Examples of the the word, chemotherapy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chemotherapy ), is the 7366 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Intravenous administration Many forms of medication (from antibiotics to, chemotherapy ,) are administered intravenously, as they are not readily or adequately
  2. Therapy. Some herbal remedies can cause dangerous interactions with, chemotherapy ,drugs, radiation therapy, or anesthetics during surgery, among other problems.
  3. Used for non-oncological use, such as the use of antibiotics (antibacterial, chemotherapy ,). In that sense, the first modern chemotherapeutic agent was arsphenamine, an
  4. Counts may be temporarily boosted through platelet transfusions. Sometimes, chemotherapy ,treatments are postponed to allow platelet counts to recover. *
  5. Cannulae. Harmful and lethal toxicity from chemotherapy limits the dosage of, chemotherapy ,that can be given. Some tumors can be destroyed by sufficiently high doses of
  6. Solid tumors, cell division has effectively ceased, making them insensitive to, chemotherapy , Another problem with solid tumors is the fact that the chemotherapeutic agent
  7. The stage of cancer, the type of chemotherapy , and the dosage, intravenous, chemotherapy , may be given on either an inpatient or an outpatient basis. For continuous
  8. Therapy or surgery. Most cancers are now treated in this way. Combination, chemotherapy ,is a similar practice that involves treating a patient with a number of
  9. Sulfonamides (sulfa drugs) and penicillin. Other uses that have been termed, chemotherapy ,are the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis
  10. Quality of life and to reduce tumor-induced symptoms and the side effects of, chemotherapy ,and radiotherapy; a wide array of clinical studies support the efficacy of the
  11. Tract and hair follicles. This results in the most common side effects of, chemotherapy ,: myelosuppression (decreased production of blood cells, hence also
  12. Isolated limb perfusion (often used in melanoma),or isolated infusion of, chemotherapy ,into the liver or the lung have been used. The main purpose of these approaches
  13. Treatment, but its historical meaning is broader. In the most simple sense, chemotherapy ,is the treatment of an ailment by chemicals especially by killing
  14. Doses must be administered to continue to reduce the size of the tumor. Current, chemotherapy ,regimens apply drug treatment in cycles, with the frequency and duration of
  15. Of p-glycoprotein are undergoing testing as of June 2007 to enhance the of, chemotherapy , Treatment schemes There are a number of strategies in the administration of
  16. From inside the cell to the outside. Research on p-glycoprotein and other such, chemotherapy ,efflux pumps, is currently ongoing. Medications to inhibit the function of
  17. Status is often used as a measure to determine whether a patient can receive, chemotherapy , or whether dose reduction is required. Because only a fraction of the cells in
  18. For other substances that might have similar effects against cancer. The first, chemotherapy ,drug to be developed from this line of research was Justine. Since then, many
  19. And teletherapy) and surgery. Over time, cancer cells become more resistant to, chemotherapy ,treatments. Recently, scientists have identified small pumps on the surface of
  20. Combination of such drugs into a standardized treatment regimen. Most commonly, chemotherapy ,acts by killing cells that divide rapidly, one of the main properties of most
  21. patient's weight and height, rather than by direct measurement. Delivery Most, chemotherapy ,is delivered intravenously, although a number of agents can be administered
  22. With slower growth rates, such as indolent lymphomas, tend to respond to, chemotherapy ,much more modestly. Drugs affect" younger" tumors (i.e., more
  23. Antioxidant supplements could decrease the effectiveness of radiotherapy and, chemotherapy , On the other hand, other reviews have suggested that antioxidants could reduce
  24. Damage. Depending on the patient, the cancer, the stage of cancer, the type of, chemotherapy , and the dosage, intravenous chemotherapy may be given on either an inpatient
  25. Growing tumors are fast-dividing, and therefore very susceptible. Palliative, chemotherapy ,is given without curative intent, but simply to decrease tumor load and
  26. Surgery or radiotherapy) less destructive or more effective. Adjuvant, chemotherapy ,(postoperative treatment) can be used when there is little evidence of cancer
  27. Percutaneous approaches to gain access to the treatment area. Dosage of, chemotherapy ,can be difficult: If the dose is too low, it will be ineffective against the
  28. Of chemotherapy discovered by the early researchers still apply. The term, chemotherapy ,The word" chemotherapy " without a modifier nowadays usually refers to cancer
  29. Have been developed and commercialized, becoming a nearly universal standard in, chemotherapy ,regimens, and helping to successfully manage these symptoms in a large portion
  30. As Herpes simplex, shingles,or other members of the Hepeviridae. Sometimes, chemotherapy ,treatments are postponed because the immune system is suppressed to a
  31. In cancer cells; this is termed targeted therapy and is technically not, chemotherapy , History The use of minerals and plant-based medicines to treat diseases is
  32. The chances of resistance developing to any one agent. In neoadjuvant, chemotherapy ,(preoperative treatment) initial chemotherapy is designed to shrink the
  33. Intent or it may aim to prolong life or to palliate symptoms. Combined modality, chemotherapy ,is the use of drugs with other cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy or
  34. Of disorders for which acupuncture might have an effect; adverse reactions to, chemotherapy ,and radiation, induction of labor, sciatica,amenorrhea, depression
  35. By the early researchers still apply. The term chemotherapy The word ", chemotherapy ," without a modifier nowadays usually refers to cancer treatment, but its
  36. Of Chief Ministers of the Northern Territory Chemotherapy (sometimes cancer, chemotherapy ,) is the treatment of cancer with an antineoplastic drug or with a combination
  37. For repeated insertion of peripheral cannula. Harmful and lethal toxicity from, chemotherapy ,limits the dosage of chemotherapy that can be given. Some tumors can be
  38. Have identified small pumps on the surface of cancer cells that actively move, chemotherapy ,from inside the cell to the outside. Research on p-glycoprotein and other such
  39. Treatment regimens to the advantage of patients in certain situations. As, chemotherapy ,affects cell division, tumors with high growth fractions (such as acute
  40. In February 1947,he lost approximately. Around this time, developments in, chemotherapy ,offered some hope. Teropterin, a folic acid derivative, was developed by Dr.
  41. To counteract depression of the immune system in patients undergoing, chemotherapy , Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINE) Nausea and vomiting are two
  42. Can be helpful in the treatment of vomiting after the start of, chemotherapy , but more trials were needed to test their effectiveness versus modern
  43. Used. The main purpose of these approaches is to deliver a very high dose of, chemotherapy ,to tumor sites without causing overwhelming systemic damage. Depending on the
  44. anyone agent. In neoadjuvant chemotherapy (preoperative treatment) initial, chemotherapy ,is designed to shrink the primary tumor, thereby rendering local therapy (
  45. Or an outpatient basis. For continuous, frequent or prolonged intravenous, chemotherapy ,administration, various systems may be surgically inserted into the vasculature
  46. For these regimens, a better toxicity profile is generally expected. All, chemotherapy ,regimens require that the patient be capable of undergoing the treatment.
  47. Into a multibillion-dollar industry, although the principles and limitations of, chemotherapy ,discovered by the early researchers still apply. The term chemotherapy The word
  48. The aggressive lymphomas, including Hodgkin's disease) are more sensitive to, chemotherapy , as a larger proportion of the targeted cells are undergoing cell division at
  49. And pharmacologist. He wrote many articles on bacteriology, immunology,and, chemotherapy , His best-known discoveries are the discovery of the enzyme lysosome in 1923
  50. And their families. In 1983,Coates et al. found that patients receiving, chemotherapy ,ranked nausea and vomiting as the first and second most severe side effects

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