Examples of the the word, imprisonment , in a Sentence Context

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  1. T. Dan Smith and others (1972-4): Maudlin resigned, Smith sentenced to, imprisonment , * Earl Bellicose and Lord Lamb ton sex scandal (1973): Conservatives, junior
  2. And, for persons outside public attention, punishment would ensue, such as, imprisonment , torture and even death. Including Soviet SME RSH secret police. In 1948
  3. By section 252 of that Act. Assault is a misdemeanor punishable by one year, imprisonment ,; assault with" intent to have carnal knowledge of him or her" or who
  4. The practice of exciting groundless judicial proceedings, and is punishable by, imprisonment ,in the county jail not exceeding six months and by fine not exceeding one
  5. S control and interests within organized crime diminished rapidly after his, imprisonment , and he was no longer able to run the Outfit after his release. He had lost
  6. Requests. On 11 August 2009 the trial concluded with Sub FYI being sentenced to, imprisonment ,for three years with hard labor. This sentence was commuted by the military
  7. One event that affected ` Abdul'Baha greatly during his childhood was the, imprisonment ,of his father when ` Abdul'Baha was eight years old; the imprisonment led to
  8. Baha’í community accepted his leadership. By the age of 64 after forty years, imprisonment ,` Abdul’Baha was freed by the Young Turks and he and his family began to live
  9. Generally stating that everything is true, under penalty of perjury, fine,or, imprisonment ,; * an attestation clause, usually a Surat, at the end certifying the affine
  10. Judah from the death of David to the release of his successor Jehoiachin from, imprisonment ,in Babylon, a period of some 400 years (c.960-560 BCE). It concludes a series
  11. Injunction. Criminal cases may lead to fines or other punishment, such as, imprisonment , The famous Latin Response Prudential (" answers of the learned ones" ) were
  12. Act, with a maximum penalty for repeat offenders of fines of up to $2,000, imprisonment , for up to one year, or both. Internationally, amphetamine is a Schedule II drug
  13. Of affray is subject to arrest, can be tried either way, and faces three years, imprisonment ,and/or a fine on indictment; six months imprisonment and/or a fine summarily.
  14. With the Ottoman authorities to re-introduce stricter terms on ` Abdul'l-Bahá's, imprisonment ,in August 1901. By 1902,however, due to the Governor of ` Aka being
  15. In 1950,he was sent to a" Special Camp" for political prisoners. During his, imprisonment ,at the camp in the town of Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan, he worked as a miner
  16. This was despite the fact that homosexual acts were illegal and punishable with, imprisonment ,at that time. In 1897,Crowley met a man named Herbert Charles Polling, the
  17. Of the plague. This coincided with the return of King Maid of Yemen from, imprisonment ,in Cairo. His party may have brought the disease with them from Egypt. Symptoms
  18. Criminals. Capital punishment did not exist, nor did the community resort to, imprisonment , Beating was considered a sufficient and final penalty. However, in the case of
  19. Can only be prosecuted if the defamed person chooses to press charges. False, imprisonment ,can be charged if the victim—when applying an objective view—can be considered
  20. 2010. On August 11, 2010 it became known that the court sentence was 20 years, imprisonment ,for each of the seven prisoners which was later reduced to ten years. After the
  21. By commandant Rudolf Host. Host believed that doing menial work during his own, imprisonment ,under the Weimar Republic helped him through the experience. At Auschwitz, the
  22. Was the imprisonment of his father when ` Abdul'Baha was eight years old; the, imprisonment ,led to his family being reduced to poverty and being attacked in the streets by
  23. Absentia) and three acquitted; only seven of the defendants were sentenced to, imprisonment , Imprisonment: For additional detail on Speer's time at Spandau Prison, see
  24. St. Angelo Fort in Bangalore. There he remained under what he considered to be, imprisonment , In September 1509 Square advanced the mission of establishing contact with
  25. 2011 – The West Memphis Three are released from prison after 18 years in, imprisonment , Births *1450 – Marko Garlic, Croatian poet (d. 1524) *1579 – Charlotte
