Examples of the the word, creep , in a Sentence Context

The word ( creep ), is the 7019 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During the diagnostic process, although strictly speaking this is functionality, creep , and some have questioned the appropriateness of the criteria in a clinical
  2. Other term, serpent,is from French, ultimately from Indo-European *SERP- (to, creep ,), which also gave Greek RPO (ερπω) " I crawl. " Evolution Note: the tree
  3. Buttressed by grim strings, creaky horns, and thundering timpani, staples ..., creep ,with fearful new dimension, like an old Posed print come to life. " - Rating:
  4. She felt that he was a" detestable, bombastic,tiresome,egocentric little, creep ,". Yet the public loved him, and Christie refused to kill him off, claiming
  5. Are humorous examples of" non-KISS" solutions. Instruction creep and function, creep , two instances of creep ing features, are examples of failure to follow the
  6. In magnesium. Both these alloys are recent developments in high-temperature low, creep ,magnesium alloys. Mitsubishi Motors also uses magnesium (branded magnesium
  7. Will vary between climatic regions. Cultural influences such as Christmas, creep ,may have led to winter being perceived as beginning earlier in
  8. For extremely high temperatures, single crystal alloys are used to minimize, creep , Production In production engineering, metallurgy is concerned with the
  9. It" whispers through the trees; ":: If crystal streams" with pleasing murmurs, creep , ":: The reader's threatened (not in vain) with" sleep. " Couplets in
  10. On code portability, security fixes,UTF-8 support, and tries to avoid feature, creep , It will, however,track POSIX closely and implement many ksh93 and some bash
  11. High-octane gasoline. Alloys The nickel-based super alloys have improved, creep ,strength with the addition of rhenium. The alloys normally contain 3 % or 6 %
  12. A bunch of greens. Little boys, holding three or four onions in their hand, creep ,between the people, wriggling their way through every interstice, and asking
  13. It usually occurs due to transport by wind, water,or ice; by down-slope, creep ,of soil and other material under the force of gravity; or by living organisms
  14. The fault's path. However, since it cuts across the base of the hills,the, creep ,is often concealed by or confused with slide activity. Some slide
  15. Of poor engineering along highways where it is a regular occurrence. Surface, creep ,is the slow movement of soil and rock debris by gravity which is usually not
  16. No one knows the entire scope/requirements * Can increase the risk of scope, creep ,due to the lack of detailed requirements' documentation * Agile is featured
  17. However, and as of 2006 the price for all variants is apparently starting to, creep ,upwards (Classic Motorsports,March 2006 issue, p. 38). With the release of
  18. Helium. Unless the container is carefully constructed, the helium II will, creep ,along the surfaces and through valves until it reaches somewhere warmer, where
  19. A source is copied, information about the record may be lost and errors may, creep ,in from the copyist misreading, mistyping,or miswriting the information.
  20. I hated how Batman Returns made Batman little more than just another costumed, creep , little better than the villains he's pursuing. Additionally, Burton is so
  21. Because they have the widest range of specialist zoo ids. A few species can, creep ,very slowly by using spiny defensive zoo ids as legs. Auto-bids supply
  22. Poirot“ insufferable," and by the 1960s she felt that he was" an egocentric, creep , " However, unlike Doyle, Christie resisted the temptation to kill her
  23. Seals to give good contact, while permitting a beneficially low percentage of, creep , Applications and uses Owing to its low friction, it is used for applications
  24. king's subjects, but like most of them, he secretly considers the king to be a, creep ,(or a fink). * Sir Rodney the Chicken-Hearted: Usually just called" Rodney "
  25. These faults also tend to move at a smooth rate in what is termed" fault, creep ,", During the summer months, it is common for the temperature to reach over
  26. Outmatched. His men, upon seeing this display and fearing for their lives, creep ,back into the woods. One of his men, however,Willa, who finds great distress
  27. Causing especially severe flooding. Human induced deforestation has started to, creep ,into the rainforests of Amazonia and the Pacific coast and has substantially
  28. Small; in steam turbines, turbine entry temperatures are typically 565 °C (the, creep ,limit of stainless steel) and condenser temperatures are around 30 °C. This
  29. Alloy called Mag-Thor, used in aircraft engines and imparting high strength and, creep ,resistance at elevated temperatures. In electronic equipment, thorium coating
  30. Branches ", which may stand erect or spread over the surface. A few species can, creep ,at about per day. After the discovery of the Entoprocta, in which the anus lies
  31. S allegations. Simon Cowell came to Abdul's defense, calling Corey Clark a, creep ,and stating“ It was just somebody using her to get a lot of publicity for an
  32. From metal fatigue. Metals under constant stress at elevated temperatures can, creep , Metalworking processes Metals are shaped by processes such as: *casting -
  33. And tension. Concrete that is subjected to long-duration forces is prone to, creep , Tests can be made to ensure the properties of concrete correspond to
  34. Principle in software development. Similarly, scope, creep , exemplifies failure to follow KISS in project management. In film animation
  35. Or personalized functionality to be implemented by extensions to avoid feature, creep , This is in contrast to the ". Therefore, after integration, extensions can be
  36. Small yield stress at room temperatures, ( i.e. a viscous flow). Long term, creep ,experiments (~ 10 years) indicate that the viscosity of granite under ambient
  37. By more frequent low-level floods (called Aqua Alta," high water" ) that, creep ,to a height of several centimeters over its quays, regularly following certain
  38. Was the result, designed to prevent many of the little problems that seem to, creep ,into a normal building. For instance, to save time spent buying and decorating
  39. Into other particles and cause them to move as well, in a process known as, creep , With slightly stronger winds, particles collide in midair, causing sheet
  40. Like an elastomer. Therefore, it has no" memory" and is subject to, creep , This is advantageous when used as a seal, because the material creep s a small
  41. Amphibian" were largely interchangeable," reptile" ( from Latin repair," to, creep ,") being preferred by the French. Josephus Nicolaus Laurent was the first to
  42. Resulted from an inflation-induced rise in real tax rates (see bracket, creep ,) Austrian School of Economics Adherents to the Austrian School maintain that
  43. To face, and true heroic feats to perform, but silly details and overtones, creep ,in (when the drama of adventuring does not force them out). Cheap word play
  44. Tasks or problems, are humorous examples of" non-KISS" solutions. Instruction, creep ,and function creep , two instances of creep ing features, are examples of
  45. Explanation of actions. (See Media bias. ) Even in routine reporting, bias can, creep ,into a story through a reporter's choice of facts to summarize, or through
  46. As Datsun. “ What we need to do is improve our car’s efficiency gradually and, creep ,up slowly before others notice. Then, before Detroit realizes it, we will have
  47. Of fuel into the pickup, he managed to keep it running just long enough to, creep ,over the line and win the race. It happened again at the German Grand Prix:
  48. A male demon. ALU liked to roam the streets like a stray dog at night and, creep ,into people's bedrooms as they slept to terrify them. He was described as
  49. Snok" grass snake" ), from Proto-Indo-European root * (s)nēg-o-" to crawl, creep ," which also gave sneak as well as Sanskrit nāga" snake. " The word ousted
  50. At long times: We consider the application of a constant stress (a so-called, creep ,experiment): ** if the material, after some deformation, eventually resists

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