Examples of the the word, arrival , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of gold. Meanwhile, Nu rad-Din sent Shirk uh back to Egypt as well, and upon his, arrival ,Amalia retreated. Rise of Saladin In January 1169 Shirk uh had Shalwar
  2. Agricultural landscape occupied by the indigenous peoples who survived the, arrival ,of European diseases. There is ample evidence for complex large-scale
  3. But depends on, and varies with, the human experience of different humans. The, arrival ,of Modernism in the late nineteenth century lead to a radical break in the
  4. From the governorship of German in 1837,less than two years after his, arrival ,there, and was replaced by First Mira Nus rat Al-Aqsa, a younger brother of
  5. These orders, he fortified Yorktown, and,shadowed by Lafayette, awaited the, arrival ,of the Royal Navy. Northern and western frontier West of the Appalachian
  6. To work the steel mills and Pinkerton agents to safeguard them. On 6 July,the, arrival ,of a force of 300 Pinkerton agents from New York City and Chicago resulted in a
  7. And rival fur trading companies were not allowed to trade in it. After the, arrival ,of French Canadians in the west around 1731,they settled near fur trading
  8. Arena. Progression In March 1980,ABBA travelled to Japan whereupon their, arrival ,at Marita International Airport, they were besieged by thousands of fans. The
  9. He wrote that he would be happy to send artisans to Ethiopia if their safe, arrival ,could be guaranteed, but it probably never reached the Emperor. Ancestor Notes
  10. Reason, the archbishopric of York while still holding his former see. " On his, arrival ,in Rome, however,charges of simony, or the buying of ecclesiastical office
  11. In the northeast, and the administrative capital of Venetian. The imminent, arrival ,of the Lombards had a considerable impact on the city's population; the
  12. Was damp and this adversely affected the health of the immigrants, so that on, arrival ,most of them fell sick. Abu Bakr also suffered from fever for several days and
  13. Of land. Adelaide's early economy started to get on its feet in 1838 with the, arrival ,of livestock from New South Wales and Tasmania. Wool production provided an
  14. He valued from his own early education. Einstein writes: What makes the new, arrival ,devoted to this country is the democratic trait among the people. No one
  15. His eventual escort to Ithaca. Athena appears in disguise to Odysseus upon his, arrival , initially lying and telling him that Penelope, his wife, has remarried and
  16. Reprised the role the following year in the film The Avenger, about Aeneas's, arrival ,in Labium and his conflicts with local tribes as he tries to settle his fellow
  17. Later recall this concert to be the most memorable of their career. Upon their, arrival ,in Melbourne, a civic reception was held at the Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA
  18. For both dialogue and soliloquy, as for instance in the prologue, before the, arrival ,of the Chorus, when the audience is introduced to the main issues in the plot.
  19. Are outdoors, gathered in a circle, weeping and lamenting the imminent, arrival ,of the bandits, they are glimpsed from above in extreme long shot, then,after
  20. Of the Caspian Sea, and certainly through Talks, north-east of Tashkent. On, arrival ,at the supreme Mongol court — either that on the My river (near Lake Alamo
  21. Growth, abundant natural resources and development of infrastructure, led to the, arrival ,of even more Portuguese settlers. The Portuguese discovered petroleum in Angola
  22. There in June 1906. The AWAY and the Holy Books of Thelma: 1907–1909 Upon, arrival ,at Britain, Crowley learned that his daughter Lilith had died of typhoid in
  23. Kingston. Her casual vacancy was filled by Meg Lees several months before the, arrival ,of Cheryl Kernel, elected to replace the retiring deputy leader Michael Jacklin
  24. With the final years of the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838–1842). After his, arrival , Hasan Ali Shah wrote to Sir William McNaughton, discussing his plans to seize
  25. Relatives. Rand was so impressed with the skyline of Manhattan upon her, arrival ,in New York Harbor that she cried what she later called" tears of splendor ".
  26. Three main periods have been distinguished: in the first of these, up to the, arrival ,of Alcuin at the court, the Italians occupy a central place; in the second
  27. Ceremonies for the City Dionysian featured, in addition to the ceremonial, arrival ,of the god, a parade in full armor of the sons of warriors who died fighting
  28. Numerous indigenous peoples occupied Alaska for thousands of years before the, arrival ,of European peoples to the area. The Tlingit people developed a matriarchal
  29. With #30 (June 2001),J. Michael Kaczyński took over as writer. While his, arrival ,saw the title regain lost readers, Straczynski oversaw additional controversial
  30. Moved to Vienna hoping for preferment. The Emperor died soon after Vivaldi's, arrival , and the composer died a pauper, without a steady source of income. Though
  31. In to the region. Immigration into the province was eased tremendously by the, arrival ,of the Canadian Pacific Railway's transcontinental line in the 1880s. Commercial
  32. Which he intended to use as his base for capturing German. At the time of his, arrival ,in Shari Baba, a formal local governor was engaged in a campaign to drive
  33. Come to symbolize the folk music of Colombia. The legend of the Accordion's, arrival ,in Colombia comes from a story of a ship wreck that was coming from Germany to
  34. And Chipewyan who hunted, trapped,and fished for a living. After the British, arrival ,in Canada, approximately half of the province of Alberta, south of the
  35. On the York River, which was navigable by sea-going vessels. Aware that the, arrival ,of the French fleet from The West Indies would give the allies control of the
  36. Explaining the situation that is to be resolved in the play;: *ProDOS - the, arrival ,of the chorus, dancing and singing, sometimes followed by a choreographed
  37. He took up residence near the Kärntnertortheater. Shortly after Vivaldi's, arrival ,in Vienna, Charles VI died, a stroke of bad luck that left the composer without
  38. Would not be possible without compromising their position. Execution The, arrival ,of an enemy in the area should be signalled by one of the cut-off units. This
  39. On the island of Nevis, serving the Leeward Islands. While the time of African, arrival ,in Anguilla is difficult to place precisely, archival evidence indicates a
  40. 1509-1515 Albuquerque was released after three months' confinement, on the, arrival ,at Bangalore of the grand-marshal of Portugal with a large fleet. He was the
  41. Horn declared the poem to possess redeeming artistic value. Shortly after his, arrival , he gave a reading at Better Books, which was described by Jeff Nut tall as "
  42. Him warmly, but some dissident members, sensing their loss of prestige with the, arrival ,of the Imam, wished to maintain control over communal properties. Because of
  43. Mineralizations of the Andes were first mined in large scale after the Spanish, arrival , Potosí in present-day Bolivia was one of the principal mines of the Spanish
  44. Gathering reinforcements. Cornwallis could not trap Lafayette, and upon his, arrival ,at Williamsburg in June, received orders from General Clinton to establish a
  45. French military aid to the Americans would not show positive results until the, arrival ,in July 1780 of a large force of soldiers led by the Comte de Rochambeau. Spain
  46. Allowing the rebellious forces to enter Constantinople. Androids Comments ', arrival ,was soon followed by a massacre of the Latin inhabitants of the city, who
  47. Of St Olaf, in which the newcomers paid their devotions immediately on their, arrival , Near the gate to the south was the guest-hall or hospital. The buildings are
  48. Physicist ", writes Isaac son. This included a cannon salute upon his, arrival ,at the residence of the British high commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel. During
  49. He was received with almost divine honors, and overthrew the government. His, arrival ,was celebrated by a massacre of 80,000 Latins in Constantinople, especially the
  50. Object. Blocked tasks are queued on the protected object ordered by time of, arrival , Protected object entries are similar to procedures, but additionally have

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