  26. An echo in the short story" The right hand. " It was during this decade of, imprisonment ,and exile that Solzhenitsyn abandoned Marxism and developed the philosophical
  27. Rally in November 2000 by an opposition party was followed by the arrest and, imprisonment ,for a month of its organizer. Freedom of religion is not always protected under
  28. Of diving gear, boats,and motor vehicles as well as fines and in rare cases, imprisonment , The Ministry of Fisheries expects in the year 2004/05,nearly 1,000 tons of
  29. Of Philosophy Consolation of Philosophy was written during a one-year, imprisonment ,Boethius served while awaiting trial – and eventual horrific execution – for
  30. Chapters discuss Paul's conversion, his ministry, and finally his arrest and, imprisonment ,and trip to Rome. Structure The structure of the book of Luke is closely tied
  31. Him on a disastrous expedition to Bohemia in 1126,when he suffered a short, imprisonment , Albert's entanglements in Saxony stemmed from his desire to expand his
  32. Botha and Jan Smuts, and the ringleaders received heavy fines and terms of, imprisonment , A renowned Boer, Jopie Fourier, was executed for treason in 1914. He was
  33. The Hunchback (Pronounced Pippin),and the king had to drag Tassel out of, imprisonment ,to formally renounce his rights and titles at the Assembly of Frankfurt in 794.
  34. Him to escape. Angered by his daughter's disobedience, Danaus orders her, imprisonment ,and, possibly,her execution. In the trilogy's climax and dénouement, Lynceus
  35. Baha'u'lláh's writings. ` Abdul'Baha had shared his father's long exile and, imprisonment , which continued until ` Abdul'l-Bahá's own release as a result of the Young
  36. Way, and faces three years imprisonment and/or a fine on indictment; six months, imprisonment ,and/or a fine summarily. In recent years, the option to charge people with
  37. Chuck Colson describes his path to faith in conjunction with his criminal, imprisonment ,and played a significant role in solidifying the" born again" identity as a
  38. Moscow, downed American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers is sentenced to ten years, imprisonment ,by the Soviet Union for espionage. * 1960 – Sputnik program: Sputnik 5 – the
  39. Of driving license for 90 days (introduced in 2007,) ** Brad >60 = 2 months, imprisonment , plus suspension of driving license for 180 days, plus €1,200 fine *In Hong
  40. Also involving a Christian woman. In 1901,the sentence was commuted to life, imprisonment , Tomas Masaryk, a prominent Austro-Czech philosophy professor and future
  41. Shari Sultana, from whom he studied history and learned calligraphy. His, imprisonment ,made him aloof in regard to state affairs and malleable to the designs of his
  42. As a result of these charges, Dreyfus was convicted and sentenced to life, imprisonment ,at Devil's Island. The actual spy, Marie Charles Esterhazy, was acquitted. The
  43. Social relations with the Band Ha shim were cut off, and their state was that of, imprisonment , Before it many Muslims migrated to Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Abu Bakr
  44. Of the libel case instigated by Oscar Wilde begins, eventually resulting in his, imprisonment ,on charges of homosexuality. *1922 – Joseph Stalin becomes the first General
  45. Duty. It is a summary offense which carries a maximum penalty of six months ', imprisonment ,and/or a fine. The" starting sentence," however, is a short custodial
  46. From Corinth. After this his name is not mentioned until after Paul's first, imprisonment , when he was engaged in the organization of the church in Crete, where Paul had
  47. Inviting the US to enter the war on Britain's side, resulted in six months ', imprisonment ,in Brixton prison (see Bertrand Russell's views on society). Between the
  48. On the other two counts. On October 1,1946,he was sentenced to 20 years ', imprisonment , While three of the eight judges (two Soviet and one American) initially
  49. And marched with the imperial forces to free the Roman king Maximilian from his, imprisonment ,at Bruges, and when, in 1489,the King returned to Germany, Albert was left as
  50. 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885. Turing was given a choice between, imprisonment ,or probation conditional on his agreement to undergo hormonal treatment

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