Examples of the the word, anticipation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anticipation ), is the 7924 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Party interviewed the singer for his London Weekend Television talk show in, anticipation ,of the album's supporting tour. Shortly before the satellite-linked interview
  2. Their ship first. The lieutenant had kept many of his men below deck and in, anticipation ,of being boarded told them to prepare for close fighting. Teach watched as the
  3. Division supported by two Italian divisions. This thrust was to be minor, in, anticipation , of Rommel receiving the 15th Panzer Division in May. The British, who had been
  4. By uncertainty. With Villeroy shadowing Marlborough's every move, Dutch, anticipation , of an immediate French counter-offensive against their weakened position in the
  5. Day, the Eastern Orthodox Church practices the 40-day Nativity Fast in, anticipation ,of the birth of Jesus, while much of Western Christianity celebrates four weeks
  6. Critical acclaim and popularity The development of Doom was surrounded by much, anticipation , The large number of posts in Internet newsgroups about Doom led to the
  7. Opera, a completely new synthesis of poetry and music that was an 18th-century, anticipation , of the ideals of Richard Wagner. He also created a sacred cantata Le Judgement
  8. In the rooms of the newspaper Die Tageszeitung by Was Holland and others in, anticipation ,of the prominent role that information technology would play in the way people
  9. Unexpectedly he survived leaving Roy and Hayley fearing for their lives in, anticipation ,of what he might do. After overhearing Hayley telling Maria that he had killed
  10. Of supply and demand as applied to wage, rents,profit a valid and valuable, anticipation ,of the general equilibrium modeling of Walrus a century later. Smith's
  11. Planned for September 2011. Many new political parties have formed in, anticipation ,of running candidates in the election. Below the national level, authority is
  12. Use euro as part of the French Republic. European Monetary Union In 1998,in, anticipation ,of Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, the Council of the
  13. The positioning and stance of the snapper as one of several" line" players in, anticipation ,of the snap. For a handed snap, the snapper will usually have his head up
  14. Results claim 1,015,000 residents, although this most likely was inflated in, anticipation ,for the December election. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2002/18181.htm
  15. At that time introduced some harmonization into their national patent laws in, anticipation ,of the entry in force of the CPC. A more substantive harmonization took place
  16. The story; his injured leg had to be amputated, and he dies shortly after. In, anticipation ,of Kemmerich's imminent death, Müller was eager to get his boots. While in the
  17. Is an homage to the music of Gerry Anderson's UFO, composed by Barry Gray. In, anticipation ,to the broadcast of the second season, a new manga series was published.
  18. Predicted that there would be a World Series in Sportsman's Park by 1926. In, anticipation , he increased the capacity of his ballpark from 18,000 to 30,000. Ball was
  19. Or alarms) while actors walk on-stage, deliver their lines, and exit. To build, anticipation ,for the duel, Shakespeare requests more alarms after Richard's councillor
  20. Omnipresence, omniliberty, aseity and infinite love. Messianic, anticipation ,in the book In Chapter nine, Job recognizes the chasm that exists between him
  21. Was replenished with organic life. It is possible to see this theory as an, anticipation ,of Darwin's theory of natural selection, although Empedocles was not trying to
  22. In an traditional gesture and as a sign of Grant's respect and, anticipation ,of peacefully restoring Confederate states to the Union, Lee was permitted to
  23. Commonly tightened the musculature of the upper torso as he had done, in, anticipation , of many other activities besides speech. Alexander believed his work could be
  24. In 1976 to manage a surplus in state petroleum revenues from oil, largely in, anticipation ,of same from the recently constructed Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. The fund
  25. Person as the witness of 16:19. This verse in particular is often seen as an, anticipation ,of Christianity. Degree notes that it has been suggested that verses 25 and 26
  26. Crusade, or the fifth season, were it to be given the green light. Visuals In, anticipation ,of future HDTV broadcasts and Laser disc releases, rather than the usual | date
  27. Now support many or all of the new features of C99. C1X In 2007,work began in, anticipation ,of another revision of the C standard, informally called" C1X ". The C
  28. century's major statements on the scientific method, which is a striking, anticipation ,of the idea popularized by Karl Popper that scientific theories are
  29. Run by Constantin Hegel. They planned to perfect their French and German in, anticipation ,of opening their school. Nine of Emily's French essays survive from this
  30. This is an example of Gresham's Law. In fact, the United States Mint, in, anticipation , of this practice, implemented new interim rules on December 14, 2006,subject
  31. Fisk to technically end his career with the Red Sox. After that, with the, anticipation ,that there might be other former Red Sox players who would be denied the chance
  32. X version has languished since then, but the server remains up and running. In, anticipation ,of PlayStation's launch Sony Interactive Studios America had made the decision
  33. Distinguish two classes of behavior: the terminal response, which occurred in, anticipation ,of food, and interim responses, that occurred earlier in the interfood interval
  34. In Planetary (in both magazine and book appearances) also suggests, anticipation ,of the terrorist uses of poison gases. The beginning of the story the Skylark
  35. Bought by New York City in 1888,while land was still open and inexpensive, in, anticipation , of future needs and future pressures for development. Some acquired land
  36. The action, developing the background and motivations for the characters in, anticipation ,of the battle. Shakespeare's account of the battle was mostly based on
  37. Seven additional Maps, to produce a form of proportional representation. In, anticipation ,of rising passenger numbers, the airport operator BAA outlined a draft
  38. Summer of 1573 Oxford made plans to travel abroad. In a document prepared in, anticipation ,of his foreign travel, he estimated his current debts to be £6000. For reasons
  39. At an extreme angle. His return of serve, baseline game, and keen sense of, anticipation ,were among the best in the game, and helped him win the Wimbledon title in
  40. A change in direction for the franchise, as they became a buyer all over in, anticipation ,of a higher payroll and more revenue. The Marlins brought in several reliefs
  41. Asian competition with the expiration of the Multi-Fiber Agreement in 2005. In, anticipation ,of the declines in the apparel sector's competitiveness, the previous
  42. Pennant led to owner Bill DeWitt's selling off-key components of the team, in, anticipation , of relocating the franchise. After the 1965 season he executed what may be the
  43. Vector bundle savant la letter) Riemann–Rock theorem from 1938 was a very early, anticipation ,of later ideas such as module spaces of bundles. The Was conjecture on
  44. Her heart — rather, he has withdrawn it. St. Theresa's face reflects not the, anticipation ,of ecstasy, but her current fulfillment. This is widely considered the genius
  45. Trait anxiety reflects a stable tendency to respond with state anxiety in the, anticipation ,of threatening situations. It is closely related to the personality trait of
  46. That Able Seller was once a skeptic, and J. E. Littlewood always was). In, anticipation ,of its eventual proof, some have proceeded to develop further proofs which are
  47. Occurs when speculators note the fast increase in value and decide to buy in, anticipation ,of further rises, rather than because the shares are undervalued. Typically
  48. The label is of course anachronistic... Treating Wollstonecraft’s thought as an, anticipation ,of nineteenth and twentieth-century feminist argument has meant sacrificing or
  49. And had refused to publish the work. The church's archivist, fired in, anticipation ,of the book's publication, wrote to branch churches to inform them of the book
  50. In the West. Some cavalry were retained as mounted troops behind the lines in, anticipation ,of a penetration of the opposing trenches that it seemed would never come.

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