Examples of the the word, omission , in a Sentence Context

The word ( omission ), is the 6512 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Read or write operation. " One operation at a time" This is caused by the, omission ,of both overlapped and queued feature sets from most parallel ATA products.
  2. The concept of the iceberg theory is sometimes referred to as the" theory of, omission , " Hemingway believed the writer could describe one thing (such as Nick Adams
  3. Depends on the nature of the legal consequences that may follow it. An act or, omission ,is a crime if it is capable of being followed by what are called criminal
  4. Origin, he fancies that the mention of" Dan," in Jeremiah 8:16,and the, omission ,of that name from those tribes listed in Revelation 7,might indicate the
  5. The diphthongs and are represented in vocalized text as follows: Vowel, omission ,An Arabic syllable can be open (ending with a vowel) or closed (ending with
  6. Are two commonly used methods of using ellipses: one uses three dots for any, omission , while the second one makes a distinction between omission s within a sentence (
  7. In his autobiography, I Me Mine, published the year of Lennon's murder. The, omission ,had upset Lennon greatly, which Harrison had regretted, leading him to leave a
  8. And Protestants controversy remains as to the significance of Trent's, omission ,of the Septuagint version of 1 Eras which Carthage may have ratified. However
  9. Together with Sri Lanka and a composite team from East Africa. One notable, omission ,was South Africa, who were banned from international cricket due to apartheid.
  10. Le Dani" Robert is in the house" ). Further restrictions may apply before, omission ,is permitted. For example, in the Irish language, is,the present tense of the
  11. Wage attributes much of the poor reception of the encyclical to the, omission ,of many of Wojtyła's arguments. Highlights Faithfulness to God's Design 13.
  12. Comma, a normal ellipsis is used, as in: :1,2,3,\lots,100\, To indicate the, omission ,of values in a repeated operation, an ellipsis raised to the center of the line
  13. They will eventually die. Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the, élleipsis,", omission ," or" falling short" ) is a series of marks that usually indicate an
  14. For example, Mill explicitly states that" harms" may include acts of, omission ,as well as acts of commission. Thus, failing to rescue a drowning child counts
  15. Before and after each dot in all uses. If an ellipsis is meant to represent an, omission , square brackets must surround the ellipsis to make it clear that there was no
  16. Back from WSC as captain, while the England team was weakened by the enforced, omission ,of their South African tour rebels, particularly Graham Pooch and John Ensure.
  17. The deceased Vessel Johannes (Hankie) Crone was brought about by an act or, omission ,prima facie amounting to an offense on the part of pilots. " Theories that
  18. Itself representing a Greek, literally " earth-dweller" ). In this case,the, omission ,of the ē is, as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) calls it, a blunder.
  19. S movies have the tempo and rhythm of blues and jazz, even in their use – or, omission ,– of language. His films work on the senses much the way that some music does
  20. Century BC),but its former presence can be detected in many cases because its, omission ,left the meter defective. For example, the words (king),found in the Iliad
  21. Drinks were permitted to contain caffeine. As a result of this, and the, omission ,of quinine, the taste is different, and the restorative effect is almost nil.
  22. Will be assessed by the loss suffered by the client due to the negligent act or, omission ,by the solicitor giving rise to the loss. The loss must be reasonably
  23. Of God" is not present in some early manuscripts at Mk 1:1. Human uses this, omission ,to support the notion that the title" Son of God" is not used of Jesus until
  24. Evolved and will continue to do so, lack of suppression in counterbattery is an, omission , Broadly they can be defined as either: *Deep supporting fire: directed at
  25. 1893 in American English. Definition England and Wales Whether a given act or, omission ,constitutes a crime does not depend on the nature of that act or omission . It
  26. London, which it needed to do for legal execution ". (It was this critical, omission ,that helped the British royal family regain the freehold under King George III.
  27. His refusal to allow her participation in the Concert for Bangladesh, and his, omission ,of any mention of Lennon in his autobiography, I Me Mine, published the year of
  28. Currently exemplified in scripts including Arabic, Hebrew,and Syriac. The, omission ,of vowels was not a satisfactory solution and some" weak" consonants were
  29. Question of what counts as a self-regarding action and what actions, whether of, omission ,or commission, constitute harmful actions subject to regulation, continues to
  30. Hard enough, quick enough, to stamp that sort of thing out. That was a sin of, omission , We failed to discipline the organization. " FTC investigation In a 1979 ruling
  31. Bed is used, rather than a solid phase made by a packed bed. This allows, omission ,of initial clearing steps such as centrifugation and filtration, for culture
  32. Brothers, excluding the possibility of a homosexual relationship. Nobel Prize, omission ,Borges was never awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, something which
  33. At Regensburg, which in essential points is Evangelical, differing only in the, omission ,of the negative side and in being interwoven with the teaching of Aquinas.
  34. God" is not present in some early manuscripts at 1:1. Bart D. Human uses this, omission ,to support the notion that the title" Son of God" is not used of Jesus until
  35. Conduct. Thus, from a consequentialism standpoint, a morally right act (or, omission ,) is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence. Consequentialism is
  36. Office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict. " This named, omission ,of Masonic orders caused both Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban
  37. And Scott cites as an instance of the use of to mean perform ablutions. Jesus ', omission ,of this action is similar to that of his disciples:" Then came to Jesus
  38. Critics of Eugenics' work cite the panegyric tone of the Vita, plus the, omission ,of internal Christian conflicts in the Canons, as reasons to interpret his
  39. And that Mark reflects an adoptionist view. However, the authenticity of the, omission ,of" Son of God" and its theological significance has been rejected by Bruce
  40. One-by-one" ). Another difference between native and non-native Hausa is the, omission ,of vowel length in words and change in the standard tone of native Hausa
  41. To fulfill the wishes of the court. Civil contempt can involve acts of, omission , The judge will make use of warnings in almost any situation that may lead to a
  42. Tradition, is often considered the first science fiction novel, despite the, omission ,in the novel of any scientific explanation of the monster's animation and the
  43. Only as phenomena, and the Thing in Itself of Simenon, contains a significant, omission , There is, in fact, one physical object we know more intimately than we know
  44. That the copula can express existence based on a reductio ad absurdum. Copula, omission ,In informal speech of English, the copula may be dropped. This is a feature of
  45. Of Academy members. This segment has drawn criticism over the years for the, omission ,of some names. In 2010,the organizers of the Academy Awards announced that
  46. Or omission constitutes a crime does not depend on the nature of that act or, omission , It depends on the nature of the legal consequences that may follow it. An act
  47. Languages, Hungarian,Russian, Ancient Greek) In some languages, copula, omission , occurs within a particular grammatical context. For example, speakers of
  48. Hemingway offers a" multi-focal" photographic reality. His iceberg theory of, omission ,is the foundation on which he builds. The syntax, which lacks subordinating
  49. Falling short" ) is a series of marks that usually indicate an intentional, omission ,of a word or sentence or whole section from the original text being quoted. An
  50. Screen, a switchable internal front light, a rechargeable battery, and the, omission ,of the headphone jack, which requires a special adapter to be purchased

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