Examples of the the word, rolling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rolling ), is the 7018 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Built about 1812,the cottage once commanded unobstructed vistas over the, rolling ,Bronx hills to the shores of Long Island. The Bronx's evolution from a hot bed
  2. The state is occupied by the Coastal Plain. This is crossed by foothills and, rolling ,prairies in the central part of the state, where it has a mean elevation of
  3. Angles). *Roll is a rotation about the longitudinal axis (equivalent to the, rolling ,or heeling of a ship) giving an up-down movement of the wing tips measured by
  4. To stop the camera rolling to change something in the scene, and then continue, rolling ,the film. This idea was later known as stop-motion animation. Relies discovered
  5. An unwatchable picture; loss of vertical synchronization would produce an image, rolling ,up or down the screen. Time base circuits In an analog receiver with a CRT
  6. Of wartime production. Carnegie worked with others in establishing a steel, rolling ,mill and steel production and control of industry became the source of his
  7. Technique. He discovered a technique by accident which was to stop the camera, rolling ,to change something in the scene, and then continue rolling the film. This idea
  8. S glove. *The cover-Up – Covering up is the last opportunity (other than, rolling ,with a punch) to avoid an incoming strike to an unprotected face or body.
  9. Gameplay requiring physical exertion, must date from the very earliest times. A, rolling ,object appeals not only to a human baby but to a kitten and a puppy. Some form
  10. Western coast of Anatolia that borders the Sea of Marmara consists mainly of, rolling ,plateau country well suited to agriculture. It receives about of rainfall
  11. The Huns, equipped with new military weapons like the battering rams and, rolling ,siege towers, overran the military centers of Ra tiara and successfully besieged
  12. Flat on the right-hand side of the game board. The players then alternate turns, rolling ,two dice at the beginning of each turn. A variant of the doubling cube" beaver
  13. Has a nap (consistent fiber directionality) and balls behave differently when, rolling ,against versus along with the nap. The cloth of the billiard table has
  14. May gain an advantage by hitting an opponent's blot from the anchor, or by, rolling ,large doubles that allow the checkers to escape into a running game. A few
  15. Germans' advance to ship virtually all the city's grain, cattle,and railroad, rolling ,stock across the Volga and out of harm's way. This" harvest victory" left
  16. Main industry is hill-farming. To the south and east the topography consists of, rolling ,hills bordering the sea. This area is well populated, with the larger towns and
  17. An HVAC system during peak use times in order to avoid necessitating the use of, rolling ,blackouts. The customer is given a credit of some sort in exchange, so it is
  18. One of the few operable steam trains in the world, offering trips through the, rolling ,prairie scenery. Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions caters to tens of thousands
  19. In The Frogs, Aeschylus is said to compose verses in the manner of a horse, rolling ,in a sandpit. Some plays feature revelations of human perfectibility that are
  20. 20° and 30°E. The country is predominantly flat, tending toward gently, rolling ,tableland. Botswana is dominated by the Kalahari Desert, which covers up to 70
  21. A narrow strip on each side of the Tennessee River, is a country of gentle, rolling ,lowlands varying in elevation from. To the northeast of these highlands and
  22. Serpents and the Gorgon herself upon the goddess's breast—a severed head, rolling ,its eyes. " Furnished with golden tassels and bearing the Gorgonize (Medusa
  23. Eclipse colored the moon red over Busch Stadium. The city of Boston held a ", rolling ,rally" for the team on October 30, 2004. Red Sox Nation packed the streets of
  24. Program was announced. In February 2009 it was announced the preferred, rolling ,stock option for this project was the Hitachi Super Express family of multiple
  25. Back so that it misses or has its force appreciably lessened. Also called ", rolling ,with the punch" or" Riding The Punch ". *Duck or break – To drop with
  26. And would use conventional high speed rail technology as opposed to Male. The, rolling ,stock would be capable of travelling on the existing Network Rail
  27. Gargling" in the back of the throat as well as by the conventional method of, rolling ,Rs. Also, using certain fingerings, notes may be produced on the instrument
  28. The arts, religion,social history and current affairs. ABC Newsreader is a, rolling ,news service, previously known as the Parliamentary and News Network. The
  29. The direction of rolling , which can lead to vastly different properties in the, rolling ,and transverse directions. Some materials, such as wood and fibre-reinforced
  30. An unwatchable picture; loss of vertical synchronization would produce an image, rolling ,up or down the screen. Transition to digital broadcasts As of late 2009,ten
  31. And the frequency of services is high. The SNCB is permanently updating its, rolling ,stock. The network currently includes four high speed lines, three operating up
  32. The one and only Desiree Armed" -- is clichéd hyperbole. By figuratively, rolling ,her eyes at the hype, Peters gives us a rich, warm and comedically human
  33. Of the competition (in bowling parlance, an " end" ), by placing the mat and, rolling ,the jack to the other end of the green to serve as a target. Once it has come
  34. The case of rolling ," stringers" of texture are produced in the direction of, rolling , which can lead to vastly different properties in the rolling and transverse
  35. With the final chapter still unwritten and the presses scheduled to start, rolling ,in twenty-four hours.... unless somebody shows up pretty soon with extremely
  36. Deck on STAR carriers. A ski jump works by converting some forward, rolling ,motion of the aircraft into a jump into the air at the end of the flight deck
  37. Cone Crater. However, the two astronauts were not able to find the rim amid the, rolling ,terrain of the crater's slopes. Later analysis, using the pictures that they
  38. Philosophy. The game takes place on the last" character ", Planet,with its ", rolling ,red ocher plains ", and " bands of lonely terraformed green ". Plot The story
  39. Consider local airspace restrictions. Most exhibitors will plan" full," ", rolling ," and" flat" display for varying weather and airspace conditions. The types
  40. Cameras. The director claimed that he used these lenses and several cameras, rolling ,at once to help the actors—allowing them to be photographed at some distance
  41. Fixed the camera, a hearse happened to be passing by just as Relies restarted, rolling ,the film, his end result was that he had managed to make a bus transform into a
  42. By an unusual geological formation known as Crowley's Ridge. A narrowband of, rolling ,hills,Crowley's Ridge rises from 250 to above the surrounding alluvial plain
  43. Left largely untouched by humans. The hinterland of the island features some, rolling ,hills, the best known of which are called Goldberg at and Mount Jamaica, the
  44. Be profitable. The mid-1950s saw the rapid introduction of diesel and electric, rolling ,stock, but the expected transfer back from road to rail did not occur and losses
  45. Whereas carbon nanotubes can be metallic or semiconducting depending on the, rolling ,direction and radius, a IN nanotube is an electrical insulator with a band gap
  46. Whereas carbon nanotubes can be metallic or semiconducting depending on the, rolling ,direction and radius, a IN nanotube is an electrical insulator with a wide
  47. With a head at both ends. It travels by grasping one head in the other and, rolling ,like a hoop. The fangs of the amphisbaena are so poisonous that anything
  48. Harrier can take off at far higher weights than is possible with a vertical or, rolling ,takeoff on a short flat deck on STAR carriers. A ski jump works by converting
  49. Limits the loading of USMC Harriers but is somewhat mitigated by the longer, rolling ,start provided by a long flight deck compared to many STOVL carriers. Aircraft
  50. Which are often produced during manufacturing of the material. In the case of, rolling ," stringers" of texture are produced in the direction of rolling , which can

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