Examples of the the word, enrichment , in a Sentence Context
The word ( enrichment ), is the 7920 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of which 50 kg was enriched to 88 %, and the remaining 14 kg at 50 %. With, enrichment ,averaging 82.68 %, it could reach about 2.5 critical masses. " Fat Man" and
- Of the law into property, contract,and tort (and to some extent unjust, enrichment ,) can be found in the civil law as well as in the common law. Propagation of
- Complex sentences (). It ends with a fervent prayer for the further spiritual, enrichment ,of the Ephesians. *. A description of the change in the spiritual position of
- The largest deposits of cesium are zone pegmatite orebodies formed by this, enrichment ,process. Because cesium does not substitute for potassium as readily as does
- This melting pot brought about, it can be argued that it similarly led to the, enrichment ,of the culinary art. As a result, dishes such as pasta, pizza,plenty (
- Greenhouses inject carbon dioxide into their environment to help growth (, enrichment ,), add lights to lengthen the day, or control vegetative growth, etc. Charity
- Is not recommended, as it is unreliable. Microscopy is preferred only after, enrichment , as this process reveals the characteristic motility of Vibrato and its
- Helps fulfill the intention of copyright law to stimulate creativity for the, enrichment ,of the public, or whether it aims to only" supersede the objects" of
- Cf. ‘ free constructions ’, Tauli 1977),along with other sources of lexical, enrichment ,such as derivations, compositions and loanwords (often from Finnish; cf.
- Land is also being carried out. The Malaysian government provide plans for the, enrichment ,of some 312.30 square kilometers (120.5 sq mi) of land with rattan under
- By-product, depleted boron, is nearly pure 11B. Commercial isotope, enrichment ,Because of its high neutron cross-section,boron-10 is often used to control
- Individually tailored re-socialization programs, behavior therapy, environment, enrichment , and on rare occasions psychiatric drugs. Socialization has been found to work
- Mass, it proved difficult to separate. Three methods were employed for uranium, enrichment ,: electromagnetic, gaseous and thermal. Most of this work was performed at Oak
- Octahedral sites in clay minerals, where 6Li is preferred to 7Li,resulting in, enrichment ,of the light isotope in processes of hyperfiltration and rock alteration. The
- Kipsigis were used as the electoral vote generators, but real development and, enrichment ,went to Tu gen and Kayo, though they are less educated and live in arid lands.
- Work options, economic independence, educational advancement, and cultural, enrichment , " Therefore, under Title II no person with a disability can be unjustly
- From the more plentiful isotope. Various methods were considered for uranium, enrichment , most of which was carried out at Oak Ridge. The most obvious technology, the
- Equator. Between the years of 1846 and 1877,the city went through a period of, enrichment , economic and infrastructural improvement. This included the export of cotton
- In nuclear reactors as a neutron-capturing substance. Several industrial-scale, enrichment ,processes have been developed, however only the fractionated vacuum
- Falls (and thus enrichment is related to mean latitude). The relative, enrichment ,of the heavy isotopes in rainwater (as referenced to mean ocean water),when
- Caducei Gaseous Diffusion Plant (the only domestic site of low grade uranium, enrichment ,), or from the 107,336 tons of coal extracted from the state's two coal fields
- At 22–25 percent, with Low Saxon making up about 15 percent. Ex Hilo lexical, enrichment ,Estonian language planners such as Ado Genistein (a journalist active in
- Being used as feed. Some product produced the next month reached nearly 7 %, enrichment , In August, the last of the 2,892 stages commenced operation. K-25 and K-27
- Clouds in the ISM, and the evolutionary processes of stars result in the steady, enrichment ,of the ISM with elements more massive than hydrogen and helium. Up to 95 % of
- Of the work in constructing" Little Boy" came in the form of the isotope, enrichment ,of the uranium necessary for the weapon. Enrichment at Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Nuclear reactor, and uranium processing facilities that include a uranium, enrichment ,plant. The Iranian Space Agency launched its first reconnaissance satellite
- In 2006. During a visit to Iran instigated by continued Iranian uranium, enrichment , Anna said" I think the tragedy of the Holocaust is an undeniable historical
- From the column that bears its weight, retaining its divisions and sculptural, enrichment , if any. Measurement The height of columns is calculated in terms of a ratio
- As minimum space requirements, enclosure design, nutrition,reproduction, enrichment ,and veterinary care are set to ensure the well-being of elephants in captivity.
- Otherwise criticality is impossible. Because they do not require uranium, enrichment , heavy water reactors are of concern in regard to nuclear proliferation. The
- Over policy by Central Canada which used the national structures for its own, enrichment , This was the central view of the Maritime Rights Movement of the 1920s,which
- Scandinavians resulted in a significant grammatical simplification and lexical, enrichment ,of the Anglo-Frisian core of English; the later Norman occupation led to the
- The quality of the product increased. By April 1945,K-25 had attained a 1.1 %, enrichment ,and the output of the S-50 thermal diffusion plant began being used as feed.
- Sources being bastnäsite, monazite, xenotime and separate. Depletion or, enrichment ,of europium in minerals relative to other rare earth elements is known as the
- Danger that the heart can’t pump it. In high-altitude conditions, only oxygen, enrichment ,can counteract the effects of hypoxia. By increasing the concentration of
- Campaign. Once in office, Callejas Romero gained a reputation for illicit, enrichment , and has been the subject of several scandals and accusations. It was during
- Suspected before. Urey was able to concentrate water to show partial, enrichment ,of deuterium. Gilbert Newton Lewis prepared the first samples of pure heavy
- Enriched in 11B (OH)3 and therefore may be responsible for the large 11B, enrichment , in seawater relative to both oceanic crust and continental crust; this
- Terrestrial ratios of the isotopes are lower by a factor of 100,mainly due to, enrichment ,of helium-4 stocks in the mantle by billions of years of alpha decay from
- Uranium, thorium,plutonium, and used LWR fuel. Given the expense of, enrichment , this can make fuel much cheaper. There is however an initial investment into
- Temperature of the region in which the precipitation falls (and thus, enrichment ,is related to mean latitude). The relative enrichment of the heavy isotopes in
- And ash dotting the region. Near the town of Village, site of a former uranium, enrichment ,plant, about 1,200 tons of uranium and about 750 tons of thorium had been
- To cover their wages, while the remainder of their labor is performed for the, enrichment ,of the capitalist. The LTV and the accompanying theory of exploitation became
- For more subsidies in a time of war. The practice soon led to price-fixing,the, enrichment ,of courtiers at the public's expense, and widespread resentment. This
- Intercourse, the wealth brought in business, especially sudden or unexpected, enrichment , travel, roads and crossroads, borders and boundary conditions or transient
- Germany in 1938. It was developed by US Navy scientists, but was not one of the, enrichment ,technologies initially selected for use in the Manhattan Project. This was
- Pope John Paul II repeatedly emphasized his respect for Eastern theology as an, enrichment ,for the whole Church, declaring that, even after the painful division between
- With only tiny traces of lithium, beryllium,and perhaps boron. Subsequent, enrichment ,of galactic halos occurred due to stellar nucleosynthesis and supernova
- Nearby galaxies that have evolved along similar lines have a corresponding, enrichment ,of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. The more distant galaxies are
- The merits of sending young Swiss men to fight in foreign wars mainly for the, enrichment ,of the cantonal authorities. These internal and external factors contributed to
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