Examples of the the word, suffering , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suffering ), is the 3449 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And constant, irrational thoughts. The anxious thoughts and feelings felt while, suffering ,from GAD are difficult to control and can cause serious mental anguish that
  2. The Wasp" ( with Fella Wool gar, her disappearance being the result of her, suffering ,a temporary breakdown due to a brief psychic link being formed between her and
  3. More sober in their judgment than men are" and are more sympathetic to the, suffering ,of others. However, the latter was discounted as weakness rather than
  4. By the nation but something each individual should discover for himself through, suffering , " The filmmaker himself remarked that, during this period," I felt that
  5. And aesthetics For Schopenhauer, human desiring," willing," and craving cause, suffering ,or pain. A temporary way to escape this pain is through aesthetic contemplation
  6. Championships and was part of a winning Davis Cup team in 1990 and 1992. After, suffering ,from sciatica caused by two bulging discs in his back, a spondylolisthesis (
  7. Sin means that the unbaptized go to hell, including infants, albeit with less, suffering ,than is experienced by those guilty of actual sins. Medieval Christianity Pope
  8. Immediately after the birth of Annabella, Lovelace experienced" a tedious and, suffering ,illness, which took months to cure ". On 27 February 1841,Lovelace wrote to
  9. Health may have been in general decline after years of heavy drinking and his, suffering ,severe wounds (including one in India that nearly claimed his life).
  10. Was the turning point of the war. Revolutionary confidence and determination, suffering ,from Howe's successful occupation of Philadelphia, was renewed. What is more
  11. Exhaustion. His younger brother, Edward " Ted," was similarly bedridden, suffering ,from tuberculosis. While Bell recovered (by then referring to himself in
  12. Of the essential nature of life in the world through observation of the, suffering ,of other people However, Buddhist nirvana is not equivalent to the condition
  13. Merits as a unique contribution in the annals of mystery fiction, rather than, suffering ,comparison as one of the endless imitators of Sherlock Holmes. " Some of the
  14. Similarities centered on the principles that life involves suffering , that, suffering , is caused by desire (Tanya),and that the extinction of desire leads to
  15. Sacrament. In other words, they see Holy Communion as a memorial to Christ's, suffering , and participation in the Eucharist as both a re-enactment of the Last Supper
  16. Aquinas and Jonathan Edwards wrote that the saved in heaven will delight in the, suffering ,of the damned. Hell, however,does not fit modern, humanitarian concepts of
  17. Civil War: the Confederate ironclad is scuttled on the Mississippi River after, suffering ,damage in a battle with near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. *1870 – Franco-Prussian
  18. The remaining Americans held on outside Quebec City until the spring of 1776, suffering , from poor camp conditions and smallpox, and then withdrew when a squadron of
  19. Or a reaction to the sleeping pill. Researchers now believe that he was, suffering ,from space adaptation syndrome, which affects about a third of astronauts
  20. His need for a wheelchair (he wants to fool people into believing that he is, suffering ,from arthritis to give the impression that he is more infirm than he is). His
  21. That all beings be happy (love) and the wish that all beings be free from, suffering ,(compassion). " Many illnesses can be cured by the one medicine of love and
  22. Because some have a prevision of the glory to come and others foretaste their, suffering , the state of waiting is called" Particular Judgment ". When Christ returns
  23. Gave no account of her disappearance. Although two doctors had diagnosed her as, suffering ,from psychogenic fugue, opinion remains divided as to the reasons for her
  24. Was mentioned as recently as 1967,but which is no longer at the site. The, suffering ,of ten unknown victims of the camp was recorded on the stone. Regular events
  25. The very distinction between self and other is part of the root cause of our, suffering , In practical terms, however,because of the spontaneous self-centeredness of
  26. An intelligence officer in the Russian Army. After being wounded in a leg and, suffering ,other injuries, he came to North America in 1916 (first to Canada, then the
  27. Camus carefully manipulates the plot to bring up the question of innocent, suffering , Panel may argue that the plague is a punishment for sin, but how does he
  28. Combat the plague simply because he is a doctor and his job is to relieve human, suffering , He does not do it for any grand, religious purpose, like Panel (Room does
  29. Had a poor start to 2006. He was still recovering from an ankle injury and also, suffering ,from back and leg pain and lack of match play. Agassi withdrew from the
  30. To face the truth about their life" In Paneloux's view, even the terrible, suffering ,caused by the plague works ultimately for good. The divine light can still be
  31. director's best work. Unable to secure funding for further work and allegedly, suffering ,from health problems, Kurosawa apparently reached the breaking point: on
  32. Commentator and kabbalist, Nachmanides (RayBan 1195-1270),attributed Job's, suffering ,to reincarnation, as hinted in Job's saying" God does all these things twice
  33. His daughter Lilith had died of typhoid in Rangoon and that his wife had begun, suffering ,from alcoholism. Heartbroken, his health began to suffer, and he underwent a
  34. Sacred to the Christian religion and representing Christ's sacrifice and final, suffering , submerged in a glass of the artist's own urine. The resulting uproar led to
  35. An amusing allegory, a device he often uses in his plays. He is represented as, suffering ,an attack of hiccoughs and this might be a humorous reference to the crude
  36. Audi after reporting unintended acceleration, showing an Audi 5000 ostensibly, suffering ,a problem when the brake pedal was pushed. Subsequent investigation revealed
  37. All went something like: 'The good king rode forth from his castle, saw the, suffering ,workers and healed them. '" Naomi's mental illness often manifested as
  38. Moved with compassion for the child, and he takes up the question of innocent, suffering ,in his second sermon. He argues that because a child's suffering is so
  39. Plague, gives a second sermon. He addresses the problem of an innocent child's, suffering ,and says it is a test of a Christian's faith, since it requires him either to
  40. Truths of Buddhism. Similarities centered on the principles that life involves, suffering , that suffering is caused by desire (Tanya),and that the extinction of
  41. Largely due to her alcoholism. She was subsequently admitted to an asylum, suffering ,from alcoholic dementia. Meanwhile, Crowley soon moved on and took a woman
  42. The loss of Terry Alderman being a particular factor. England won 3–1. Despite, suffering ,heavy defeats against the West Indies during the 1980s,England continued to do
  43. Later divorced. At the height of their popularity, both relationships were, suffering ,strain which ultimately resulted in the collapse of the Ulvaeus-Fältskog
  44. Not clear. Separation from a corrupt social system in order to alleviate human, suffering , as Canada does, is the only honorable course. " Many commentators regard Seven
  45. It is this villainous sea that troubles me! The MAL de MER – it is horrible, suffering , " It was during this time he met the Countess Vera Ossoff, a glamorous
  46. Of the will is attained by either: * personal experience of an extremely great, suffering ,that leads to loss of the will to live * knowledge of the essential nature of
  47. Couple’s only child, Karen Löffler, ( 1954–2000) died after more than a decade, suffering ,from Guillain Barre Syndrome at the age of 46. Early life and career Alvin
  48. An additional environmental factor that may result from being raised by parents, suffering ,from chronic anxiety themselves. Research upon adolescents who as infants had
  49. Of innocent suffering in his second sermon. He argues that because a child's, suffering ,is so horrible and cannot easily be explained, it forces people into a crucial
  50. With unfamiliar people altogether. There can be a tendency among those, suffering ,from this condition to restrict their lifestyles to accommodate the anxiety

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