turret amidships on Beatty's flagship Lion. Dozens of crewmen were, instantly ,killed, but far larger destruction was averted when the mortally wounded turret
  49. Received the most attention. Or an art critic can take one look at a statue and, instantly ,realize that it is a fake. These are intuitions or tendencies that are
  50. Players would return to play for the state they were first recruited in. This, instantly ,broke Victoria's stranglehold over state titles and Western Australia and

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