Examples of the the word, drip , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Sake produced this way is sometimes called shizukazake (雫酒),meaning ", drip ,sake ". * Tobingakoi (斗瓶囲い) is sake pressed into 18-liter bottles (" Robin "
  2. The studio: The 1950s Pollock's the most famous paintings were made during the ", drip ,period" between 1947 and 1950. He rocketed to popular status following an
  3. The recovery positions. Should the person regurgitate, this should be allowed to, drip ,out the side of the person's mouth. If a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
  4. Of flame spread, low heat release, low heat of combustion, and does not melt or, drip ,; it forms a char which is insulating and self-extinguishing, and contributes
  5. To them on BBC Radio 4 in November 2008,in which she noted the“ drip , drip , drip of disapproval” associated with the books. " Byton bans" It was
  6. Then start collecting the latex at about midday. Some trees will continue to, drip ,after the collection and this leads to a small amount of cup lump which is
  7. Put water into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or creep or, drip ,or crash! Be water, my friend ..." *"All types of knowledge, ultimately leads
  8. Of an Antics is to attach a Refugio where you can grow cope pods to ", drip ," into the display tank. Unlike many other saltwater aquarium inhabitants, they
  9. External pressure by hanging the mash in bags and allowing the liquid to, drip ,out under its own weight. Sake produced this way is sometimes called
  10. Is from Proto-Greek *worsens, from a PIE root *were-" to moisten, to, drip ," (referring to the rain). Other theories identify Arena with the Greek God
  11. Have it grown back again, Loki is temporarily saved from venom only to have it, drip ,on him once more. * In Georgian mythology Amira challenged the chief god and
  12. Espresso, to approximately 100–125 milligrams for a cup (120 milliliters) of, drip ,coffee. In general, dark-roast coffee has very slightly less caffeine than
  13. Moisture sensitive. *Glassware is often dried by suspending it upside down to, drip ,dry on racks; these can include a hot air fan to blow the internals dry.
  14. Development, an agricultural cooperative that provides its members with, drip ,irrigation and greenhouses as well as access to credit. Forestry, fishing,and
  15. By tremendous pressures. Proceeding deeper, one comes to a point called neutron, drip ,where neutrons leak out of nuclei and become free neutrons. In this region
  16. Or irrigation giving only just enough water for the plant (e.g. in, drip ,line irrigation) gives poor soil salinity control which leads to increased
  17. Scooped out of the cooking pan and placed on a drip ping pan to allow the oil to, drip , before a generous amount of refined sugar is sprinkled over them. A variant
  18. Was always a 'well, she might be, or she might not be' but when there was that, drip ,of water passing between their lips in the very final scene, that cemented it
  19. Chocolate, and whole milk, invented and served in Turin. * Black eye: A cup of, drip ,coffee with two shots of espresso in it (alternately a red-eye or shot in the
  20. In popular culture. * Ashikaga Common (1558–1594) – Common reputedly tried to, drip ,poison from a thread into Odd Nobunaga's mouth through a hiding spot in the
  21. In some cases, the grill can also function like a bakery oven by putting a, drip ,pan below the cooking surface rack of a barbecue grill, as well as a baking
  22. S. Anti-missile project under Ronald Reagan dubbed" Star Wars" * Subsurface, drip ,irrigation, also referred to as SDI * Sulfadimidine, an antibiotic whose
  23. Captures exceeds the rate of beta-decay, pushing the burning to the proton, drip ,line. The essential idea is that a radioactive species will capture a proton
  24. Especially since their large size demanded it. An exception might be the, drip ,paintings of Pollock. Why this style gained mainstream acceptance in the 1950s
  25. Period 8 elements have been discovered yet. It is also possible that, due to, drip ,instabilities, only the lower period 8 elements are physically possible.
  26. In the United States? " At the peak of his fame, Pollock abruptly abandoned the, drip ,style. Pollock's work after 1951 was darker, including a collection
  27. Eggs from Washington File: Egg Dr. JPG | Easter eggs from France File: Candle, drip ,eggs. JPG. JPG | Candle drip ped Easter eggs from South Bend, IN,USA File:
  28. To them on BBC Radio 4 in November 2008,in which she noted the“ drip , drip , drip , of disapproval” associated with the books. " Byton bans" It was frequently
  29. Unveiled a life-sized sculpture of Sharon in a hospital bed with an IV, drip ,at the Vision Gallery in Tel Aviv. The exhibition caused some controversy, with
  30. Aesthetic: Types of garden: Watering gardens See rainwater, sprinkler system, drip ,irrigation, tap water, greywater, hand pump and watering can. History In art
  31. Time to time she had to turn away to empty it, at which point the poison would, drip ,onto Loki, who writhed in pain, thus causing earthquakes. He would free himself
  32. IN"> com"/> by replacing existing irrigation systems with micro-irrigation and, drip ,networks. A net energy importer, Morocco launched the National Renewable Energy
  33. Were also frequently receiving morphine surreptitiously through an intravenous, drip ,that observers were told contained only fluids and nutrients. The greatest
  34. And responses to them on BBC Radio 4 in November 2008,in which she noted the “, drip , drip , drip of disapproval” associated with the books. " Byton bans" It was
  35. Properly, since evaporation and runoff are minimized. In modern agriculture, drip ,irrigation is often combined with plastic mulch, further reducing evaporation
  36. Through the lateral lines and ultimately ends up at the irrigation emitter (, drip ,) or sprinkler heads. Many sprinklers have pipe thread inlets on the bottom of
  37. Removed. A stalactite (, ; from the Greek stalls, ( σταλάσσω)," to, drip ,", and meaning" that which drip s" ) is a type of speleothem (secondary
  38. Will not use humidifiers inside their cellos because they have the potential to, drip , which may cause damage to the cello. *Electronic tuners are sometimes used to
  39. Deep percolation, where water moves below the root zone, can occur if a, drip ,system is operated for too long or if the delivery rate is too high. Drip
  40. Through the mucous membranes is collected in mucus and swallowed (this ", drip ," is considered pleasant by some and unpleasant by others). In a study of
  41. Maintenance and automation. It is similar in principle and action to subsurface, drip ,irrigation. Manual using buckets or watering cans These systems have low
  42. Vats of mead that liquor cannot be compared to, and from Erik yrnir's antlers, drip ,liquid into the spring Hvergelmir from which flows forth all waters. Prose
  43. Tapping cuts usually ascend to the left to cut more tubes. The trees will, drip ,latex for about four hours, stopping as latex coagulates naturally on the
  44. Ole Worm who created the word from the Greek root stalls, ( σταλάσσω)," to, drip ,". Photo gallery Image: Mosses around Stalactite with Water drop. JPG|Water
  45. Born Jennie Chomsky). Sobel's work is related to the so-called ", drip ,paintings" of Jackson Pollock. Peggy Guggenheim included Sobel's work in her
  46. Laid out on the studio floor, and he developed what was later called his ", drip ," technique, turning to synthetic resin-based paints called alkyd enamels
  47. Is suspended in the air, for example, in a ceiling or a beam, then this will, drip ,down from the edge. When this happens the solution comes into contact with air
  48. Generally not large in scale, anticipate the" all over" look of Pollock's, drip ,paintings. Abstract expressionism widths" 140px" heights" 140px "
  49. Remove these salts and a method of drainage to carry the salts away. When using, drip ,lines, the leaching is best done regularly at certain intervals (with only a
  50. Which acted as air-cooled condensers to condense the distillate and let it, drip ,downward for collection. Later, copper alembics were invented. Riveted joints

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