Examples of the the word, hoc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hoc ), is the 7915 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Undocumented and in a state of dynamic change, tending to be driven in an ad, hoc , uncontrolled and reactive manner by users or events. This provides a chaotic
  2. The mental. It should be clear that is not a counterargument but merely an ad, hoc ,speculation (as is the view that it is all just a matter of ratcheting up to
  3. The best win-loss record at the end of the regular season. There were four ad, hoc ,three-game playoff series due to ties under this formulation (in 1946,1951
  4. Language, and it was a printed book. According to Bacilli, accounting is an ad, hoc ,ordering system devised by the merchant. Its regular use provides the merchant
  5. Basis for the actual conduct of operations ". Nave described it as an" ad, hoc ,solution" to operational dangers, thrown together at the last moment. Richard
  6. Back as early Unix have included interactive calculator programs such as DC and, hoc , and calculator functions are included in almost all PDA-type devices (save a
  7. Ambiguity-prone natural language prose, and then implemented in compilers as ad, hoc ,code attached to the formal language parser. Examples and portability issues
  8. Excessively. Mac David,i.e. Thomas, son of David, son of Edmond, died in, hoc ,Anna. Mac Goisdelbh,i.e. John Dub, died in hoc Anna. * 1536. Thomas
  9. Web and email services using cooperative computer networks that run wireless ad, hoc ,networks. Network service is provided by a cooperative of neighbors, each
  10. That he had shown Hegel to have fallen prey to the Post hoc ergo proper, hoc ,fallacy. Schopenhauer thought that Hegel used deliberately impressive but
  11. David, son of Edmond, died in hoc Anna. Mac Goisdelbh,i.e. John Dub, died in, hoc ,Anna. * 1536. Thomas O'hugging,i.e. the tutor of the men of Erin and Alba in
  12. Were not producing the effect. Skeptics call cold fusion explanations ad, hoc ,and lacking rigor, and state that they are used simply to disregard the
  13. The court and other parties are entitled to receive from the members of the ad, hoc ,creditor's committees that play a large role in many such proceedings. The
  14. By the Convention. In addition to committees or mechanisms established on an ad, hoc ,basis, two main organs are: Secretariat: The CBD Secretariat. Based in Montreal
  15. Questions have historically been considered in isolation, giving an ad, hoc ,solution to a problem arising in some mathematical context. In the later
  16. War II. The theoretical rigor of Shannon's work completely replaced the ad, hoc ,methods that had previously prevailed. Manner Bush suggested that Shannon
  17. And violent confrontations with police. These actions were precipitated by ad, hoc , leaderless, anonymous cadres known as black blocs; other organizational
  18. Was killed by Piers Mac Goisdelbh, and by some people of Air tech, in, hoc , anno. * 1537. A hosting by O'Downhill,i.e. Magnus, into Lower Contact, in
  19. Schopenhauer suggested that he had shown Hegel to have fallen prey to the Post, hoc ,ergo proper hoc fallacy. Schopenhauer thought that Hegel used deliberately
  20. Has emerged, and decisions on environmental policy have been made on an ad, hoc ,basis. Environmental conditions in Armenia have been worsened as a result of
  21. Bulk, and many depredations and homicides were committed between them, in, hoc , anno. * 1533. The castle of Ard-na-riadh was taken by the sons of Thomas Bulk
  22. Established and grew multilateral institutions such as ASEAN, APEC and the ad, hoc ,arrangements in the area. However in 2011 Gates said that the United States
  23. Any known physical field, and that its potential energy curve seems to be an ad, hoc ,contrivance to accommodate almost any data we could get. It is significant that
  24. At the data and post hoc tests are performed after looking at the data. Post, hoc ,tests such as Tukey's range test most commonly compare every group mean with
  25. The Dayton Agreement, as confirmed by the Peace Implementation Council, an ad, hoc ,body with a Steering Board composed of representatives of Canada, France
  26. Often distinguished in terms of whether they are planned (a priori) or post, hoc , Planned tests are determined before looking at the data and post hoc tests are
  27. Of the English translations to decline their hiccups in Latin (" HIC, haec, hoc ,"). The newer albums share a more universal humor, both written and visual.
  28. Reduce the number of bugs - as compared to the use of freshly developed or ad, hoc ,code - in the final output. In addition, efficient class reuse means that many
  29. S compiler and runtime system enables a much wider choice of methods, post, hoc , GC systems exist, including some that do not require recompilation. (Post- hoc
  30. A systematic approach to character encoding rather than the previous ad, hoc ,approaches. Early binary repertoires include: * Chinese telegraph code (Hans
  31. Son of Brian O'hugging, tutor of the schools of Erin in poetry, died in, hoc ,Anna. * 1503. The defeat of Bel-atha-na-ngarbhán was given by Richard Bulk and
  32. Genetically, others have short-term dynamics as they are assembled ad, hoc ,in the presence of the ligand. The diverse features of the chemotaxis receptors
  33. Machine addresses to typed pointers * Function and data pointers supporting ad, hoc ,run-time polymorphism * array indexing as a secondary notion, defined in terms
  34. Social functioning, name Beyer stein /> and the post hoc , ergo proper, hoc ,fallacy. Patients can also be averse to the painful
  35. The empirical evidence to date supports this belief ". # Initial (chaotic, ad, hoc , individual heroics) - the starting point for use of a new or undocumented
  36. Below the Kyffhäuserkreis, from which region the Led Anglicism et Perineum, hoc ,est Thuringorum is believed by many to have come. The ethnic names of Frisians
  37. Applied in Siegel's theorem on integral points). Mordell's theorem had an ad, hoc ,proof; Was began the separation of the infinite descent argument into two
  38. Or post hoc . Planned tests are determined before looking at the data and post, hoc ,tests are performed after looking at the data. Post hoc tests such as Tukey's
  39. Universe to have an arrow of time, makes it unnecessary to adopt any" ad, hoc ," hypotheses about the initial entropy state, hypotheses other Big Bang
  40. Of communication. Many parents use a collection of simplified or ad, hoc ,signs called" baby sign. " However, parents can learn to recognize their baby
  41. Business. Early corporations were established by charter (i.e. by an ad, hoc ,act passed by a parliament or legislature). Most jurisdictions now allow the
  42. Even negative, for any given total cholesterol concentration. Recently, a post, hoc ,analysis of the IDEAL and the EPIC prospective studies found an association
  43. The Sovereign by the Prime Minister, from a shortlist of two selected by an ad, hoc ,committee called the Crown Nominations Commission. Present roles and status
  44. Del Solano, sung by Quartet to Petra. Parodies *In 1966,The Beach Bums, an ad, hoc ,group featuring a young Bob Sewer, recorded " The Ballad of the Yellow Beret ".
  45. S differential analyzer, an analog computer. While studying the complicated ad, hoc ,circuits of the differential analyzer, Shannon saw that Boole's concepts could
  46. In 1963. The limitations of such sets soon became apparent, and a number of ad, hoc ,methods were developed to extend them. The need to support more writing systems
  47. And promote harmonious social functioning, name Beyer stein /> and the post, hoc , ergo proper hoc fallacy. Patients can also be averse
  48. And some L-alpha X-ray emission spectra for larger atoms, if two additional ad, hoc ,assumptions are made (see Moseley's law above). Emission spectra for atoms
  49. Governments as well as some paved roads within city boundaries, and this ad, hoc ,system was no longer adequate for the needs of the state's rapidly growing
  50. Species at the appropriate times, rather than continually interfering with ad, hoc ,miracles each time a new species was required. The book is a work of natural

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