Examples of the the word, baggage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( baggage ), is the 7931 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Battle, which ended in the Helvetic’s retreat and the capture of most of their, baggage ,by the Romans. Leaving the largest part of their supplies behind, the Helvetic
  2. Believed to have been written by an English chaplain who was actually in the, baggage ,train, concludes that the attack happened at the start of the battle. ). Le
  3. Machine will be incorporated into the terminal's underground, baggage ,system, and the federal government will fund part of the system. According to
  4. And arrived at Port Moody at noon on July 4,1886. This train consisted of two, baggage ,cars, a mail car, one second-class coach, two immigrant sleepers, two
  5. Did nothing for her popularity in Christendom – as did the blame affixed to her, baggage , and the fact that her Aquitanian soldiers had marched at the front, and thus
  6. Idea, we are forced to reject or modify much of our current intellectual, baggage ,… " In the New York Review of Books, Stephen Jay Gould criticized Darwin's
  7. Agent in Waldo. On June 15, 1865,Union soldiers seized Davis' personal, baggage , together with some of the Confederate government's records, from the agent. A
  8. A piece of the crown that formed part of his helmet. The attack on the English, baggage ,train The only French success was an attack on the lightly protected English
  9. Seats, cycling computers with GPS, locks,bar tape, fenders (mud-guards), baggage , racks, baggage carriers and pannier bags, water bottles and bottle cages. For
  10. Information may be stolen in transit, in taxis, at airport baggage counters, baggage ,carousels, on trains and so on. The Internet The rise of the internet and
  11. Will be transported 'comfortably and quickly' on one ticket and with automatic, baggage ,transfer via Insular hubs in Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Due to this agreement
  12. The doctors would look at the immigrants as they climbed the stairs from the, baggage ,area to the Great Hall. Immigrants' behavior would be studied for difficulties
  13. The rare model RDC-4 (which consisted of a mail section at one end and a, baggage ,section at the other end with no formal passenger section). On April 24, 1955
  14. Facing south, stretching from Offs to Mont St André, floundered amongst the, baggage ,and tents of the French camp carelessly left there after the initial deployment
  15. The Esperanto community, many viewed its Esperanto-like features as unnecessary, baggage ,and moved on to more naturalistic projects. Those who approved of them tended
  16. In a nearby village. He was then smuggled across the U. S. border, hidden in a, baggage ,car by sympathetic railway workers. Madero set up shop in San Antonio, Texas
  17. Compared to intercity trains, they have less space, fewer amenities and limited, baggage ,areas. Multiple unit type Commuter rail trains are usually composed of multiple
  18. Created by Bermudian artisan Chesley Trout is on display at the airport's, baggage ,claim area. Local artwork may also be viewed at several galleries around the
  19. Flight),more personal space (free middle seat),priority boarding, extra, baggage , allowance,250 % Flying Blue miles and fully flexible booking. Economy Class
  20. Quitter in the U. S.),I guess (famously criticized by H. W. Fowler), baggage , hit (a place),and the adverbs overly and presently (" currently" ). Some
  21. Will include the renovation of aircraft piers and the arrivals' forecourt. A new, baggage ,system connecting to Terminal 5 (for British Airways connections) is
  22. Year. In 2010,modernization efforts resulted in additional space for inline, baggage ,screening, three large alliance-aligned lounges plus one unaligned lounge (to
  23. Is currently under construction. In addition to the baggage system,the, baggage ,claim hall is also set to undergo changes with dedicated A380 belts and an
  24. Who literally knocked down trees in his path, and by his army's extensive, baggage ,train. A detachment sent out to seize supplies was decisively defeated in the
  25. Group of mountains," from her Berg," mountain" * was Repack," luggage, baggage ," from her Pack," pack, bundle,pile" * was Refuge," poultry, fowl (birds
  26. Earths, gave the company an opportunity to realign and jettison some ", baggage ," of its history, address " errors" in the characters' long histories and -
  27. Two flags, two pension plans, associated states, Two Nations and all the other, baggage ,of political dualism was ushering Quebec out of Confederation on the installment
  28. Dangerous totem animal tamed by St. Ukrainian and made to carry his civilized, baggage ,over the mountains. A bear also features prominently in the legend of St.
  29. Famous events of his long reign occurred. The Basques fell on his rearguard and, baggage ,train, utterly destroying it. The Battle of Roncevaux Pass, less a battle than
  30. Radiation. Examples of CDRH-regulated devices include cellular phones, airport, baggage , screening equipment, television receivers, microwave ovens, tanning booths, and
  31. Even for the reduced numbers that Furger-Gunti uses for his calculations,the, baggage ,train would have stretched for at least 40 km, perhaps even as far as 100 km.
  32. Not prepared to receive) all the things we have wrapped up with it as extra, baggage , " The church and blacks During and after the American Civil Rights Movement
  33. Train The only French success was an attack on the lightly protected English, baggage ,train, with Smart d'Agincourt (leading a few men-at-arms and
  34. Often signify a collective. Sometimes the relationship is easily recognizable:, baggage , drainage, blockade. However, even though the etymology is plain to see, the
  35. Air conditioning and electrical systems, along with new elevators, escalators, baggage , carousels,and a digital sign that will automatically update flight information
  36. Something that could be easily memorized but without any previous cognitive “, baggage ,” attached. For these purposes he used something that would later be called “
  37. In hotel rooms. Information may be stolen in transit, in taxis, at airport, baggage ,counters, baggage carousels, on trains and so on. The Internet The rise of the
  38. East Hall, where all passengers must disembark for immigration, customs,and, baggage ,claim. Operation of the first segment was commenced in 1998,and the operation
  39. Airways connections) is currently under construction. In addition to the, baggage ,system, the baggage claim hall is also set to undergo changes with dedicated
  40. Persians when fighting Lydia, although the Persians usually used camels in, baggage ,trains for arrows and equipment. 19th and 20th centuries *The United States
  41. Lounges, as well as new security screening, customs and immigration, and, baggage , claim facilities. The terminal's existing two concourses will be demolished
  42. Computers with GPS, locks,bar tape, fenders (mud-guards), baggage racks, baggage ,carriers and pannier bags, water bottles and bottle cages. For basic
  43. Of this book, as a matter of convenience, knowing full well the cultural, baggage ,that comes with it ". The so-called" marketing" or" show-business" creation
  44. The king returned west but is said to have lost a significant part of his, baggage ,train along the way. Roger of Wend over provides the most graphic account of
  45. Two new stands to accommodate the Airbus A380 have been constructed, and a new, baggage ,system installed. Terminal 5 Terminal 5 lies between the northern and southern
  46. Even after the allied Protestant Saxon army had been routed and fled with the, baggage ,train. * April 1632. At the Battle of Lech, Gustavus Adolphus defeats Tilly
  47. Movies also allowed for a new youth culture to follow without such ideological, baggage ,as" becoming western. " Bollywood is also popular among Somalis and the Somali
  48. Caesar’s specifications can at least be doubted by looking at the size of the, baggage ,train that an exodus of 368,000 people would have required: Even for the
  49. Almost destroying the French army, forcing them to abandon all their, baggage ,and supplies and all but one of their 138 guns. Still, he had to be very
  50. To the other. Or that when they climb on the train in one shot and enter the, baggage ,car (a set) in the next, the audience believes they are on the same train.

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