Examples of the the word, societal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( societal ), is the 7929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. West the Age of Enlightenment and the Scientific revolution brought about great, societal ,changes, Christianity was confronted with various forms of skepticism and with
  2. Work under a society to perform such a project. They would work alone to shed, societal ,conformities, and build a multitude of information on a desired subject with
  3. e. g., the dispute over Arianism. Constantine himself disliked the risks to, societal ,stability that religious disputes and controversies brought with them
  4. Rates of unintended pregnancy. " Some abortions are undergone as the result of, societal ,pressures. These might include the stigmatization of disabled people
  5. Encouraged by feminists and is seen as an important strategy for achieving full, societal ,commitment to gender equality. Many male feminists and pro-feminists are active
  6. Sued in actions at common law. These groups were usually based on existing, societal ,structures like villages, towns,parishes, and guilds. What is striking about
  7. Levels of internal and external violence, such as war or invasion; and, societal ,responses to internal and environmental problems. * Peter Urchin in his
  8. In the U. S., a post-WW2 tendency toward questioning the establishment and, societal ,norms and the early activism of the Civil Rights Movement was reflected in
  9. As" a galactic community of life forms, independent of age, sex,race or, societal ,orientation, which strives across borders for freedom of information ...." In
  10. Disco dead and rock revived. The anti-disco backlash, combined with other, societal ,and radio industry factors, changed the face of pop radio in the years
  11. Both how individuals conceive crime and how populations perceive it, based on, societal ,norms. Etymology The word crime is derived from the Latin root CERN, meaning "
  12. The two exist in a state known as diglossia, used side-by-side for different, societal ,functions. Many of the spoken varieties are mutually unintelligible, and the
  13. The Norsemen settled in Normandy and on the French Atlantic coast, and the, societal ,elite in medieval Russia among whom many were the descendants of Clarified
  14. Economies allow spontaneous order; that is," a more efficient allocation of, societal ,resources than any design could achieve. " According to this view, in market
  15. In which increasing conflicts result in either a fortress world or complete, societal ,breakdown; Conventional Worlds, in which market forces or Policy reform slowly
  16. Finnish Gypsies, like gypsies elsewhere, chose to live apart from the dominant, societal ,groups. A Gypsy's loyalty was to his or her family and to Gypsies in general.
  17. Variety of specific reasons, but generally most reforms aim at redressing some, societal ,ills, such as poverty-, gender-, or class-based inequities, or perceived
  18. S youngest university, a mono-faculty institution focusing on technical, societal ,and business aspects of information technology. There are also branches of both
  19. Ineffectiveness. Reforms are usually proposed by thinkers who aim to redress, societal ,ills or institute societal changes, most often through a change in the
  20. That folklore has many cultural aspects, such as allowing for escape from, societal ,consequences. In addition, folklore can also serve to validate a culture (
  21. Were portrayed as economic threats, supporters of Israel and the West, and, societal , hostility for the Baha'is increased. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979
  22. Numbers of civilian fatalities and cause severe disruption to economic and, societal ,infrastructure. Many countries, including signatories of the BWC, currently
  23. Biological differences between men and women's minds, and that cultural and, societal ,beliefs contribute to commonly perceived sex differences. Evolutionary biology
  24. And Charlotte Bronte, the Female Gothic permitted the introduction of feminine, societal ,and sexual desires into Gothic texts. The Medieval society, in which Gothic
  25. Forgiving and accepting him as a Christian brother? Some facets of Paul's, societal ,expectations can be seen in these verses. The German Protestant theologian
  26. Are usually proposed by thinkers who aim to redress societal ills or institute, societal ,changes, most often through a change in the education of the members of a class
  27. Few reliable sources exist regarding Celtic views towards gender divisions and, societal ,statues, though some archaeological evidence does suggest that their views
  28. Control over resources rather than directly in the resources themselves) over, societal ,gain. As such, it does not represent any gain but rather an unearned transfer
  29. Sabbatical year, pilgrim festivals: *Showtime, on Deuteronomy 16-21: Basic, societal ,structure for the Israelites: *I Tatra, on Deuteronomy 21-25: Miscellaneous
  30. And individualism in English society during that period; the resulting, societal ,pressures ultimately led to the Reform Act 1832. The problem which confounded
  31. Be described as being somewhat at odds with Roman and later Western European, societal ,norms. Strabo's account of the north of Spain in his Geographic makes a
  32. Husbands. The documentary Beauty in the Eyes of the Beheld explores both the, societal ,blessings and curses of female beauty through interviews of women considered
  33. Law. This may be done as an effort at self-protection, to uphold traditional, societal ,roles, or some other faulty, unethical or illegal prejudicial reasoning.
  34. Cause of terror is not the supernatural, but rather female disability and, societal ,horrors: rape, incest and the threatening control of the male antagonist. The
  35. And psychological dependency on the drug, and the negative familial and, societal ,impacts of the drug. They did not evaluate or rate the negative impact of
  36. Goods, reflective of the increasing power and wealth of the elite, as well as, societal ,personal-use items, which included combs, small statuary, painted pottery, high
  37. And has raised concerns that it reinforces, or even engenders, stereotypes, societal , prejudice and discrimination due to association with poverty, narcotics
  38. Result is a seamless, utterly consistent universe full of nasty notions about, societal ,deterioration, greed and other base impulses. " He praised the contributions of
  39. Which Ginsberg frequently blamed for the destruction of all those outside of, societal ,norms. Inspiration from mentors and idols Ginsberg's poetry was strongly
  40. An Advertisement Touching a Holy War, advocated the elimination of detrimental, societal ,elements by the English and compared this to the endeavors of Hercules while
  41. This was done in the Temple, which is an important part of the breaking of, societal ,norms. This is not an exhaustive list of the prophetic gestures found in the
  42. Knowledge out into and in from neighboring populations, and a creation of new, societal ,groups involving inter-marriage among communities and small groups moving to
  43. Discrimination against women. They have achieved some protections and, societal ,changes through sharing experiences, developing theory, and campaigning for
  44. Vicar it was the result of a dark psychological cycle of power, rebellion and, societal ,expectations. In Annie Finch's mythic epic poem and opera libretto Among the
  45. Privilege and consistently suppresses her desire for Li Mumbai due to certain, societal ,obligations. Long CAI of Duke University notes that the sword, Green Destiny
  46. The Conservative Movement thus appears to endorse the notion that changing, societal ,norms can supersede the proper application of galactic sources ". And maintains
  47. According to Novice, classificatory disputes are more often disputes about, societal ,values and where society is trying to go than they are about theory proper. For
  48. That antidepressant drugs reduce suicide risk. However, the conclusion that, societal ,suicide rate decreases are due to antidepressant prescription is unsupported
  49. Any moral or political responsibility for remedying whatever institutional or, societal ,flaw might be the actual source of the dissonance. Likewise, Roger Cohen, in an
  50. Her personality changes. Now influenced by her love of cats and free from any, societal ,or moral restraints, Selina returns home and designs a new costume, becoming

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