Examples of the the word, honorable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honorable ), is the 7922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In English, the term mikado (御門 or 帝 or みかど),literally meaning" the, honorable ,gate" ( i.e. the gate of the imperial place, which indicates the person who
  2. One nation has not only refused to cooperate in the establishment of a just and, honorable ,peace but—even worse—has actively sought to prevent it. ” Members of the
  3. Drafted into the U. S. Army, serving for almost nine months before receiving an, honorable ,discharge. In the course of his brief military career, he rose to the rank of
  4. S legal community. Up to that point,Cleveland's political career had been, honorable ,but unremarkable. As biographer Allan Nevis wrote," probably no man in the
  5. Which, alas,I should never have left. I believed that in accepting the most, honorable ,position, but very difficult to fill, that of legislator, that a righteous
  6. Thinks it is a compound of the Egyptian words Abram and sax, meaning “ the, honorable ,and hallowed word,” or“ the word is adorable. ” *Samuel Sharpe finds in it an
  7. W. Wicker, his commanding officer at Camp Killer in New Jersey, gave him an, honorable ,separation from the Army. At McCarthy's encouragement," Who promoted Parts?
  8. Kentucky, where he served as a coach for army athletics until receiving an, honorable ,discharge in November 1944. While there, Robinson met an ex-player for the
  9. Take on marriage. " Finally, he wrote:" But Follies never makes fun of the, honorable ,musical tradition to which it belongs. The show and the score have a double
  10. Came into use, these bold shapes were set apart in a separate class as the ", honorable ,ordinaries ". They act as charges and are always written first in blazon.
  11. And riding, amongst other things. They were also trained to practice courteous, honorable ,behavior, which was considered extremely important. Chivalry (derived from
  12. The matter; and after all of this has been investigated in the presence of the, honorable ,chaplain, they have decided, with their consent, that the said Espinoza should
  13. Of and was later fined for crossing controlled airspace. Another notable, honorable ,mention was given to the two men who attempted to burgle the home of" hard man
  14. China unless it surrendered. While MacArthur felt total victory was the only, honorable ,outcome, Truman was more pessimistic about his chances once involved in a land
  15. At La Belle Alliance, he supposedly shouted in defiance to a call for their, honorable ,surrender:" The Old Guard dies but does not surrender! ", implying blind and
  16. Only to cut the position two years later" ), it has listed Cambridge as an, honorable ,mention as one of the best and was called by the magazine" Boston's Great
  17. Reputation Many general accounts of Kit Carson describe him as an outstanding, honorable ,person. Albert Richardson, who knew him personally in the 1850s,wrote that Kit
  18. To disband in 1869,stating that it was" being perverted from its original, honorable ,and patriotic purposes, becoming injurious instead of subservient to the public
  19. Those true to him, with a barbaric code of conduct that often marks him as more, honorable ,than the more sophisticated people he meets in his travels. Indeed, his
  20. 2 February 1958,Renton, Washington ). He was part. His father received an, honorable ,discharge from the U. S. Army on September 1,1945,and retrieved his eldest
  21. Is ... an imitation of the angels. Therefore, virginity is as much more, honorable ,than marriage, as the angel is higher than man. But why do I say angel? Christ
  22. Poem as a servant of Fear) says that if he had as noble a lineage and as an, honorable ,a seat as Fear, he would grind down Loki, and make all of his limbs lame. Loki
  23. Titles from 1972 to 1974,and after the A's left Kansas City under less than, honorable ,terms, a strong rivalry existed between the two teams during this period. This
  24. System in order to alleviate human suffering, as Canada does, is the only, honorable ,course. " Many commentators regard Seven Samurai as the ultimate expression of
  25. Of Post and Telegraphs, which at the time was under the direction of the, honorable ,Pietro Lava, explaining his wireless telegraph machine and asking for funding
  26. The Polish word MIS/misdo meaning bear, as no animal names were used to form, honorable ,Polish names among Polish nobility. The second most popular theory about the
  27. Moon declared:" In two and a half years the word 'Loonie' shall become an, honorable ,name, and we will have demonstrations and victory celebrations from coast to
  28. Carpet and interacts with the slothful but innocent Hitters and the brutish but, honorable ,Thither. *Doctor Omega (1906) by Arnold Galois. A crew of explorers from
  29. Fasts, as providing charity during Ramadan is regarded in Islam as especially, honorable , Following the last obligatory daily prayer (OSHA) special, optional Tarawa
  30. Aircrew Instructor of the Year ". Homer achieved the rank of captain before his, honorable ,discharge from active duty in 1995 and his acceptance of a Reserve Commission
  31. Of the subject, and urged him to try again. From 1743 to 1744,Rousseau had an, honorable ,but ill-paying post as a secretary to the Comte de Montaigue, the French
  32. While in the Air Force, Nesmith obtained a G. E. D. and was discharged under, honorable ,conditions in 1962. He enrolled in San Antonio College, a community college in
  33. Player. Special winners Each year, one award is selected as being much more ", honorable ," than the rest, and it is crowned as the" Darwin Award of the Year ". In 2007
  34. Great benefactors are seemingly unable to cause us to prepare to resume, honorable ,suicide (in progress) due to their definite self-control. Klingon:
  35. Tendency to describe him as either a vicious and ruthless person or a noble and, honorable ,cavalier. Representations in México there are few representations of
  36. He declared that" coexistence with Communists is neither possible nor, honorable ,nor desirable. Our long-term objective must be the eradication of Communism
  37. Include disco stations. Alternative and modern rock music has a long and, honorable ,radio tradition going back to DJs like Wolfman Jack and Alan Freed, and as a
  38. Decided not to call him" President of the United States" as this title has ", honorable ,connotations" which the character does not deserve. *Clem Weather by is a
  39. But misses the vocal cords. Hector, in his final moments, begs Achilles for an, honorable ,burial. However, Achilles replies that he will let dogs and vultures devour
  40. Temperament, proof against all strokes of fate, yet thoroughly respectable and, honorable , Early life and studies Golden was born in Venice in 1707,the son of
  41. Many contemporary commentators refuse to recognize the Waffen-SS as an, honorable ,military organization. Its units were involved in notorious incidents of
  42. Or fame; some have long life, others short. " Hard said:" Good horns and of, honorable ,race appoint good life; but those men that suffer evil fortunes are governed by
  43. Be derived from a standard at once invariable and universal, must be no less, honorable ,to the public council than conducive to the public convenience. ", but it was
  44. Dante still hoped late in life that he might be invited back to Florence on, honorable ,terms. For Dante, exile was nearly a form of death, stripping him of much of
  45. Ever revealed ... Healthy emotions tell every independent young man and every, honorable ,youth that the dirty and filth-covered vermin, the greatest bacteria carrier in
  46. Lemonade. " Costs has been alluded to in popular music. Arguably his most, honorable ,accomplishment was having his named mentioned in the Mac Are song "
  47. Riveting rhythmic drive" ) was often unappreciated. He nevertheless won an ", honorable ,mention" at the First International Frédéric Chopin Piano Competition in
  48. Rome, ostensibly to take over the governorship of eastern provinces – a sort of, honorable ,exile, but,he only sent his legate to Syria, while he himself remained at
  49. More so, because it sticks in the ear. " Robert Christian gave the album an, honorable ,mention () rating, and said that, musically,the album was comparable to "
  50. Certain as" Cetus Biggs of Biggs, Shy,& Stir - Cornfield Kounty's most, honorable ,law firm - where our motto is,'When in doubt, sue! '" He would advertise the

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