Examples of the the word, cruelty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cruelty ), is the 7916 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2007 # Cubes and Punishment — 2007; a collection of comic strips on workplace, cruelty , # This is the Part Where You Pretend to Add Value — March 26, 2007 to January
  2. Is, by that act, defined as a cruel person. Furthermore, by this action of, cruelty ,such persons are themselves responsible for their new identity (a cruel person
  3. The family estate, and England itself, for places unknown. But Barry's public, cruelty ,loses him all the powerful friends in high society he has worked so hard to
  4. Parts of Indonesia were quite cruel. Recent discussions, for example, of Dutch, cruelty ,in Ace have encouraged renewed research on these aspects of Dutch rule. It was
  5. 2003,no convictions had been attained under the law. Hungary Violent action, cruelty , and coercion by threat made on the basis of the victim's actual or perceived
  6. Responded," Until this moment, Senator,I think I never really gauged your, cruelty ,or your recklessness ..." When McCarthy resumed his attack, Welch interrupted
  7. Chaucer's own sentiments: that is, the Prioress is seen as a hypocrite whose, cruelty ,and bigotry belies her conventionally pious pose — a situation typical of the
  8. Impulse control, encouraging obedience to God, improving health, reducing, cruelty , to animals and preserving the distinctness of the Jewish community. Name "
  9. Involve aggressive, physical and visual action, including harmless or painless, cruelty ,and violence, horseplay,and often vulgar sight gags. Slapstick often required
  10. Slums; are, wherever there is malnutrition, wherever there is exploitation and, cruelty , "" 'You keep your savages in the far place Bob; we are going after the
  11. God and how God dealt with those Assyrians in punishment according to" their, cruelty ," (Nahum 3:19). The Assyrians had been used as God's" rod of ... anger, and
  12. For the Victorian era with its depiction of scenes of mental and physical, cruelty ,and approach to divorce. The consequence was that Charlotte's novels, along
  13. He mentions that he found Lenin rather disappointing, sensing an" impish, cruelty ," in him and comparing him to" an opinionated professor ". He also cruised
  14. To hasten Caligula's accession. According to Suetonius, he was known for his, cruelty ,and debauchery through his perversion on the island of Capri where he forced
  15. Breed oppression, dictatorships breed servility, dictatorships breed, cruelty ,; more loathsome still is the fact that they breed idiocy. Bellboys babbling
  16. Were displaced from power in a civil war brought about by the insanity and, cruelty ,of King Aeries II (called" the Mad King" ). Lyanna Stark, daughter of Lord
  17. That" human depravity is such that men will attempt to justify their own, cruelty ,by accusing their victims of being lower than human. " It has also been argued
  18. Mate in 1766. After a short time in this business, he became disgusted with the, cruelty ,in the slave trade, and in 1768 he abandoned his prestigious position on the
  19. Of comfort for Israel, Judah,and others who had experienced the" endless, cruelty ," (3:19) of the Assyrians. " The prophet Jonah shows us where God shows
  20. The next year,367 BC, was initiated by a specimen of Alexander's treacherous, cruelty , in the massacre of the citizens of Sousa; and also by another expedition of
  21. De jure discrimination, or Jim Crow. They would often be the victims of extreme, cruelty ,and violence, sometimes resulting in deaths: by the post WWII era, African
  22. Reign of Macedonia. Andriscus's brief reign over Macedonia was marked by, cruelty ,and extortion. After this Macedonia was formally reduced to a Roman province.
  23. For Prometheus' plight. Prometheus meets Io, a fellow victim of Zeus ', cruelty ,; and prophesies her future travels, revealing that one of her descendants will
  24. Similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised concerns about animal, cruelty ,and the health effects of the antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemicals
  25. Injury has been aggravated by the wrongdoer's behavior, for example, their, cruelty , Restitutionary or disgorgement damages In certain areas of the law another
  26. Of Futurism, Marinetti declared that" Art ... can be nothing but violence, cruelty , and injustice. " Since that text proclaims the unity of life and art
  27. He was a born leader of mercenaries, and,although he did not shrink from, cruelty ,to gain his ends, he afterwards showed himself a mild and popular" tyrant. "
  28. Black comedy, or dark comedy, is a type of comedy film that often uses, cruelty ,as the source of humor. Most black comedies involve crime or other intense
  29. Of neglect, misrule and repression. It was an epic of English colonial, cruelty ,and inadequacy. For the landless cabin dwellers it meant emigration or
  30. Kate Quinn where Domitian's skills as an emperor are tarnished by his personal, cruelty ,and suspicion towards those around him. * Roman Hell (2010),a historical
  31. Are ever erect in pride. Though they live in the form of men, they have the, cruelty ,of wild beasts. " Society and culture The Huns kept herds of cattle, horses
  32. Heeded the warning. You continued to harm our brothers and murder them in wild, cruelty , Therefore, soldiers of the National Military Organization will go on the attack
  33. Be esteemed less than the most notable captain. Nevertheless, his barbarous, cruelty ,and inhumanity with infinite wickednesses do not permit him to be celebrated
  34. To eat the body of a dead man. They treated their captives with great, cruelty , They broke their legs to prevent them from attempting to escape before being
  35. Were able to keep a distinguishing barrier between art and politics. Poetry and, cruelty ,of life were harmonically combined in the works that Victoria De Sica wrote and
  36. Mentions that the emir treated many of his early friends, such as Bear, with, cruelty , He put some of his main supporters to death, exiled others, and reduced the
  37. Protest, especially from nationalists and families of the prisoners, claiming, cruelty , of separating family members from the insurgents. Much of the protest against
  38. That year. The film is still lauded today for its audacity in depicting the, cruelty ,of the Stalinist regime, as many artists feared persecution during that time.
  39. Observers commented on Shostakovich's extreme nervousness and Stravinsky's ", cruelty ," to him. ) Many commentators have noted the disjunction between the
  40. Voiced his or her" personal woes in a world of harsh reality: a lost love,the, cruelty ,of police officers, oppression at the hands of white folk, and hard times. "
  41. Exercise of his personal authority was too often stained by acts of unnecessary, cruelty , He held open courts for the receipt of petitioners and the dispensation of
  42. Nearly similar pejorative connotations, though despot and tyrant tend to stress, cruelty ,and even enjoyment therefrom, while dictator tends to imply more harshness or
  43. Hannah report writes:: The conquest of the village was carried out with great, cruelty , Whole families – women, old people, children – were killed. ... Some of the
  44. Was succeeded by his nephew Gunthamund (reigned 484–496),and because of his, cruelty ,was little mourned by either the Vandals or their subjects. Towards the end of
  45. Most notably Vitellozzo Vitally and the Rossini brothers, fearing Cesare's, cruelty , set up a plot against him. Guidobaldo the Montenegro and Giovanni Maria the
  46. Are much the same, with a magical culture characterized by barrenness, cruelty , death and postmortem horrors. Average is Smith's version of pre-modern
  47. During the first two years of his rule. After this, the sources focus upon his, cruelty , extravagance, and sexual perversity, presenting him as an insane tyrant. While
  48. Persist in such evil courses. Churchmen were appalled by the ruthlessness and, cruelty , The Church's support for the Free State aroused bitter hostility among some
  49. Heather McNamara (Lianne Fall). These three rule Westerberg through, cruelty ,; though they are the most" popular" students, the Heather's are feared and
  50. An exciting discovery; his atheism confirmed my own belief that the horrific, cruelty ,of the Old Testament was degrading to the human spirit. ” Other controversies

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